Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby

Chapter 389

Mo Nianchen understood her talent and acknowledged it.

Her design doesn't have to be inferior to the world's top designers. The only thing she lacks is a name that resounds across the country.

This time, he gave her the chance to become famous. As for whether she could take it or not, it was up to her own ability.

He appreciated her talent and her occasional pride.

Mo Nianchen returned to his senses and responded to Sheng Kai, "of course."

Sheng Kai is quite surprised. Mo Nianchen is so confident in Li shengxia. Is her design really so good? How could the prince agree without thinking?

Yesterday, he did not go to look at her design. Because in his opinion, the prince's maintenance of her is the most special place in her body.

He was only busy to understand who she was and what relationship he had with the prince. Why did he try his best to protect her, to recommend her, and to give her this opportunity that could not have happened to her at all.

He thought it was a man's affection for his beloved woman.

Now it doesn't seem to be all that.

He checked Li shengxia's information, and found that this woman and the prince were childhood sweethearts. Five years ago, she entered the imperial inheritance and made great achievements. She was even admired by master ecoy and became famous for his classic work "the dawn of summer". But then she disappeared for five years.

Five years later, she appeared in Mary magazine again. She was famous for her professional dress made for the international film emperor situ Ye.

She was not the vase he thought she was.

Perhaps, her success can not be separated from the prince's relationship, but even if a designer with no real talent is sought after, I'm afraid that she can't pass the pass of the bright eyes of the masses.

He needs to know what it's like for a woman to take orders today!

Ready to

Li shengxia changed into a swimsuit and went to the starting point. Ten competitors who competed with her will fight against the clock in the lane with her.

It's a kilometer from the beginning to the end. It's not just speed, it's terrible endurance.

A lot of obstacles have been set up in the middle.

It seems that Sheng Kai is deliberately trying to embarrass her.

She hasn't participated in a swimming competition for a long time, but she keeps on exercising. In order to let Kay judge her design, she should go all out to see her design.

It's not just a game, it's a gamble.

She gambled on her dignity and glory as a designer. It's her confidence and affirmation of her works!

Ready, go!

At an order, slogans rang out. The players all jumped into the water and began to swim to the front.

Li shengxia in the third lane, she jumped down the body, like a ballerina, jump posture, beautiful can not be.

Sheng Kai and Mo Nianchen sat on the deck chair on the shore and watched the game.

Sheng Kai said to Mo Nianchen, "it's a pity that such an excellent girl can't dance. If it wasn't for the prince, I really couldn't believe it. "

Mo Nianchen lightly raised his lips and did not speak.

She's still very expressive.

He remembered that when she was 13, she was selected by the school to participate in various swimming competitions. At that time, she swam back and forth in the lane every day.

Occasionally he leaned aside and looked at her from a distance.

At that time, the proud and beautiful girl like the White Swan always refused him to appear at her swimming scene.

Because the girl who was just growing up at that time had the shyness of all girls in adolescence. Her slightly raised chest is the beginning of her realization that he is different from her. The girl's menarche, ignorant embarrassment, after he explained a "physiology class" to her, she avoided him for no reason

Very ignorant, very simple, with a girl's unique shyness, has been printed in his heart, never forgotten

At this moment, she sprinted forward gracefully, surmounting obstacles and moving forward deftly.

She can always show her beauty and elegance, but she never knows

The race for swimming is still in full swing.

Sheng Kai was surprised that Li shengxia's swimming skills left several professional players far behind.

The expression on her face that she did not admit defeat made her heart tremble.

She can't stop in the water at the moment, can't think, just move forward, but still can bloom so gracefully. If it wasn't for a long time of training, she couldn't do it anyway?

Sheng Kai always likes water sports. He also knows how long it takes to keep swimming for a long time to pay attention to speed and posture.

This girl, the light that radiates from her body, is something incredible.

Such light, not from her appearance, not from her figure, not from her posture, but from her spirit, from her heart.She must be a very strong and brave girl, she has a strong fighting spirit, such a spirit few people have, less people can always have.

The other spectators could not help talking: "God, it's dangerous! She actually skimmed over the obstacles... "

"She's too fast! I've been swimming for such a long time, how come I haven't slowed down at all! "

"Her breath is still very even, it must be the result of long training."

Even if it is a genius, it takes 99% effort to make yourself look effortless.

In the water

Li shengxia only knows how to rush forward, but suddenly, she feels a numb pain under her feet

Less than 100 meters away from the end

But the more the pain became clear, what bit her? She frowned and bit her lips. Go on, no, she can't give up! Victory is just around the corner!

The only thing she couldn't understand was why something strange bit her foot in the pool?

Is someone cheating!?

It's not Sheng Kai, is it!?

He didn't want to let himself get the order, so he made her hard, didn't he?

He thought that she would give up so easily, it was too naive for her to She would never give up like this!

She felt that her consciousness was not clear, but she knew that the end was still ahead.

Someone has surpassed her

Gradually, she slowed down.

She didn't want to slow down, but her body didn't listen to her

Sheng Kai saw Li shengxia slow down and said to Mo Nianchen with a smile: "it seems that her physical strength is almost used. I thought she was really going all out. It turned out that she was just brave and resourceless , the fastest update of the webnovel!