Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 767

That person is not the supplier he has been dealing with, but a friend introduced by the supplier.

Private trading has been in Ruili for some years. Every time it is held in a very secret place, it is operated by local people and has its own purchase channels.

The venue of this time is the waterway, which is directly transported from Myanmar through primeval forests.

The supplier came to him and asked him to bring a friend into the fair, pay a certain amount of money, and then sell the raw stone. The organizer should draw 5 points, and there should be an acquaintance recommendation guarantee.

Bao Hong made their guarantee, and also helped to transport their stones in. If you go through other channels, you will be found in such a large amount.

Then, when he was helping, he found that the other person was not ordinary.

Their business is a high-risk and high-profit industry. He collects and sells raw materials. He will also take his armed men to escort, so he is no stranger to bodyguards.

But the other side brought too many bodyguards, too fierce.

He received such a piece of good material from others. Naturally, he wouldn\'t say anything. He just wanted to use this time to subdue Murray and let out a bad breath.

However, I didn\'t expect that the top jade came out today!

He has been in this business for more than ten years, and he has participated in private and public markets for many times. This is the first time he has seen Laokeng dragon seeds opened with his own eyes.

The value of this piece of jade is equivalent to his harvest of dancing on the tip of the knife over the years.

The organizer of this kind of Trade Fair is not vegetarian, the location is remote, and there are many bodyguards around, but how can these people withstand the people brought by the Burmese?

After seeing that the originally filled stones have been gradually emptied, Bao Hong\'s brain is in a fierce battle.

Their goods have basically been handled. If they show up at this time, it will not cause them much loss, but it can cause chaos.

In chaos, anything can happen.

As long as you do well, the other party won\'t know that he did it

The Dragon seed is full of green, the size of a child\'s head. It can make at least five pairs of bracelets and several pendants. If you can find a direct buyer, then

Plus what they opened earlier, his own piece, and the several raw stones in their bags, as long as he makes this order, he can stop doing this business and go straight to enjoy happiness.


What comes out of Baohong is a 50 kg piece of ice, which is fluorescent and green. According to the wholesale price of raw materials, it is between 1 million and 1.5 million kilograms, worth 50 million to 75 million.

What Murray came up with were 20 kilograms of dragon species leucorrhea, five kilograms of dragon species full of green, and ten kilograms of dragon species floating green. Not to mention leucorrhea, the wholesale price of light dragon species full of green was between 10 million and 20 million kilograms, and the lowest was 600 million kilograms.

Murray wins.

According to the rules and the agreement, Bao Hong\'s Jade also belongs to Murray.

The bamboo house was full of exclamation.

It is normal to produce such a top-level jade in the fair, but it is very rare to produce top-level jade in succession, not to mention the most rare Laokeng dragon species with green color. Although the price of this kind of jade is 10 million to 20 million kilograms, because it is too few, it is priced according to the gram, and one piece can set off a storm at the auction. Now I can actually witness it blooming from the stone, which is really a feast for the eyes.

Moreover, the price calculated here is only the wholesale price of raw materials. Once it enters the market by the hand of a senior engraver, it will at least double the price.

"Miss Mo! Sell me this jade and I\'ll pay 150 million! How about it?" Boss Kong, the largest emerald and jade owner in Guangdong, crowded around Murray and said excitedly. Such a good jade, but also so big, well carved, will certainly become a masterpiece handed down.

Mo Leilei handed the jade to Ying shisan and said with a smile to boss Kong, "this jade belongs to him."

Isn\'t this the man just now?

Before he could speak, ye Xi on one side took the jade from Ying thirteen\'s hand and said, "make jewelry for your wife, don\'t sell it!"

While Murray was still cleaning, Yan San asked Hu ye to buy two more boxes, took the jade from ye Xi\'s hand and directly put it into the box, and then handed the box to Ye Xi.

"I have the best master. Otherwise, I can carve it for you." Boss Kong kept staring at the jade until the box was covered and sighed.

"Don\'t worry, sir. Just leave a contact information." Ying shisan smiled and pointed to Bao Hong\'s jade, which had been held by the staff and was ready to be sent to them, and said, "that piece is for sale."

"Boss!" Bao Hong\'s men called softly and let them take it away? That\'s 50 million!

Bao Hong glanced darkly around the crowd surrounding Murray. Seeing that Yu had entered the box, those people sighed and gradually dispersed, continuing their adventure.

Some of them also strolled to the stall of Burmese people, and saw that the nervousness of those who looked at the stall had begun to ease, and their eyes were no longer fixed as before.

auzw. Bao Hong walked over. Www. 68mn.

"I\'ll go." Cheng Cheng put down the phone and said that Ruili is the largest jade trading market in Asia. If drug dealers hide drugs in jade bracelets

Ruili is full of jade bracelets

"Use jade to pack drugs?" Liu Dui was still in a daze. He didn\'t come to his senses until the ashes were burned. He hurriedly threw away his cigarette butts and said, "how much have they shipped in?"

"I don\'t know. He said that the Burmese\'s stones were almost finished. He thought it was wrong and blocked the view."

"Then, how many are there? Where have they been transported? How can we catch people without catching the scene and evidence?" Liu Dui hurried.

"If it\'s in a bracelet, how can it be transported out without being detected? I don\'t know how many jades Ruili sends to the country every day, and it\'s impossible to knock them off one by one." Shen Mei said nearby, looking at the faces of Cheng Cheng and Liu Dui, and asked, "is that person reliable? We can\'t seize all Ruili\'s jade shops just because of his word."

"I\'ll take someone to mori, and you\'ll take someone to the jade market, Liu Dui." glancing at Shen Mei, Cheng Cheng said coldly, "at the beginning of my arrest, there must be movement from the receiver there. We\'ve been so strict recently that they dare not keep the goods in Ruili for too long, and someone will pick them up." With that, he turned to Ruili\'s local anti drug police and said, "find that woman and catch her anyway."

As soon as the anti drug police turned red, they went to arrest people after receiving the news. They saw the woman\'s back in the small building, but they still let people run away.

Cheng Cheng led the team out, and team Liu followed him and said, "I\'d better go. Your injury didn\'t last long."

He was badly injured in Macao. This time, he just sneaked out of the hospital. Anyway, he can\'t go.

"I\'ll go." Standing in front of the car door, Cheng Cheng looked at Shen Mei standing on the steps and whispered, "Lu Yao has no obligation to help us, just because of my friendship with him, and you don\'t believe him."

"I didn\'t!" Liu team murmured that they were wronged.

"Keep your eyes on this side. I always think that Shen Mei is not quite right." Cheng Cheng whispered.

"His brain is wide open. He escaped only after a narrow escape, and he was almost tied up." Liu Dui looked at Shen Mei and whispered, "she doesn\'t know the situation. It\'s normal to have this doubt. Don\'t doubt people. I heard that Shen Mei\'s background is not simple..."

His muttering look is serious. They must rely on the local police force to handle the case from a distance. Shen Mei, who has become a hero among the local police officers, specially asked to go to the front line after graduating from the police school. When he came to the front line, he volunteered when he heard that he was going to send an undercover. A girl who just came out of school to be a mistress of a drug dealer, how to say, this sacrifice is big enough.

Although it is said that because of the arrival of Dongge, her mistress career ended within a month, and she didn\'t get much information, it is very difficult for a little girl.

Cheng Cheng was not listening to him at all. His eyes were fixed on the tour bus passing through the street, and several clues were intertwined in his mind.

"Lu Feng said that the woman worked in a travel agency, right?" Cheng Cheng interrupted Liu Dui\'s muttering and asked.

"Yes!" Liu Dui was stunned, and then he saw the bus passing through the street.

Lu Feng met a local beauty guide when traveling. Under what circumstances is jade bracelet the least noticeable? Tourists of tour groups buy in large scale and take it back!

"Be careful!" Team Liu patted Cheng on the shoulder, turned around and rushed back to the Bureau.

Looking at the photo sent by Ye Xi on the mobile phone, Lu Yao unconsciously tilted the corners of his mouth with the proud appearance of the woman, and gently stroked her lips with his fingers.

Although after so many years, the smell on her lips still lingered on his lips.

Didi Didi, the text message prompt sound came from the driver\'s pocket that fell on the driver\'s position. Lu Yao put away his mobile phone and took it out of his pocket.

Why haven\'t you arrived yet!

There were only a few words in the text message. Lu Yao turned to other records and threw his mobile phone back to the driver.

This is a new mobile phone. I\'m afraid I bought it just for this shipment, and I\'ll lose it when I use it up.

The car directly rushed into the dense forest next to it because of a burst tire. This road was originally very remote, few people walked, and no one knew about the accident.

The other party is also very precise in doing things. Disposable mobile phones and disposable Chang\'an trucks (3 in case of one thousand vehicles) pick up the goods at the dock and transport them out of Murray in the car of the fair, and then get off with people and stones, and wait for the car of the fair to leave before loading their own car.

Unfortunately, what they met was Yelu, who blew the tire directly, and then all the people knocked out, regardless of whether the stone was really valuable or not, so they cut it in the middle

How rude

"The goods behind them have landed." Night spirit rushed over from the woods and said.

"How much time is left?" Lu Yao took a submachine gun out of the car and threw the other one to Yelu.

After calculating in his heart, ye soul said, "a moment."

"Well, make it cleaner." Lu Yao\'s face suddenly changed before his voice fell.

Night soul turned around with a knife and a pistol and rushed into the dense forest.

From the deep forest, in the direction of the fair, there was a gunshot.