People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 535: anti-submarine warfare

"Joz, look over there!"


On the battlefield, after Bista pushed the ghost spider back, he pointed to the air and shouted.


It was a huge group of aircraft, emerging from the clouds.


"Damn, we are fighting with the navy now, how dare they use aerial weapons to strike, aren\'t they afraid of hurting their own people?"


Looking in the direction Bista pointed, Joz\'s face changed suddenly.


This is no joke.


Now that the two sides are fighting together, there is no time or opportunity to avoid the bombing. If this bomb is dropped, Bai Tuan will definitely not survive.


Could it be that in order to destroy us, this navy really did not hesitate to kill us together with his own people?


"No, Joz, their target isn\'t us!"


"It\'s not us, could it be Dad?"


"No, it shouldn\'t be Dad either. Look at the direction they\'re heading, they\'re heading towards the open sea!"


Hearing what Bista said, Joz also observed it again.


Indeed, according to the current direction of the fleet, it is neither the battlefield on their side nor the father\'s side, but is heading towards the open sea.


But, what is the purpose of going in that direction?


"Over there, it seems to be the place where the red-haired and the others gathered?"


Suddenly, Bista said with a trembling voice.


That\'s right, he remembered it. If he remembered correctly, the red-haired, bigmom, and the rest of the New World pirates seemed to be lurking under the sea in that direction.


In other words. . .


The navy has spotted them and is ready to attack?




Under the sea, seven or eight kilometers from the coast.


One after another, large and small bubbles are sinking on the bottom of the sea, at least one hundred and fifty or sixty in number, and in each bubble, there is a pirate ship.


On one of the pirate ships, the red hair and a group of cadres were watching the battlefield of the Navy Headquarters through a live broadcast.


"Boss, the Whitebeard Pirates can\'t do it!"


"Yeah, it\'s almost crushed by the navy, let alone saving people, it\'s impossible to get close to the execution platform at all!"


"It\'s still close to the execution platform... At this rate, I\'m afraid it won\'t take an hour, and everyone except Whitebeard will be killed!"


On the deck, all the cadres complained one after another.


However, Shanks\' expression was a little solemn at this time, as did Beckman beside him.


They know very well that it is not that the Whitebeard Pirates are too weak, but that the navy is too strong!


Originally, the advantage of the navy was that it had more high-level combat power, while the advantage of the Four Imperial Regiment was that the grassroots had stronger combat power.


But what about now?


The number of high-level combat power of the navy still occupies an overwhelming advantage, and the shortcomings of the grass-roots combat power have also been supplemented, and even become stronger than the Four Emperors.


Look at the reinforcements of the second batch of 6,000 people and the third batch of 3,000 people, especially the third batch of reinforcements, even a dozen or so people can entangle a captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.


What is this concept?


Shanks and Beckman have no doubts that even if they are in the Red Hair Pirates, they are definitely not much better than the Whitebeard Pirates, or even worse.


After all, there are only a few hundred members of the Red Hair Pirates.


Maybe the average high-level combat power is higher than that of the Whitebeard Pirates, but the high level is limited, plus the absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. . .


"Shanks, I don\'t recommend continuing to swim in this muddy water!"


With a solemn expression, Beckman spoke.

However, he didn\'t know that this was not muddy water at all, and that it was led by his captain Shanks.


On the side, Shanks\' expression was also somewhat uncertain.


On the one hand, he is very clear that what Beckman said is correct, the Whitebeard Pirates have not even been able to force out the top-level combat power of the navy, or the hidden means of the navy.


At this moment, even if the Pirate Alliance were to kill him, he might not be able to defeat the navy in an instant. Even if he could, he would have to fight for a half-disabled end.


But on the other hand, this is what he pushed himself, how can there be any reason to give up like this?


Moreover, if the Navy Headquarters can be killed, even if the price paid is a bit high, that is completely acceptable, isn\'t it?


"Look, the air weapons of the navy are dispatched!"


"Well, the battlefield is so anxious, what are they doing with this thing? Could it be that they want to blow up themselves and the people of the Whitebeard Pirates?"


"No, that\'s not right, looking at the direction they\'re heading, it\'s not the headquarters of the headquarters at all!"


Cadres, you say everything, but you don\'t understand the Navy\'s intentions at all.


However, Shanks and Beckman on the side looked at each other and their expressions changed drastically.


"Navigator, get out of here immediately, hurry up!"




"We have been discovered, those aerial weapons are coming to us!"




Immediately, the entire ship was in chaos, and the bigmom pirates and some non-Three Emperor pirates in the New World also discovered this.


After a while, many ships moved and began to flee in all directions.


As for those pirate groups that still didn\'t move, they were confused.


Didn\'t you say that you were lurking here and waiting for an attack signal?


Why did they all run away like they were fleeing?


However, they haven\'t waited for them to understand the reason, or contact other pirate groups to ask.


The large group of aircraft had already arrived above their sea surface and dropped one depth charge after another.


This is not a cannonball. After hitting the water, the fuze will not be triggered, but it will continue to sink down until it reaches the set depth. . .


Boom boom boom boom. . .


A series of huge vacuum bubbles formed in an instant, and UU reading immediately engulfed a large number of pirate ships.


Those pirates who escaped in time and were not involved, couldn\'t help but break into a cold sweat when they saw what happened behind them.


If I hadn\'t reacted quickly enough, I would have gone to the King of Hell to report now.


However, did they think this was an escape?


Obviously not.


At this moment, the warships in the East China Sea have also sailed over, and while relying on sonar tracking, they also project depth charges one by one.


At the same time, they also guided the aviation troops, guiding them to drop the remaining depth charges to the designated location.


For a time, everyone only saw the warships on the sea and the fighter planes in the air fighting lively, but they didn\'t see any enemies or combat effects.


What they didn\'t know was that a tragic escape was being staged hundreds of meters below the sea surface, or that kind of escape staring at the fierce artillery fire!


Until countless wooden ship wrecks and some sundries surfaced, everyone realized. . .


It turned out that those fighter planes and warships were not attacking aimlessly over there, under the surface of the water. . .


There are a lot of pirates that they can\'t see!
