Phoenix Rebirth : The Unruly Empress

Chapter 77 - Trouble Maker (3)

As Yu Ronglou walked inside the Academy, she didn't know that she had been under someone's attention.

A young man who was sitting on top of a tree was looking at her way. Yu Ronglou had passed underneath the tree that he was in. As she past absentmindedly, she was murmuring all sorts of food that she smelled in the air.

This young man was actually trying to nap while contemplating his next actions when this girl caught his attention. Not because of her random mumbling but because of her face. He smirked as he noticed the fake mask on her face. It was so thin that no one would be able to see it. Too bad, he wasn't one of those idiots. He was proficient on masks as he was using one right now. Since he was bored, he decided to check this girl out.

As she walked, he noticed that she kept looking left and right. As if she didn't know where to go. Now that he thought about it, he had never seen this girl before. He had been staying in the Academy for 2 years now. It was actually time for him to leave soon. It wouldn't hurt playing at this girl before leaving, he thought.

While Yu Ronglou stood in the middle of the road between heading towards the training ground and the main hall, She noticed a presence behind her. She looked back and saw a young man standing not far away. He was staring at her intently. Slowly, his mouth curled up in acknowledgment. Yu Ronglou's brows furrowed. She felt that she had seen those eyes before and yet, she couldn't put her finger on it. She didn't feel any ill intent from the young man and so she just shrugs it off and wave to him.

By the looks of it, he looks handsome and representable. It wouldn't hurt to make new friends, she thought. Plus, who could resist those smiles? She had a straight-minded goal.

1) She wanted to flirt to all the men that caught her attention. This young man definitely caught her attention. There was something about him that felt familiar to her.

2) She wanted to find love and get rid of this curse virginity of hers! Of course, although she plans to flirt a lot, she wanted to reserve her purity to her lover. If she ever finds one who would love her to death, that is.

3) She wanted to do something with her prophecy. If ever she won't be able to find a lover, then she'll try not to marry. Maybe collecting her own harem wouldn't be bad. She giggled at her own thoughts.

4) Run as far away as possible from Xu Fengxin. Every time she was near him, she felt like she would surrender herself again to him. She couldn't let this happen. Not in this lifetime!

As she was preoccupied with her thoughts, the young man arrived in front of her. Yu Ronglou looked at the man in front of her. After a couple of seconds, recognition flashed on her eyes. The young man was taken aback and almost step backward. Her gaze was definitely someone that knew his real identity. No wonder he felt a pull towards her. Did they meet before?

"Fang Jing?" Yu Ronglou asked softly. There was joy and happiness in her eyes. She smiled at him as if greeting someone's love one.

Fang Jing brow's furrowed. So she did knew him. "Who are you?"

Yu Ronglou smile faltered. She then frowns and looked at the ground. Her eyes slightly got moistened. Seeing her frown, Fang Jing's heart trembled. As if hating to see her sadness. He couldn't understand what he was feeling but he was always the in-that-moment kind of guy. He does whatever his mind says and so he lifted her chin up to see her face. His other hand wipes the tears on her eyes.

"Don't cry. I'm sorry for not recognizing you. May I know your name?" Fang Jing felt a tug inside her heart. It hurt knowing that he was the reason for her sadness.

"I'm nobody." Yu Ronglou whispered. She then turned away and run.

Fang Jing almost ran after her but decided not to. His chest was tightening up. Can someone tell him why he was feeling that way to someone he just met?!