Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 810

"I said, she took away a lot of money from us! Should it be enough now? Then we?" Shu Qifan said with a shy smile, "can we go?"

"What are you doing in such a hurry? It\'s not too late to wait until you get the money." President Peng held the hand holding the coffee cup with one hand and said with a smile, "besides, the money prepaid in your hospital has also been used up. Anyway, there is no place to go now. At least we have a friend. Why, the room provided for you free doesn\'t like it?"

"How, how." Shu Qifan smiled, glancing at President Peng\'s weak hand after three months, paused, and hurriedly looked back at the glass with white water in front of him, whose hands were still shaking.

In the past, these people were all kinds of fawning on him. They had to make an appointment and wait for time. When the treat was not handmade Blue Mountain coffee, he didn\'t drink it. But now, sitting in the coffee shop of this shabby little hotel, he didn\'t order a cup of coffee for ten yuan, but only gave him white water

He was the favored one of heaven. He was rich, powerful, talented and handsome. Everyone chased and flattered him.

However, now he has been driven out of the hospital and put under house arrest in such a broken place. He has to look at their faces every day and be careful to please them!

But three months... Three months ago, before signing the divorce with Ling Qingyu, everything was going well, and all the changes were after signing with Ling Qingyu!

Beaten, bitten back by the gang of hooligans, the villa at home is broken, and the company has problems

Mr. Peng is just a little weak in his hands. He will recover after a while, but he was broken by those hooligans. He was also cut off his tendons and tendons, and spent a lot of money. He can\'t even hold a glass of water in his hands, and he has to rely on crutches to walk. But the company\'s great prospects collapsed like this. Now he is penniless and has a lot of debt

And that woman! That woman!

That broom star woman!

"President Shu is really cruel. Your ex-wife has helped you a lot, and Fang Ziwei has also helped you a lot, hehe." President Peng sneered twice. One was directly expelled from the hospital by them after falling down in the Fang family, saying that their medical expenses were not enough, while the other, who had divorced, was dragged down by him

Shu Qifan smiled, and his hand, which had been rubbing the water cup, stopped, Biting path: "Mr. Peng, you just said that the sum of the money in the woman\'s account and the company\'s account is more than two hundred million. I know, I know, these are not enough for you, but I also told you that she has an apartment in Shanghai, a villa in Suzhou, and some assets of her family in Ningcheng. The place where her father buried and the mountain forest are all their families. The sum of these should exceed 300 million. I will give my full cooperation, you See if you can tell president Zuo, give me 20 million... "

President Peng raised his eyebrows fiercely, opened his eyes fiercely, and then laughed, "I still belittle you. Shuqifan, you really can do it. Do you want to take even your mother-in-law\'s pension money? We checked the villa in Suzhou you said. It\'s Ling Qingyu\'s mother\'s name. As for the land in Ningcheng, which is your father-in-law\'s cemetery, now belongs to a person named Yang Zhao. As for your mother-in-law\'s money, what name do you want to use to rob it?"

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At least it\'s a married couple, who actually wants to peel them off?

"Since you can use the money of that company in Jiaxing, you can naturally find a way to prove that her mother\'s money is the illegal income transferred from her." Shu Qifan smiled, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and said, "why should she talk about morality with her?"

"Yes, Mr. Peng, you don\'t know. At that time, we wanted to do a wind power project. There was a shortage of money, but it was only tens of millions. My father asked her to sell the house and land, get the money to turn it around, and then give it back to her. She was unwilling to say that it was the cemetery her father left for herself. What kind of cemetery is it? Now everyone goes to the cemetery. My father kindly found a good place for her father in Shanghai cemetery. Besides, her father didn\'t return it at that time Are you living well? But she didn\'t agree. She not only didn\'t agree, but also wanted to use the company\'s money to save her father\'s company. It\'s nice to say that it was to advance the money her father invested in the company that year. How can we agree? As you know, the money of our listed companies should be of real use. Where can we take it away? Besides, at that time, her father also said that the money was free for my brother to start a business. She also had that face and wanted to take it back! At that time, my brother was really unable to turn around, so I fell in love with Fang Ziwei. Fang Ziwei had chased my brother for seven or eight years. At that time, she tried her best to help my brother. The woman refused to take the money or help my brother. Unexpectedly, she still quarreled with my brother and chased him to the investor party he attended. She made a fool of my brother in front of so many investors, so that her child was gone, and she couldn\'t have a baby in the future, Can we still have such a woman in the Shu family? At that time, my father was kind enough to show her the way, saying that she could still be the daughter-in-law of the Shu family and the wife of her eldest brother. As long as she moved her father to a place and sold the land, all the money her father gave her was taken out and let her eldest brother operate the wind power project. Although the number was not large, it was her attitude. In this way, the Shu family would still keep her. If Fang Ziwei gave birth to a child in the future, The eldest brother and Fang Ziwei will get married in the United States, which will not affect her status in China, but she is more knowledgeable. She will stop making trouble with those contacts at a higher level. But you should also know the shameless things that the woman did. Otherwise, where did she get so much money? "

Looking at Shu Qiliang\'s deformed face, his face was full of indignation. Mo Xingzi flew around and said it very excitedly. President Peng\'s corners of his mouth twitched for a while. I\'ve seen shameless people, and I really haven\'t seen such shameless people.

Even he couldn\'t say these words. Compared with the lower limit, he was really ashamed.

What kind of person is uncle Shu? He knows very well, that is, he would rather lose the world than let the world lose him a little. Unexpectedly, these two sons are better than blue

There is a human like skin in the air, but it is inferior to animals

However, this is also good. As long as they bite Ling Qingyu, even if Ling Qingyu has more evidence, he will be skinned.

If you don\'t do it for yourself, heaven will destroy you. Our money is also hard-earned money.

Hehe laughed twice. Just as president Peng was about to speak, he heard his phone information ring a few times. As he picked up the phone, he said, "I don\'t know how much I can get now. You should also know that it\'s not easy to do this, and our cost is not small. How much money I can get in the end is uncertain."

"Mr. Peng is modest. We know the energy of you and Mr. Zuo and Mr. Zhu. I told you that Robert doesn\'t care about Ling Qingyu at all. He plays with Ling Qingyu and won\'t stand out for her. She doesn\'t have any other strong relationship. Those classmates and friends are investors. Where can you have a strong relationship?"

Shu Qifan spoke pleasantly. President Peng didn\'t listen to a word, but was stunned by the information on his mobile phone.

Ding\'s door rang, the door of the cafe was pushed open, and several men pushed the door in, and the shadow cast by their tall bodies covered the three people sitting in the corner.

Peng always looked up unconsciously.