Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 825

The grassland is full of small wild flowers of yellow, purple, white and blue until the horizon is generally paved. The mountains in the distance are covered with snow, and the blue sky and white clouds depress the sky.

The soil splashed on the petals, and the rapid sound of horses\' hoofs seemed to knock on people\'s hearts. At the end of the endless view, a dozen horses chased each other and galloped like lightning.

The costumes of Tibetan riders are very distinctive. Meng Su and the four of them are wearing long sleeved T-shirts, which are even more eye-catching in the hands of that group of riders. Far away, you can see that the color of Meng Su\'s clothes with silver streaks on a black background running in the front, followed by a Tibetan rider closely chasing each other, followed by Yang Zhao\'s bright red clothes, followed by two Tibetans, and then by He Li\'s blue Zhao Yinfeng\'s deep purple.

The audience at the finish line were all boiling up, shouting to cheer up the riders.

With strong winds, Meng Sufeng ran across the finish line, three horses ahead of the rider behind him. After the Tibetan rider rushed across the finish line, two horses behind him, Yang Zhao also rushed over.

In the loud cheers of the audience, the leading group of riders rushed across the finish line one after another, and the grassland was rejoicing again.

Although the competition is organized spontaneously, there are still prizes. The reputation belongs to the racecourse owner\'s Racecourse (if the race ranking is good, the value of the horse race will go up), and the prizes belong to Meng Su and others.

After ye Xi hurriedly read it, a drop of sweat fell from his forehead and heart. He leaned over and bit half of the yak meat Ling Qingyu had bitten into his mouth, swallowed it hard, and sobbed, "sister, you eat green vegetables!"

Ling Qingyu was stunned when he grabbed the meat from his mouth. He watched him move the meat and vegetables piled in front of her at the speed of piling them up again, and said plaintively, "eleven, no meat, not enough protein, not enough physical strength!"

Ye Shi\'s hand with the basin at one end stiffened, and hesitated to look at Yan Qi.

Yan Qi put a pot of butter tea in front of her and said, "well, drink this. This can supplement protein."

Seeing Ling Qingyu looking over pitifully with chopsticks, Yan San stretched out his hand and said, "bring it." After receiving the dish basin handed over by Ye Xi, Yan San said, "if you want to eat it, let\'s go to Pudacuo tomorrow and just walk."

Yes, you can lose meat if you walk!

Ling Qingyu narrowed her eyes with a smile and pinched the largest piece of yak meat with a chopstick.

Since you Pudacuo decided to walk, it was physical work. Seeing the cheerful atmosphere and seducing the two women to change, Yan San decisively took the women to leave first and left them to have fun.

The owner of the restaurant still remembers what he promised Ling Qingyu. As soon as they returned to the hotel, a boss specializing in clothing and jewelry came to the door and sent many original and exquisite Tibetan clothes and colorful headdresses and necklaces made of Red Coral Turquoise amber honey wax beads.

The four women suddenly forgot that they couldn\'t follow the crazy resentment together, and cheerfully compared and evaluated the clothes one by one, choosing what they liked.

The women chirped, and the boss was not in a hurry. He sat down by the fire pond below and chatted with Yan San. From time to time, he gave pertinent comments and suggestions to the women who wore clothes and came out for advice.

Yan San thought the boss was a Tibetan. After chatting, he realized that the boss was from Zhejiang. When he came to Shangri La 20 years ago, he fell in love with a Tibetan girl, so he stayed here and became a family. The Tibetan girl had good craftsmanship and made good clothes. The boss simply opened a shop in the ancient city, specializing in selling clothes and jewelry.

What he sells is street goods, but the real customers are local people, because his wife\'s family is originally making clothes and jewelry, which is very famous in the local area. After he joined, his business has been expanded. Basically, local people will come to him to order when they want to make costumes, and the jewelry that prepares a dowry for their daughter will also be customized here.

Tibetan jewelry is very exquisite, and every gem has its own saying. For example, turquoise symbolizes love, success, peace, wealth and auspiciousness, and Tianzhu is a good protector with Buddhist power.

The boss didn\'t recommend it either. He just talked about the implication of those gemstones, talked about the benefits of Tibetan clothes on the plateau, and then took men\'s Tibetan boots to show them.

In the end, the boss brought several boxes of things, and then took a bag of RMB and left.