Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4698

At the moment, on the other side, the prairie is layered and sagged, revealing a 100-meter-deep crater, and the size of the pit is occupied by thousands of miles. The pit is empty and has no life!

Only, that is a burning flame!

In the deep pit all around, a lot of monsters gathered at the moment, but because of the jealousy of the ancient, they are not afraid to approach, just watching it quietly!

Even a dark god dog stands there, huge as a mountain, and the indifferent scorpion reveals the inexhaustible rays of light. Thinking about whether it should be close to the ancient 棺!


But at this time, the ancient swayed, the lid slowly opened, one arm stretched out, and climbed the edge of the ancient raft!

This is a young man, wearing a blue robe, his face is a bit wolf, but also full of perseverance, a pair of murderous aura and indifference!

After the youth climbed out of the ancient shackles, the ancient cockroaches behind them were still burning, and the rolling flame seemed to burn the ancient 棺 to nothing!

This led the youth to pick up the coffin cover and not willingly leave!

Wu wu wu !

On the side of the huge deep pit, a large number of monsters watched and climbed out of the youth, full of surprises!

They did not expect that there are people in ancient times!

And this ancient 棺, they are also familiar, it is the ancient scorpion that leaps from the sky every day!

But today, why did the ancient 掉 drop, and why some people came out, it is hard to be buried in the ancient 终于 people finally wake up!

“This coffin, it seems that I can’t take it away!”

The youth follows the deep pit, expression is full of regrets!

The ancient cockroach is still burning, but it is gradually melting, turning into powder, disappearing!

无数的妖物watched 青年,它们恍若黑暗所化,只留下一双双的眼睛在外,但是,它们并没有轻举妄动,而是忌惮的watched 青年!

突然,一股冷冽的astral wind 袭来,黑暗若潮水,滚滚涌向青年,一道爪子突然从天而降!



Bang bang bang!





突然之间,黑光闪烁,庞大如山的黑暗神犬消失了,all around 的妖物突然也是消失了,就恍若从未出现过般!


青年brows suddenly wrinkle :“走了?”

他忌惮的看了眼all around ,随后也是顺着大草原飞跃而去!

“这黑暗神犬好厉害,哪怕我fleshly body 力量大提,更innate talent 融合,但是在对碰之下依旧是我吃亏多,不过,黑暗神犬居然走了,难不成是因为这棺材盖?”


而他便是从青铜Kunlun 降落的Lin Ling 了,他没想到运气这么差,落下之后便遇到了夜晚!

当然most important ,如今Lin Ling 的盘古击刚刚施展完,lethal card 就剩下宇宙三极破了,对抗黑暗神犬似乎缺少一分底蕴!


Lin Ling 有所决定!

这一路前行,Lin Ling 也遇见了不少的妖物,不过那些妖物见到Lin Ling 的棺材盖,立即避的远远的,极为的奇怪!

这让Lin Ling 很是好奇,但也顾不得这么多了!

而这时,前方传来光亮,似乎有神祗在great war ,并且被大量的妖物围住了!

Lin Ling 本不想理会,但是大致扫了一眼后,complexion slightly changed ,赶紧冲了过去!



此刻,被妖物围住的正是受伤的无视,他听到熟悉的声音后,赶紧搜寻,随后震惊道:“Lin Ling ?是你?”


他如今被大量妖物围住了,Lin Ling 过来,这不是在courting death 吗?

反正他也难逃一死了,倒不如吸引大量的妖物,成全Lin Ling 离开!

然而,他声音之后,Lin Ling 非但没有逃,反倒速度更快了!

“Lin Ling !”


因为他见到,Lin Ling 一路奔来,途中遇到的妖物,居然恍若遇到天敌般,全部逃窜了!


Lin Ling 冲来之后,一拉无视,随后向着远方奔去。

“Lin Ling ,这什么回事?”



Lin Ling 顾不得解释,而是问道。

“是三官大帝,天官,地官,水官他们,他们都是尧帝的人,见到我之后就对我take action 了,而黄帝Lord 他们都去了2nd Layer 了!”无视说道。

“三官大帝?实力很强?”Lin Ling 继续问道。

“哼,单对单,如何是我的对手,哪怕是三人联手也未必是我的对手,只不过在道境的时候,我与尧帝他们great war 过,受了些伤,这才让他们占了便宜而已!”

无视coldly snorted 说道,话语带着浓浓的傲气。


Lin Ling 眸子看着前方,速度再度加快一分!


而在宫殿之中,大量的神祗聚集在那,rejoice in other people’s misfortune 的看着大草原被妖物追杀的神祗!


突然,有人见到Lin Ling 两人,震惊的不得了!

“hehe ,运气真好啊,不过,这宫殿已经人满了,他们想进来,这是做梦!”

其他人以为Lin Ling 他们是运气好而已,所以冷笑的挡在了大门之内!

而在宫殿second floor ,数道silhouette 站在那里,expression 从容!




很显然,他们无比的意外,不过等见到Lin Ling 后,立即猜测是this person 的帮忙!
