Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 985

"Hey, I\'m so tired! Who chose this place where the bird doesn\'t shit?" Complaints came from the gate of the hotel. The party got off the yacht picked up by the hotel and filed into the lobby. One of the beautiful women frowned.

"All right! Just get the money. What are you complaining about? Take a rest for two days and enjoy the sun. We\'ll be on board the next day. This performance is well paid. Don\'t screw it up." A man dressed in fancy clothes said.

"Hey, hu er, what they said is true? Two oil tankers in our country have been blown up? Won\'t it affect the oil price? I just bought this car." A woman twisted her waist to sit on the sofa in the hotel lobby and asked.

"Cut, two oil tankers can affect oil prices, and you look down on PetroChina too much. But I said, I don\'t mean that our national strength can deter these small countries? How can anyone be so bold that even oil tankers can blow up?" Let the garish man go through the formalities, and a group of women sit in the sofa area, which is humane.

"Who knows these national affairs? I just want to make money. Hey, do you know what guests will come this time?"

"The organizer is from Malaysia, and only the rich here."

"What do you know? The Chinese people in Southeast Asia are called rich. Climbing one is enough for you to spend your whole life."

"Is this your first time to come to this occasion? Sister, this kind of cruise party is usually held on the high seas. Our performances are just for fun, and there are many projects on it..."

"Like the feast of heaven and sea?" A young girl asked excitedly.

"Haitian feast! Why do you think of that! Of course it\'s different. This is a formal reception."

"In fact, it\'s also somewhat similar. There will be big bets and various entertainment items. However, don\'t think so well. We\'re just dancing. Didn\'t we see the people sitting in the first-class cabin with us? The famous actress of others is the main role."

"You mean Han Rui? I heard that she was abandoned by her Godfather. Now Xingtu is not very good."

"Godfather? Who?"

"It\'s president Zheng of Zheng\'s group!"

"Deserved it! Who called her a peerless appearance!"

"Hey, we are the same kind. You\'re sad that something hurts its kind, okay?"

"I\'m not. When I earn enough money, I\'ll go back to my hometown and find a good man to live a good life."

"Why did you go back to your childhood sweetheart? By the way, it\'s a special force! Nothing else, it will fully meet your needs!"

auzw. "What are you talking about? I won\'t tear your mouth!"

"Sister Li, help! I\'m not wrong! Make money on the old man, and spend money on the little white face. No, you should spend money on the little black face, but the special forces don\'t have much money!"

"Come on, stop it! Let people see jokes!" It\'s really a little strange for the two to fight together. The oldest woman in the group calmly shouted, and then secretly glanced at the men on the sofa on the other side of the lobby.

The tanker was bombed... This is really a big deal. Yang Zhao and he Li glanced at each other unconsciously, thinking of Shen Che\'s hurried task and what Mr. Guo said.

"I think Lu Yao should ask Cheng Cheng again..." He Li whispered.

Staring at a pair of big black circles, Cheng Cheng looked at Shen Che and said, "the backers of this matter have not been found out. Is it appropriate for them to come at this time?"

"Haven\'t you caught someone?" Shen Che pointed to a few photos of encircling and suppressing pirates on the table, Leaning on the sofa, holding his forehead in his hand, he said wearily, "I\'ve caught someone, and the top thought it should be over. Isn\'t it the Revenge of some ethnic fanatics on us? They think that this can\'t completely deny the cooperation sincerity of Southeast Asian countries. If we are frightened by such a thing, then blow up two more oil tankers, and our leaders don\'t have to go abroad."

Glancing up at Cheng Cheng\'s anger, Shen Che said faintly, "this is the original words, but this is also right. Anyway, it is our responsibility to remove obstacles and dangers. We can\'t stop the government\'s diplomacy just because we don\'t fulfill our responsibilities, right?"

"I see." Cheng Cheng was bored for a long time and found that he couldn\'t answer back at all. Weng said, "however, what\'s the matter with Gu Cheng leading the team this time?"

"People are from the security department. It\'s normal to lead a team here. Don\'t be used to people. Besides, we have to continue to track down the black hands. It\'s impossible for everyone to go. You take Han Yan and them on board and cooperate with Gu Cheng. The overall situation is important. Don\'t fight!" Shen Che got up and looked at the computer on the desk and clicked, frowning slightly.

"Am I such an ignorant person? Which time have I ever been wrong? It\'s always him who troubles me, okay!" Cheng Cheng murmured a few words with a dark face. Looking at Shen Che\'s face, he asked, "what\'s the matter?"

"It\'s all right. Anyway, you just take it easy. If this task can be successfully completed, your deputy office can also mention it. At that time, I will send you to Europe as you wish." Shen Che stopped his eyes on Shen Mei in the team list and said.

"That\'s what you said! Don\'t lie to me again!" Cheng Cheng immediately smiled happily, watching Shen Che wave his hand and exit his room wisely. He looked at the horizon dyed bright red by the sunset glow, hummed a song and walked to his room. As he walked, he took out his mobile phone and went to his secret mailbox.

Their mobile phones and computers can\'t be used at all, and they can\'t contact anyone outside. But now the task is completed. It\'s OK to see what intelligence and information they have without calling.

As soon as he opened the mailbox, he saw Lu Yao\'s special sign. Cheng Cheng was stunned. An idea flashed in his mind, don\'t you run into Lu Yao again?

Rubbed around, Cheng Cheng rushed back to Shen Che\'s room and let Shen Che\'s hand shake as he was typing. The message was sent out. Looking at the message he wrote about why Shen Mei would be in Gucheng\'s team, he sent it to other people. His face suddenly darkened like ink and shouted to Cheng Cheng, "what are you doing!"

"I\'ll borrow your computer and contact people. There\'s a confidentiality order, so I\'ll communicate with each other in front of you." Cheng Cheng stood at attention with a standard military posture.

Didi\'s few sounds, Shen Che opened the other party\'s reply, looking at it and saying: no! If you don\'t like others, I like her hard work! Shen Mei will be my Gu Cheng\'s man in the future! There are also a few crazy smiling faces behind.

Turn off the information and push the computer to Cheng Cheng\'s face. Shen Che said darkly, "you\'d better give me a good reason, or, hehe!"