Perfect Supreme

Chapter 554

In the void, there is a small island floating in the island. There are wooden houses in the island, with flowers and plants, and the tranquility is like a paradise!

Among the flowers, the girl is fascinating, wearing a golden robes of purple, the graceful figure draws a seductive arc, and the white calf’s calf passes through the side of the robes, sometimes revealing, and the girl is now dripping.

This scene is very beautiful, and with all around the gray void, more like Immortal Realm!

“Brother Ling, you are back!”

Suddenly, the pretty face of the girl reveals a small dimple.

“Yeah, today’s harvest is good!”

Someone comes exactly Lin Ling, he raised the Lune Pouch said with a smile: “I found a mud!”

No matter how ruthless Lin Ling is in the day, how majestic is like the king, but here he is just a normal youngster!

“That Brother Ling’s Innate King Physique can be improved!” Youyou was happy for Lin Ling.

“Of course, I am more than you, the awakening is beyond the existence of King Physique!” Lin Ling shook his head, and this time, he already knows Youyou’s innate talent, that is beyond the existence of 10th Grade – Peacock Bright King!

Compared to Youyou, Lin Ling’s Innate King Physique is a bit weaker!

This makes Lin Ling sigh, Youyou is Huo Leiting who came back in the past, but I did not expect that Youyou’s origin is out of the ordinary!

“People are better than people, than the dead, I have tried my best to let Innate King Physique raise the level, and you will surpass me if you wake up, let no one live!” Lin Ling shook his head, let Youyou giggled: “Is Brother Ling yelling at me?”

Lin Ling knocked on her bright forehead: “You are my younger sister, you will not be jealous of you, you will be happy for you, and will always guard you!”

When the words fell, he strode to the wooden house.


Youyou smiled, she likes the youngster confident look, but then dissatisfied with the beating: “Who wants to be your younger sister, people are your bride!”

In the house, Lin Ling faintly smiled, although there are few people here, but he does not feel lonely, but he likes the days when they are together!

Of course, he couldn’t help but think about it, stole into the girl’s mortuary and wanted to steal something, but eventually he was driven out by the girl!

The girl said that now Tianji elder sister is still waiting for us outside, we are doing this here, it is too sorry Tianji elder sister!

In the end, Lin Ling can only touch his hands, and occasionally kiss the mouth and so on!

Put away the mind, Lin Ling takes out all kinds of materials.

“Senior spirit crystal hundred thousand, sun fine stone, chemical god mud, fire jade, fire poison fruit, these five materials, the same one is the most rare, so this time got two!”

Lin Ling keeps recalling that this pill refining is a big deal. A look at True Fire Dan is 7th Grade medicine pill, so he has to brew it!

Fortunately, Lin Ling’s Pill Dao has a solid foundation, plus the previous refining of 7th Grade medicine pill, so the pill refining is not very tight.


The flames burst out and rushed through. Lin Ling waved his hands and the various materials floated. He used the no-pill furnace refinement method!

Pā pā pa!

The flames burned and the huts were instantly turned into ashes. From a distance, only a blood red flame was burned!

I want to refining a True Fire Dan, it must be Vermilion Bird Flame refining!

Time passes slowly, one day, two days, three days!

On the third day, a crisp Vermilion Bird screamed and the flame converges. In the hands of Lin Ling, a blood red medicine pill appeared. This medicine pill is translucent, and a flame is clearly visible inside!

A glimpse of True Fire Dan!

A glimpse of the flame of Essence, Qi, Spirit, Lin Ling has four miles now, and if it reaches five, his flame formidable power will be greatly improved.

Without any hesitation, Lin Ling engulfed the medicine pill, and then the medicine pill entered the body. A hot feeling came to life, letting Lin Ling squint, he noticed that Essence, Qi, Spirit was tempering in flames!

The human Essence, Qi, Spirit is invisible and colorless, but the flame can still be burned. This True Fire Dan is very powerful. Then, Lin Ling began to feel exhausted, spirited and powerless.

“hold onto!”

Lin Ling forced the spirit of advancement. He knew that if he was not careful, he might have forgotten it.

In void, time is like an hourglass, and Youyou sees that flame every day, and my heart is extremely nervous. Finally, at a certain moment, the sound of a Vermilion Bird’s screams, the bloody red flame, the slender silhouette slowly came out!


Even Youyou noticed a sense of enthusiasm, and she suddenly smiled: “Success!”

“Five Fires, Burners’ Essence, Qi, Spirit, and 5th Grade’s Vermilion Bird Flame, if you meet Liu Renxing, his steel is true, I can burn to nothing!”

The calm voice floated out of Lin Ling’s mouth, his mouth slightly tilted, it was a confident smile!

For now, his only problem is how to get out of here!

. . . .

Among the voids, Lin Ling visually looks into the distance, Eye of Time appears, the birth of a day of swirling, and then the current stability, quietly appear!

This is a strange space. It was just a black spot when it was born. It constantly absorbed the power of the outside world and finally stabilized!

And this space is incessantly connected to the outside world, but the connection location is constantly changing, and the connection exit is very small, only a certain moment will appear a huge vortex, forcibly absorb foreign objects!

These are the Ling Ling learned from the other mouths of the swallowing soul!

So, Lin Ling wants to find the connection location and expand that location!

And if other devourers, it is impossible to do this, but Lin Ling has Eye of Time, can see through the endless years, the law of the swirling vortex of the day, so he only needs to calculate!

Time passed by, Lin Ling kept watching, but some tired, Youyou quietly appeared behind him, massaged his temples for him, let Lin Ling lightly smiled!

Later, Lin Ling renewed his concentration.

This process is boring, but Lin Ling is the most boring thing. Next, Lin Ling breaks down his own swallowing soul and turns it into a small swallowing soul.

“found it!”

Finally, Lin Ling laughed, and Youyou behind him smiled, and Lin Ling seemed to be successful!

Through the Eye of Time, I became familiar with the law of the whirlpool of the day, and then let the souls look around and finally find the connection point with the outside world.


Lin Ling took Youyou’s hand and stepped out in one step, just like a teleport, in the other direction, and there was a big bump in the fist, which is the connection point connecting the outside world!

“Swallow the soul, return!”

Lin Ling shouted in a low voice, suddenly the whole day swirled, and countless swallows flew like locusts, the vast scene even let the swallowing masters of each region suck in a cold breath, they thought it was here forever Can’t get out, but I didn’t expect that the new owner of the swallowing spirit was successful!


Lin Ling once again drank, countless swallowing souls hit the big spot of the fist.

He wants to expand the light spot, form a vortex, and then go out from the vortex!

Hōng lóng lóng !

The locust-like swallowing spirit is shot into the light spot, letting the light point expand a little bit, and in the process, a lot of swallowing souls are gone, these swallowing souls are Lin Ling’s Soul Force!

But Lin Ling has a firm gaze, and even if he runs out of all the swallowing spirits, he has to open the whirlpool!