People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 309: Morgans, do you want to take your career to the next level?

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

East China Sea, Corona Island.

East China Sea Naval Science Department.

"General, all the raw materials you want have been prepared, and they are placed in the No. 3 laboratory."

As soon as he entered the underground research institute, Levine greeted him and reported on it.

"It\'s hard work, go get busy!"

"Okay, the general can call me anytime if you need anything."

Nodding, Levine left.

Although he didn\'t understand why Li Yan brought Kerla here, he knew very well that the next thing was something he couldn\'t get in touch with for the time being.

He never cares about things that he can\'t touch for the time being.

"You actually have such a modern scientific research base?"

Looking around, Bai Wei\'s eyes were almost round.

After all, when she came back to receive weapons in place of Li Yan before, she never entered the underground scientific research institute. She took over after Levine and others shipped the things out.

At this moment, she was quite shocked to see all kinds of modern equipment here.

"Stop talking nonsense, come with me!"



Soon, under the leadership of Li Yan, Bai Wei came to a laboratory.

All that can be seen is the other party\'s half room, all boxes with various labels, and these boxes are filled with the raw materials indicated on their labels.

What iron, copper, anyway, a pile of various basic raw materials, just piled up here.

"Try your abilities?"

"Uh, you brought me to build a cell phone?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"

Glancing at her angrily, Li Yan said.

"Okay, what kind do you want to make?"

"up to you!"

"Then let me try..."

Nodding, Bai Wei walked to the place where the other party\'s various raw materials were.


I saw that she snapped her fingers a little playfully, and at the same time gave a low drink from the corner of her mouth.

Immediately, something visible to the naked eye, like the field of surgical fruit, suddenly appeared in the room and completely covered the pile of raw materials.

Since this field is not transparent, Li Yan can\'t see what the situation is.

One minute...

two minutes...

three minutes...

Until ten minutes passed, Bai Wei finally released her ability.

And as that non-transparent field disappeared, Li Yan was simply dumbfounded.

The boxes that are familiar to me, simple but high-end, are stacked there neatly.

There are hundreds of them.

Went forward, picked up one of them, opened it, and took out the main body.

Good guy, it really is the popular mobile phone of his previous life.

Start the machine proficiently, and simply try some operations.

Except for the slight difference in the system and the absence of any APP, it is basically the same as the one I used in my previous life.

"How much does it cost you to make these?"

"It\'s okay, just a little tired!"

"But I don\'t see any tiredness on your face..."

"That\'s for sure, the thought of having a phone again makes me so excited!"

Well, sure enough, for these houses, mobile phones are like life.

"However, now we don\'t have computers or anything. How do you write various apps?"

After suddenly thinking of something, Li Yan asked.

Because he found that there is no computer or the like to program, and it is useless to have a platform like a mobile phone.

"This... It seems that I, as a capable person, can directly write various programs in my mind, and then add them to the system of the mobile phone."

"Can you still do this?"

"Wait, let me try!"

Saying that, Bai Wei closed her eyes, and Li Yan didn\'t bother her, but waited aside.


About half an hour later, Bai Wei finally opened her eyes and shouted excitedly.

At the same time, the phone in Li Yan\'s hand suddenly heard a beep.

Picked it up and looked, and sure enough, a prompt appeared.

[There is a new APP in the software store, please go to check]

Skillfully find the software store and open it.

A social software that Li Yan is very familiar with appeared in it.

"You spent half an hour on this thing?"

"Yeah, you don\'t have to do it, just recall the code in your mind and you\'re done."

"In this way, you first make a news app for me, I will be of great use!"

This time, it didn\'t even take 30 minutes, and Bai Wei completed it in just 20 minutes. It seems that the use of abilities is becoming more and more proficient.

After downloading, installing, and operating together, Li Yan was very satisfied with the news app, and immediately took a few mobile phones and was about to leave.

"By the way, if the raw materials are not enough, find Levin, and in short, give me at least one million units within a month!"

When he just walked to the door, Li Yan suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Bai Wei.

Immediately, after saying this, Li Yan left without anyone answering.

In the room, Bai Wei was confused.

In just ten minutes, I built about 300 units.

In other words, even if you don\'t eat, drink, or sleep, the output in one day is about 43,200 units, or 1,296,000 units in a month.

"Li Yan, you treat me as a production machine, right?"


Holding five unopened mobile Li Yan hummed a ditty and returned to his office.

Obviously, he was in a very beautiful mood at the moment.

He took out the one from the safe on the side, the dedicated phone worm for contacting Morgans.

blu blu blu...

"I\'m in the process of rushing to draft, say something!"

"Morgans, I\'m Li Yan!"

"Yo, General Li Yan, I haven\'t been in touch for a long time, what can I do to take care of you?"

Hearing that it was Li Yan, Morgens changed his face instantly.

No way, who made his recent sales miracles all brought about by Li Yan?

This has to be polite!

"Morgans, come to my 18th branch, there is a big business to discuss with you!"

"I said General Li Yan, please forgive me, I still have several news articles to be published?"

"Are you sure you won\'t come? The things I have here can make your career go a step further, no, it\'s an existence that goes up several floors!"

"Are you serious?"

Hearing this, Morgans was also stunned.

After all, Li Yan said too much.

Take your career to the next level?

Did you know that my career is at its peak now?

The peak does not understand, how can you continue to go up when you are at the peak, let alone go up several floors!

"Is it true, you\'ll know it once you come. Could it be that you\'re afraid that I\'ll kill you when you come?"

"Okay, I\'ll trust you once, I\'ll be there in three hours!"

After some weighing, Morgans gritted his teeth and said.

I\'ve been tricked. At most, I have a little problem with tomorrow\'s newspaper, but if it\'s true...

So, Morgans decided to go again.

What if this is true?

after all...

Things like this guy Li Yan have never been normal!