People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 149: Headquarters mass syncope incident

Just as Li Yan pulled Diamanti\'s arms ship and returned to the East China Sea, Kizaru also returned to the headquarters.

After all, this guy is a glittering fruit. Although it can\'t really reach the speed of light, that speed is definitely not covered.

It took more than four hours to arrive at a distance of several thousand nautical miles, and the fighter jets were not that fast!

In addition, this guy is always a laser, and there is a large-scale machine gun-like eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, Li Yan suddenly felt that the gun in his hand was not fragrant.

Kizaru, who was about to lock the artificial devil fruit into the safe in his office, and then went back to sleep comfortably, found his adjutant standing inside as soon as he opened the door, and his face suddenly became embarrassed.

Without the adjutant talking, he could already guess that it must be the Warring States Marshal who found out that he had sneaked out, and then asked his adjutant to wait here, and when he came back, he would go to the marshal to report...

"General Yellow Monkey, the Warring States Marshal said..."

"Okay, go back, I\'ll go to the Marshal\'s office later."

"Yes, General!"

Looking at the adjutant who went out, Kizaru also sighed slightly.

Well, there is no need to wait for tomorrow, it looks like I have to continue working overtime tonight...

He immediately picked up the box containing the artificial devil fruit and left his office.

"Yo, Marshal, you are terrible, what time is it, and you are still working overtime!"

Without knocking on the door, Kizaru opened the door of the Warring States Office and walked in. At the same time, the sound of being beaten naturally sounded like this.

He was bowing his head to process the results of the document, and his forehead suddenly became a tic tac toe.

However, after all, I got used to it, and I didn\'t really get angry because of it.

"You guy, it\'s okay to fish and play slippery at ordinary times. Now you are the only one of the three generals in the headquarters, and you slipped away without a word!"

"What if something happens and I need your mobile support?"

"Go back and write a 100,000-word review for me, and then deduct half of my salary this month!"

Putting down the document in his hand, the Warring States started the training mode.

Having been Kizaru\'s boss for so many years, he naturally knows where his seven inches is.

Sure enough, after hearing the 100,000-word review and the half salary deduction, Kizaru\'s entire face collapsed.

"Marshal, this time there is something really important, something extremely important!"

"It\'s not my personal matter, but a major matter about the stability of the navy and the entire world!"

Hearing this, the Warring States period was also a little surprised. After all, this kind of thing is not like the kind of words that can be said by the Japanese ape. He has been fishing and slipping all day, and he actually said that he slipped out for the sake of the navy and even the stability of the world?

"Tell me, if it\'s true, then I can cancel this punishment for you!"

"Are you serious?"

Immediately, Kizaru\'s expression became excited.

"Really, you can start talking!"

"Well... I actually went to Horqin Island once!"

"Korqin Island, what are you doing there?"

"Marshal, look at this first before talking about the specifics!"

Saying that, Kizaru put the box he brought with him on the Warring States table and opened it.

And Warring States, who wanted to see what Kizaru was doing, also glanced at the opened box.

But with such a glance, Sengoku couldn\'t look away.

Devil Fruit?

Or a bunch of Devil Fruits, there must be more than ten?

"However, why does each one look like an apple, even with the same pattern?"

The doubtful Warring States raised his head to look at Kizaru, waiting for his explanation.

"Marshal, this is an artificial devil fruit, made by that guy Doflamingo!"


artificial devil fruit...


These two keywords immediately reminded the Warring States a lot.

"Quick, tell me the whole thing in detail immediately!"

"Well, actually I got a call from Li Yan in the afternoon..."

five minutes later...

When Kizaru told the whole thing, the Warring States frowned deeply.

Li Yan\'s trial of the new warship, plus taking the navy to Horqin Island for training, this is no problem.

It\'s okay to be attacked by Diamanti and others, and to counterattack and subdue him and capture him.

Even if the arms of one of the ships and the box of artificial devil fruits were seized, there would be no problem.

Even Li Yan took the initiative to report to Kizaru and hand over these Devil Fruits, which can be said to be quite conscientious and without any selfishness.

What the **** is Doflamingo that can be caught with Diamanti and others?

Shouldn\'t this kind of thing be decided by the headquarters?

Although even with the evidence of this ship of ammunition and the artificial devil fruit, most of the Five Old Stars would not agree that they would attack Doflamingo.

But you, Li Yan, a major general, directly attacked Qiwuhai, isn\'t it a bit too much?

Speaking of which, the current Warring States period has long since lost the high spirits of when he was a general, and the consideration is more inclined to the camp of Mary Joa and the navy, rather than right or wrong.

Otherwise, he would not have attacked the Hundred Regiments in the original work, and the result of doing so would not really suppress the pirate forces, but would make the sea more chaotic and more civilians die in vain.

And the real reason is that Mary Joa kept the pirates, so that it would be easier for them to inform the whole world.

But look at what Whitebeard did, the people under his rule live and work in peace and contentment.

If the four emperors of the new world do this, it will directly threaten the rule of Mary Joa, okay?

What does this make those countries think?

It seems that it is not bad to be ruled by Whitebeard. You don\'t have to pay a terrifying amount of gold in the sky every year, and you can still be protected, so you don\'t have to be afraid of being attacked by pirates.

Then who is still willing to become a member country, and who is willing to hand over the heavenly gold every year?

Therefore, Whitebeard touched the bottom line of Mary Joa and had to be eliminated.

But to say that Doflamingo was destroyed, even if there was so much evidence of violating the agreement, Sengoku couldn\'t make up his mind.

After all, as the Five Old Stars said, the balance between the navy, the pirates and the Qiwuhai, the balance between these three forces is the cornerstone of maintaining the stability of the world and the rule of Mary Joa, and cannot be moved casually!

"Marshal, Li Yan also said something!"

Seeing that Sengoku\'s expression was not right, Kizaru said quickly.

"what\'s up!"

"He said that Vergo was one of the top cadres under Doflamingo\'s command and had been in the navy as an undercover agent more than ten years ago!"

"What? Are you sure?"

Wen The expression of the Warring States changed instantly, a pirate placed an undercover beside him, can this kind of thing be tolerated?

"I\'m not sure, but Li Yan asked me to tell you something!"


"Li Yan said that Vergo discovered the identity of Ronandi back then, and he even shot Ronandi to the brink of death, directly or indirectly causing his final death."



Just in the shocked eyes of Kizaru, a terrifying aura erupted from within the Warring States.

This is the only existence in the navy with the overlord color.

The terrifying aura erupted and spread around, and soon swept over most of the headquarters area.

Those who are still on duty or not resting and stay in the headquarters, except for a few strong ones...

All fainted at this moment!