People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 398: A kingdom with only an army

Popular recommendation:

This is the first-generation air-to-air missile developed by Bergapunk according to Li Yan\'s Blue Star fighter development history, with a range of just over ten kilometers.

But this can definitely be regarded as a great innovation in the world of pirates.

After confirming that the target was locked, Weber pressed the launch button without hesitation. After more than ten seconds...

boom! ! !

"Old Bei, this missile is not bad!"

"How can it be good, there are still many problems, the range is short, and the maneuverability is also poor. If it weren\'t for the fact that the drone can only fly horizontally, it would not be so easy to hit!"

Shaking his head, Vegapunk said.

What he said is also true.

The target drone used this time is just the result of the pilot flying the Mustang fighter into the air and locking it in level flight.

But in the actual battle, when the missile was found, it must have been excited by the meeting to dodge, not to mention the individual combat power of those who have the ability to fly, the target is smaller, and the action is more flexible.

Therefore, in the view of Bergapunk, the missile this time is at most a technical proof, and it does not have much actual combat capability.

"By the way, Lao Bei, how is the progress of the surface-to-surface missile and the anti-ship missile?"

After putting down the telescope, Li Yan turned around and asked.

"Others are fine, mainly on the issue of precision strikes at the end."

"If you want to attack a broad range, it\'s easy. Just calculate the distance and launch it, but if you want to attack a certain target with precision, you need the guidance you mentioned earlier."

"Although I have considered the satellite navigation system you mentioned before, this thing is not realistic in the short term, so I am going to put the intelligent system on the test machine into the missile, and the intelligence will perform terminal locking and guidance. "


Is this the system that the pacifists are going to put directly into the missile?

Vegapunk really dared to think.

In the original book, the pacifist has an intelligent system that, in addition to controlling the body to fight, can also identify targets, and even has face recognition.

If this system is integrated into the missile, it can indeed achieve precision strikes without satellite guidance.

However, will this cost be too high?

After all, as Li Yan knew about the system on the fighter, the entire manufacturing cost directly reached the level of 8 million Baileys.

If this is installed in each missile, the cost of this missile must not be at least tens of millions of Baileys, and if a dozen missiles go down, it can be worth the construction cost of a destroyer.

Thinking of this, Li Yan couldn\'t help frowning slightly.

"Don\'t worry, the intelligence used in the missile is not as complicated as that on the fighter plane. After all, it doesn\'t need so many functions. It only needs to design a system that can recognize the target and control the attitude of the missile."

"After mass production, the cost should not exceed 1 million Baileys."

Vega Punk on the side seemed to see through, and Li Yan immediately said what he was thinking.

Hearing this, Li Yan was also relieved.

However, what Vegapunk said the next moment made Li Yan a little stunned.

"Of course, this is just a temporary measure that I can\'t do. If I really want to say, I\'m still interested in what you said, satellite navigation!"

"And I already have some ideas for this project. After the second-generation fighter project is over, I will focus most of my energy on it. I will list all the things that are needed for you as soon as possible."

What, you\'re going to heaven... no, you\'re going to the universe?

Immediately, Li Yan felt that Levine\'s scientific research speed was not good.

Compared to this one, it\'s just...

Even before the industrial system has been built, it is necessary to build a rocket and deploy a global navigation system.

Who will believe this?

"Okay, I\'ll get you everything you need!"

After being confused for a while, Li Yan also nodded and said.


Soon, another month passed.

Come October 1519.

Today is a big day for Alabasta.

First of all, the first bridge on the Santo River, which took two months, was officially completed and opened.

This 40-kilometer-long super bridge directly connects both ends of the Santo River in Alabasta, making domestic economic ties closer.

Secondly, the Ministry of Transportation of Alabasta was officially established. The first batch of passenger cars and freight trucks ordered from the East China Sea have been delivered and distributed to various cities in the kingdom.

And the oil produced by Yuba finally has a regular market for the first time except for the East China Sea Navy.

After all, cars are big consumers of oil, and as cars become more and more popular, the consumption of oil will also increase.

After more kingdoms have cars, Alabasta can realize the export trade of oil, bringing huge benefits to the whole country.

After all, the current demand for Li Yan\'s side is not very large, and this thing still depends on the people!

Of course, the explosive recovery of Alabasta has also attracted the attention of many people, the most important of which is the pirate force.

Envy at the increasingly wealthy kingdom, many pirates are planning to come here to make a fortune.

But today\'s Alabasta is no longer the Alabasta it used to be.

The naval base in, coupled with the elite seamen of the East China Sea, directly surrounded Ailuma and Yuba to provide strong protection, all pirates who want to do things, without exception, all He was arrested and sent to the undersea prison in the East China Sea.

On the other side of the Santo River, although the rapeseed port has no naval base, there is no protection from the East China Sea navy.

However, a Royal Army of 100,000 people has been stationed here for a long time.

This is not an ordinary Kingdom Army, but a Kingdom Army that has been trained by Weiwei for several months.

Although it is not comparable to the achievements of the East China Sea navy in the gravity training room, compared to the armies of other kingdoms, it is already very elite.

In addition, Li Yan exported a large number of Corona Type 18 to Alabasta, as well as large-caliber coastal fire guns.

This is really not a place where ordinary pirates can come and make trouble.

Even if it is a pirate group at the super nova level in the first half, if you want to come here to do things, you have to weigh it, whether you have the strength.


Although the defenses of the two major ports in Alabasta are all right now, there is also something that makes Cobra a headache.

That is...

One is that the coastal defense artillery sank so many pirate ships that within a few kilometers of the port, a large number of sunken ships in the shallow sea posed a threat to the channel.

The other is that after the pirates found that it was unrealistic to invade Alabasta, now they are no longer close to the attack range of the coastal defense artillery, but looted various ships from a safe distance.

Yes, Alabasta\'s army is very strong, but the problem is...

Alabasta has the same problem as other kingdoms in the pirate world, and that is...

No navy!