Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4888

“It turned out to be a green bamboo. Are you looking for the Yellow Emperor? I can help you ask!”

The owners of these mountains are very good at talking, and they agree, and even help Lin Ling!

Of course, the premise of all this is to look at the face of Bodhi Old Ancestor!

What’s more, the strength of green bamboo is strong, they have to give a face!

But also really isn’t everyone is so good to talk, but after Lin Ling broke out, the other party eventually became embarrassed!

And, I am astonished!

Because the strange gods like Lin Ling have the strength of the beautiful stage giant stage Late, this is extremely rare!

“Yellow Emperor, I know, they are in the far north!”

Finally, some people know the whereabouts of the Yellow Emperor: “Actually, when you talk about the main hall of Leigong, we must have known it for a long time, because the Yellow Emperor is also in the main hall of Leigong. Instead, when talking about the Yellow Emperor, many people have no impression!”

“It turns out!”

Lin Ling and Qingzhu look at each other and finally smile!

“At the moment, the burial sword carries a lot of gods, and they are surrounded by a mountain. I heard that the burial sword is going to the 5th Layer, so before he left, he wanted to teach the people of the main hall of Leigong, let the main hall of the Leigong Lin Ling hates him and looks for him!”

“I heard that he has been looking for Lin Ling and wants to suppress Lin Ling, but he has not found anyone!”

“Hey? Lord Lin Ling. You are also called Lin Ling. Is it that you are looking for a funeral sword?”

Under some conversation, the god shouted.

Lin Ling nodded: “It seems that the funeral sword is indeed coming to the door! However, if he dares to move me, I want him to be eternal life!” The words fell, the coldness of the cold heart filled, scared That god jumped, even the green bamboo. She had been watching Lin Ling’s explosive strength before, thinking that Lin Ling’s strength was such, but when Lin Ling inadvertently broke out

At the time, she suddenly discovered that the Little Junior Brother seemed to be stronger than expected!

“Lord Lin Ling, rest assured, the funeral sword is really isn’t for the sake of revenge, in order to be famous, to prove that he came, so now the people of the main hall of Leigong are not serious!”

The god quickly hurriedly said: “Now, he has invited many of the ancient gods and powerful giants of the 4th Layer to testify about this, just to prove himself and want to get more in the nine universe stars. respect!”

“Right, I heard that you are the world’s will, because of this, he thought about doing it for you!”

The more the god said, the more the heart beats, he absolutely did not expect that Lin Ling is actually the world’s will!

“Just rely on him!”

Lin Ling coldly snorted, he hated hate with this funeral hatless, this guy in order to prove his position in the nine universe stars, actually dare to take action on him, is this persimmon pick soft?

“I will beat him ashamed and unable to show one’s face!”

Now that you know the direction, Lin Ling is not planning to stay!

“Junior Brother, I will accompany you!”

Qingzhu suddenly smiled and thought of the arrogant sword. She was also very unhappy in her heart. Although Lin Ling and her were the first time to meet, Lin Ling was also her Junior Brother. She could watch Junior Brother being an outsider. humiliation!

So secretly, she took out those sound transmission jade symbols, one by one to inform the past!

“The old man of the comet, don’t know if you have time to go to the northernmost part of the 4th Layer, where the funeral sword surrounds the main hall of Leigong?”

“hehe, green bamboo is open, this face, I want to give!”

“Northern Dao Dao, I don’t know if I can have time!”

“This face, I give it!”

One by one informed the past, let the green bamboo accident, everyone agreed, as if the entire road tower 4th Layer are invited!

This makes the green bamboo smile, so that the 4th Layer of this tower is full of excitement!

At this moment, Lin Ling was very fast, and he ignored the green bamboo in the back. He was worried about how the Yellow Emperor was. Not long after, there was an isolated mountain in front of it. This mountain is obviously different, because all around is empty, but this mountain is located in the earth. Of course, if you look closely, you can find it, really isn’t it. Dashan a crane in a flock of chickens, but four

The mountains of the week were all destroyed!

Look at the big mountain all around, actually densely packed full of gods, the scene is extremely spectacular!

On the top of the mountain, the gods of the naked 100,000, such as the Yellow Emperor, were surrounded by them, and the blockade was strict and steady, all of them were anxious!

“Yellow Emperor, what to do!”

Lei Gong frowned and looked down the mountain. He knew that if these people wanted to attack this place, the semi-column incense could level them up, but they didn’t, just squatting under the mountain, obviously they were trampling them!

Most important, they don’t know these gods, just know that they are coming to Lin Ling!

“The funeral sword is very strong. It is the star of the nine universes. We can’t win. The awful thing is that since he wants to find Lin Ling, he can find it himself. What is the ability to catch us?” Huang Di frowned.

“It’s better to fight with them, and you can kill them!”

Shengyiyi suddenly coldly said, holding the East Emperor Bell!

“They are so many people, if they really want to work hard, it is us who suffer, and bear it!”

South no wind and rain Baoshen suddenly said: “Since they are coming to Lin Ling, it is estimated that they only humiliate us. After all, they really want to kill, they have already started, why bother, we will endure!” ”

“I agree with Grandfather’s statement. After all, this is the 4th Layer. It is extremely difficult for us to come here. We must cherish it!”

The white water woman also said.

Everyone bites their teeth, and in the end they all choose to endure!

At this time, Lin Ling finally flew down to the earth and came to the side of the mountain, and the Yellow Emperor saw the arrival of Lin Ling, all overjoyed!

“Lin Ling is here!”

The Yellow Emperor was extremely surprised because they always thought that Lin Ling was still in the chaos!

“Lin Ling Lord !”

Especially the holy ones, etc., at this moment, the excited scorpion is moist!

“Hey, who is this person!”

The appearance of Lin Ling undoubtedly attracted everyone’s attention. They are curiously watched by the white-haired man, expression is extremely proud!

“Originally, you are Lin Ling!”

At this time, a man suddenly said with a smile, this person is wearing a cloth, but also has a white hair, look very thin and tall, but the strength seems to be extremely good!

Because his all around gods are very respectful to him!

And he is the funeral sword of the Nine Provinces Cosmic Star!

In general, the rebirth of the star of the universe, in the future must be out of the ordinary! And the fact is also true, the funeral sword bears the heavy responsibility of the cosmic star, after returning, the strength advanced by leaps and bounds, more often get the adventure, now is the king of the universe, but the strength is strong, even the holy universe giant Gate Stage is also absolutely not his


Now, his all around gods give him face, precisely because of his strong strength and identity!

Unfortunately, he has always been proud and arrogant, he can care about ordinary gods, to provoke, he is also a provocative figure like Lin Ling!

“You are Lin Ling, actually dare to come here, courting death is not successful!” The gods know that someone comes to Lin Ling, sneer!