Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4894


Almost at the same time, the rainbow light appeared in the distance. It is the old man of the comet, they are extremely excited, and all fly to the purple mountain here!

However, they have a long distance and some are close, so it is difficult to come over at the same time!

Lin Ling looked at them before leaving, knowing that most of them would miss it, because the circular halo appeared fast, and the estimation disappeared quickly!

Later, Lin Ling felt like it had gone through Life and Death Great Tribulation and everything became blank!

At the same time, the 5th Layer, the number of rays of light suddenly appeared, as if the sun was reorganized, and after the continuous condense, several silhouettes appeared on the earth, it was Lin Ling who were several people!

“道塔5th Layer !”

Everyone is not afraid to be together!

The tower has 9-Layer, and now they are in the middle!

They looked around and found that the sky of the tower 5th Layer was very high, full of glory and illuminating the earth!

The sun, the moon and the stars are not seen here. If the sun does not fall into the city, there will always be only the day!

Moreover, the Spiritual Qi here is very rich, floating around all around, making people feel very heavy!

“This is the strength of Spiritual Qi, which is comparable to the chaos!”

Green bamboo exclaimed.

Lin Ling stretched the action action, slightly condense, the palm of the hand appeared a clear water, this is the water, invaluable, if placed in Nine Provinces, enough to make an ordinary person instantly become Martial Dao Grandmaster!

Spiritual Qi here is really freak!

“Spiritual Qi in the chaos seems to be similar to here!” Lin Ling recalls.

“This is the chaos of today. In the chaos of that year, the gods were strong. At that time, it was more powerful than the current Spiritual Qi. Unfortunately, after the chaos was old, it was weak for a day, and it was estimated that life span was soon!” Qingzhu Road.

“The universe is also alive!”

Lin Ling’s eyes lit up.

Green bamboo nodded: “In fact, it is the master of the universe that has disappeared, causing the law of the universe to continue to weaken. Otherwise, the universe will never die!”

The master of the universe?

Lin Ling suddenly thought of the creation god. The creation god created the largest universe, stabilized the law, and gave birth to countless creatures. These creatures, through the universe cultivation, are also insights out of their own universe. Unfortunately, no matter what these universes are. Strong, but they can’t surpass the first universe!

After all, both the creatures and the universe they came out of are actually the laws of the first universe!

Collapse the idea, Lin Ling looked towards all around and found that the 5th Layer is more intense than the Spiritual Qi, and everything else is similar to Nine Provinces!

Because in the distant distance, he saw a great city, but these great cities are obviously different, just like Immortal Realm!

“This 5th Layer, like the gods of the year, is full of mountains, shrines, and gods!”

Twelve phoenix gods also said that she seemed to be familiar with the broken gods of the year. Later, she looked toward the green bamboo and asked with politeness: “This elder sister, do not know the name of the surname? I am the Sun God family. Twelve phoenix gods!”

“I am Lin Ling’s Senior Sister, named Qingzhu!”

Green bamboo said with a smile.

Twelve wings of the yang god startled, Lin Ling’s Senior Sister? Why didn’t you listen to Lin Ling?

She is also embarrassed to ask, although the green bamboo looks ordinary, but the green bamboo has a temperament, so that she has a sense of worship, although this temperament is deep, but she is from the Sun God family, so she can be keen to find out !

“Twelve phoenix gods, is the son of light still here?”

Lin Ling looked at the twelve wings of the yang god and asked, and the twelve wings of the yang god immediately probed a point, then shook his head: “No, our Sun God family does not have many gods left in the 5th Layer, here too Really isn’t Our base camp, after the son of Light came here, found the channel and went to the 6th Layer!”

“I really envy, that guy is advanced by leaps and bounds, can quickly go to the second half!” Lin Ling said with a smile.

“The Son of Light got the inheritance of Sun God in the past. The progress of the strength is great. Of course, we can also find the next level of road here, enter the 6th Layer, just enter with our realm, don’t know if it is good or not! “Twelve wings of the yang.

Lin Ling nodded, the more you go up, the more powerhouses, not to mention the rogues, the three major gods of Baishan, so it is better to upgrade the strength in 5th Layer and then enter better!

“And, Master gave us the task!”

Green bamboo is also said.

Speaking of this, Lin Ling stunned and asked: “Senior Sister, can you find the whereabouts of Bai Yusheng?”

“I know the direction, but he seems to be hiding. So, before we can confirm everything, we should not beat the grass to scare the snake!” Qingzhu said suddenly.

Hear this, Lin Ling agrees to nod, though, Bodhi Old Ancestor asked him to help Bai Yusheng, but he speculated that Qingzhu Senior Sister should also receive this order, so he followed the Green Sap Senior Sister!

“Lin Ling, anyway, I have nothing to do, it is better to help you, my strength is not as good as you, but not too bad!”

Twelve wings of the yang god proposed.

Lin Ling looked at Senior Sister and saw that she had no objections. Lin Ling immediately agreed.

Twelve Yiyang gods let other Sun Gods leave, and then follow the green bamboo!

Green bamboo speaks very well. While talking to Lin Ling, he goes to a city in front of him. After a long time, the huge god city is in sight. There are a lot of powerful gods, even the gods of the gods!

Moreover, many powerful gods have a backstage, but the twelve protoss!

Green Bamboo soon sneaked into them, chatting with them without a ride, constantly inquiring about the news!

Lin Ling and the twelve sacred gods waited in the city, lamenting the strength of the gods in the city, because all of them are the strength of the holy universe, the realm of Middle Stage, the realm of Late Stage, the realm of Peak, the incomparable Powerful!

The Holy Stage of the Holy Universe is relatively rare!

As for the king-level cosmic giants, let alone, even if there is, it is also a passer-by existence, low status!

“Right, what is the Great God of the Spirit?”

When Lin Ling was waiting, she suddenly looked at the twelve wings of the Yangyang Shinto.

“After returning from the chaotic world, the Great God of the Spirit follows the Son of Light. If he is not in the 5th Layer, then he should enter the 6th Layer!”

Twelve wings of the yang god said.

“This guy is improving fast!” Lin Ling was shocked.

In today’s world will, in addition to the most mysterious of the Heavenly Master, the strongest is the Dipankara Buddha, and then he is Lin Ling and the Spiritual God, but now it seems that the Spirit of the Spirit seems to be better than him. More powerful!

It seems that the power of the world’s will of the Great God is absolutely not weak!

“Today, in the world’s will, the spirit of the Great God is the farthest away, but Lei Gong, Xiao Lun, Long Niang, Duobao real people will definitely force, and will soon reach the 5th Layer. After all, they are also the world’s will!”

Twelve yiyang gods said.