People In One Piece: Almost Exposed That I Am Better Than Roger

Chapter 174

No matter what Kapp asks, solo can answer like a stream.

But now we can\'t find the body of the golden lion, so we can\'t verify it.

But anyway, the crisis in Rogge town and even the whole East China Sea has been completely lifted.

Solo, and all the Marines in Rogge town.

Are the heroes of this battle.

But because solo is the highest officer in Rogge town.

The credit for intercepting the golden lion is naturally solo.

Soon, solo\'s name spread among the Navy.

Kirby, bellumeber, and Colonel pocato were even more envious of solo.

Solo not only has excellent swordsmanship talent, but also has made great achievements.

Solo\'s status is bound to be greatly improved when he returns to the headquarters of the Navy this time.

A new star is rising.

As the commander of the reinforcement operation, Karp made contact with the headquarters of the Navy.

Warship lounge.

Kapp sat leisurely in his chair, holding up a telephone bug in his hand.

After a loud noise.

The Warring States period, sitting in the Marshal\'s office of the headquarters of the Navy, answered the phone.

The Warring States period was naturally extremely concerned about the sudden incident in the East China Sea.

Until now, he vaguely remembers the battle that shocked many people!

If it weren\'t for his cooperation with Karp, it would be difficult for the whole marinfando to find an opponent who can compete with the golden lion.

It is no exaggeration to say that the golden lion is definitely a pirate equal to white beard!

He is also a legendary figure.

The most terrible thing is that according to the understanding of the golden lion in the Warring States period.

This man has full ambition.

This time, I\'m going out of the mountain suddenly. I\'m sure I\'ve made full preparations.

Plus the white bearded Pirate Group.

At the same time, Rao Shi felt a little afraid of fighting with two legendary pirates in the Warring States period.

Because of this, he quickly asked Karp to solve the golden lion.

Of course, this is only one reason.

On the other hand, it is hoped that Karp can make him recognize his identity through the battle with the golden lion.

He is a lieutenant general.

Not the pirate\'s grandfather.

Based on this and that relationship, now I hear Kapp\'s voice again.

The heart of the Warring States period was somewhat uneasy.

"Has the problem been solved, Karp?" the Warring States period rolled his throat and asked carefully, "do you need the headquarters to send more people?"

If even Karp can\'t solve the golden lion.

Then we can only consider sending out a navy general.

Be sure to strangle the golden lion in the East China Sea!

Marlin Fando must not be allowed to appear two legendary characters at the same time!

However, what the Warring States never dreamed of

"The golden lion was settled before we reached Rogge," Kapp told the truth.

If he wanted to be promoted, he would have been a general many years ago.

In fact, Kapp rejected the appointment of the general more than once.

Thanks to something, he is naturally not interested.

On the contrary, he was stunned in the Warring States period.

The sensory brain cannot process such information.

What do you mean

Kapp solved the problem before he arrived in Rogge town?

"Kapp, what do you mean?"

The Warring States did not want to ask.

At the same time, I think of a lot of strong people in my mind.

Red dog, yellow ape, Green Pheasant?

In response to the white bearded pirate regiment, the three admirals are now sitting in marinfando.

Qiwu sea?

They are not even interested in the qiwuhai conference convened by the world government.

How can you save Rogge town.

Is it


Suddenly, the image of zefa flashed through the mind of the Warring States period.

When he was in his thirties, he was already a senior general of the Navy, and his armed color and domineering spirit reached the peak of his cultivation.

The strength was strong, but he got the weapon assistance of Bega punk.

He is indeed a man who can fight the golden lion!

Most importantly, although zefa ignored the orders of the Navy headquarters for a long time, he himself hated the pirates very much.

When I was young, I also fought with the golden lion.

If you get the intelligence information that the Golden Lion appears in the East China Sea, zefa may indeed go and fight the other party to the end.

However, when asked whether zefa had solved the golden lion in the Warring States period, Karp shook his head.

"That man should be hunting a Pirate Group somewhere in the new world now."

"Actually, solo."

Kapp didn\'t show off, directly pointed out the matter, and then stated the process of solo\'s statement in the most concise sentences.

According to solo, the golden lion was not defeated by the Navy.

But died of his own asthma attack.

At the other end of the telephone bug, he was silent for a moment.

He never dreamed of the final outcome of the Golden Lion Shiji.

It should be.

"But..." Kapp suddenly said, "although there is no evidence, my intuition tells me that solo, the kid, lied."

"I think the one who really defeated the golden lion is likely to be solo!"

Kapp\'s words are amazing.

Let the Warring States at the other end suddenly sit up from his chair.

"Hey, Kapp, I know you are optimistic about solo, but is this conjecture too outrageous? You and I both know how terrible the golden lion is."

"Even if solo is really talented, how can he be the opponent of the golden lion?"

"They are not people of the same world at all."

"At least not yet!"

In the Warring States period, if Thoreau was trained, he would probably become the mainstay of the Navy headquarters in the future.

But now, he is only in his twenties, but a Navy Lieutenant.

Said he had the strength to defeat the golden lion.

That doesn\'t mean that solo now has the strength level of lieutenant general and even senior general?

This kind of thing is simply impossible.

He, the Warring States period, can\'t believe it!

Rather than believe in Karp, he would rather believe in what solo said.

Shiki, the golden lion, died of his asthma.

Gave solo their only chance.

But then again

Although Kapp usually looks like a fool, he often has unique insight.

The trend of the world pattern has never been missed.

"It\'s gold. It always shines."

Kapp didn\'t care about the view of the Warring States period. "Anyway, Rogge town has been almost destroyed. It\'s overqualified to throw the reconstruction work to solo."

"Why don\'t you take this opportunity and let solo return to marinfando with me."

Kapp paused a little, "now you should need combat power?"

Anyway, Kapp has high hopes for Solo and believes that he can become a general in the navy in the future.

Let him experience the war, will undoubtedly be of great help!

The most important thing is

Kapp still believes that solo defeated the golden lion!

Such strength, perhaps in the next war, can shine!

"Let solo return to marinfando?" the Warring States couldn\'t help whispering.

He quite agrees with this point.