Perfect Supreme

Chapter 546

“Knife of Silence!”


The knives of nothingness cut through the space, appearing in front of Liu Renxing at the speed of teleportation, and then go straight to the soul of Liu Renxing!

At the moment, Liu Renxing knew where Lin Ling still hides the lethal card. Under one mind, the soul was immediately shocked, and his face was pale, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out instantly!

“What, City Lord is hurt?”

And far away, the crowd looked at that scene, and it was difficult to breathe at once!

They thought that Lin Ling could be unbeaten in the hands of the City Lord. It was amazing, but who knows, Lin Ling actually has the power to incite the City Lord and hurt the City Lord!

Before the City Lord said, Lin Ling could never move him, but now Lin Ling’s knife of silence gave the City Lord a silent slap!

“Soul Force Attack!”

Liu Renxing was pale, but he was the powerhouse of King Spirit Realm Late Stage, and with the true meaning of steel, he barely resisted the knife of silence.

But in this way, he can’t escape the end of the soul collapse!

Great, he knows that he cares, the little trump hidden trump card is more than he imagined!

“Is it dead?”

A voice of self-question sounded in his heart.

“You can’t die!”

At this moment, a proud voice rang behind Liu Renxing, and then a huge “dry” word appeared, colliding with the knife of the silence, so that the knife of the silence was crumbling, and finally could not stop the resistance of the two powerhouses. , turned into ashes!

Liu Renxing was saved!


Lin Ling’s brows wrinkled and she was disappointed. Who is it?

Hōng lóng lóng !

At the moment, under the huge whirlpool of the sky, five mysterious silhouettes appear quietly. These people are very young, and they are wearing the brief robes of the Seven Profound Martial Palace, embroidered with a “moon” in the chest!

This is the Seven Profound Martial Palace moon-level discipline!

Most important, their cultivation base is all King Spirit Realm Late Stage, extremely terrifying!

“Is it saved?”

The city of Tiezhuo was even more silent. The crowds were dignified. Liu Renxing’s luck was very good. He was saved, and someone who comes with it seems to be extremely powerful!

“Lin Ling, your death is here!”

Under the silence, one of the young people finally lightly started talking. His eyes were only ruthlessly thin, and his words made the crowd tremble, and they came to kill Lin Ling!

Lin Ling trifling Just a youngster, actually exchanged so many powerhouses to obliterate!

“Seven Profound Martial Palace, moon-level discipline?hehe, I really can see my Lin Ling, I trifling a Heavenly Spirit Realm Peak’s discipline, and actually exchanged five King Spirit Realm masters to kill me!”

Lin Ling is also very surprised, but still coldly start to talk.

“Really, your face is very big, let us five people kill you, you are dead!” The young man who led the head was once again indifferent.

“who is it?”

Lin Ling didn’t have too much nonsense, just calmly asked.

The five men glanced at each other and then shook their heads faintly: “It’s fine to say it to you, anyway, you will die sooner or later, it’s the Taiyue Sister Senior Brother!”

Then one of them said again: “You intend to do it yourself, or wait for us to take action, let me say in advance, if we take action, you will die very painful!”

“I am sorry, there is no suicide word in my life dictionary!”

Lin Ling’s face is extremely cold, too lunar, and it is really him. After all, his gambling with Xu Fan is now, and there are swords and old children watching behind, so Xu Fan definitely does not dare to move himself!

But the Taiyue 斩 is not, the last time I lost face in front of myself, I can’t wait to kill myself as soon as possible, so where to care about the rules, it is directly to let people assassinate!

And if you die, as long as dead men tell no tales, then the sword is old and they can do nothing!

A good abacus for playing in the moon!

“Okay, there is strength, worthy can make the Taiyue 斩Senior Brother value you so much, rest assured, if you have said before, I will bring it to the Sisters of the Supreme Brothers, at least let the senior brother know that the enemy he wants to kill It’s not waste, there’s a bit of timidity!” The young man headed coldly.

They have already treated Lin Ling as a dead person, so if Lin Ling is begging for mercy, they will have no sense of accomplishment when they kill, but Lin Ling does not fear battle, which gives them an indescribable sense of superiority.

What is the meaning of killing mediocrity, to kill Martial Dao, the firm genius!

“Since you have to tell him, then he said to him by the way, if I don’t die, he will die forever!”

Lin Ling word by word paused and said, the sword in the hand is raised at the same time.

“The enemy of Lin Ling is really much, and one is stronger than one!”

The distant crowd sighed secretly, Lin Ling could not escape today, but unfortunately this genius, if it takes time, may be extraordinary!

“Help him, I promise you, as long as you help him, I will go back with you!”

Looking at Lin Ling surrounded by a large number of powerhouses, Youyou yelled at the mysterious old man, and Tian Ji was also making heavy fists with both hands. At this moment, she hated her strength too small and could not help youngster!

“That is what he himself is provoked. If you don’t have the strength, don’t provoke so many powerhouses, Youyou Lord. You can see this through this thing. This Heaven and Earth is finally powerhouses are respected, relying on others, not go tar far “Mysterious old man’s face is indifferent.

“You help or not help!” Youyou angry started talking.

“I said, this is his own provoke. And, Youyou Lord should throw away some weak existence, after all, you will be very strong in the future, like the youngster’s baggage, now throwing better!” Mysterious old man Once more said.

“I will never leave with you!” Youyou bite the silver word by word paused and said, let the mysterious old man body trembled, he wants Youyou to see the cruelty of reality, and then willingly go back with him, But looking at it now, the effect he wants does not seem to have reached!

The relationship between Youyou Lord and that youngster seems to be very good!

Help, or not?

If you help, I am afraid that Youyou can’t put up the youngster, but don’t help, Youyou doesn’t go back with yourself!

The mysterious old man is constantly thinking in his heart.

At this moment, the great war on the other side has already begun. Liu Renxing does not take action. He is responsible for trapping Lin Ling, because he also knows the difficulty of Lin Ling, the youngster. Every time he seems to reach the limit, he always exceeds his. Unexpectedly, in order to prevent things from happening, he wants to lock Lin Ling’s every move!

And five monthly defenders are responsible for taking action!

“It’s just a one-time take action. I don’t want to lose face in the face of the satellite-level discipline!”

Among the five monthly guards, one of them was indifferently said, they have the pride of the monthly defender, after all, for them, the star-level hierarchy is like an ants!

“I am coming, remember, my name is Feng Ge!”

The strongest one of the five people came out and looked at Lin Ling: “Fair matchup, there is no unwillingness to come to you!”


Lin Ling’s mouth smirked a smile: “How long have you been in Seven Profound Martial Palace cultivation? And how long have I cultivation, so fair confrontation? Do you mean this sentence?”

“The mouth is very good!”

The young man who called the wind song shook his head and did not see anger.