People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 141: The only sword skill

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Not only the battlefield between Li Yan and Diamanti, but in fact, the front deck of the entire warship is now in a mess.

Although Adam Treasure Wood is very sturdy, it is still too much to say that it can resist the swordsman\'s slash, or the strong body technique and devil fruit ability attack.

It\'s been less than a minute since it started, and it\'s already a mess, with cracks or holes everywhere.

Look at this, when I go back, I have to replace the entire deck...

Li Yan, who decided to quickly end the battle, suddenly turned to one side, and the next thing he was going to use was the unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box, the only sword move that he had never used in actual combat since his training...

Flat A!

"Flying Slash, White Tiger!"

With a low drink, his right hand slammed down day by day.

It is exactly the same action as when you normally release Flying Slash.

But what Li Yan was wielding at the moment was not the two-color training as before, but a fierce tiger outlined by black and white, with its teeth and claws, rushing towards Diamanti with the momentum of the king of beasts.

The main body\'s white hair, coupled with the black tiger stripes, is almost impossible to tell if you don\'t look carefully, it\'s just a slash.

This is not the ability of the devil fruit, but the appearance created by the pure control of the sword energy by the sword intent.

And it\'s not over yet.

Li Yan, who had just released a slash, turned the blade and slashed again from the bottom up, but this time the direction of the slash was not the front but the sky.

"Flying Slash Suzaku!"

The moment the sword qi was released, it began to transform, and when the slash was completely released and formed, it turned into a lifelike Suzaku, spreading its wings and flying towards the air ahead.

Probably the only shortcoming is that the color is not right.

After all, the opinion Li Yan currently has is black and white, and no other colors...

But this scene still left Diamanti stunned.

At first he thought it was the power of a Devil Fruit, but soon from the White Tiger and Suzaku, he felt the pure sword qi, but the pure sword qi that exudes the slightest sword intent, which made him understand...

This is not a Devil Fruit ability at all, but pure swordsmanship!

But why can swordsmanship achieve this effect?

Although Diamanti knows that after reaching the great swordsman, another characteristic besides the sword intent is the more precise control of the sword qi, which is why the great swordsman often has different skills when fighting. An anomaly appeared.

For example, Hundred Regiments\' foil Bista, its sword energy will turn into red rose petals during battle, but it is the first time that Diamanti has seen, even the first heard once.

However, there was no time for him to think about it now.

"Bull-fighting cape!"

I still used this move, after all, this is my strongest defensive skill.

However, after the last experience, this time Diamanti not only used the bullfighting cloak, but also activated the armed color of the whole body. In the middle, the body is also covered with a layer.

It can be said.

This is already a complete triple protection.


In the next instant, the white tiger transformed by the sword energy had already pounced on Diamanti\'s cloak, and immediately opened its **** mouth and bit it directly.

At the same time, Suzaku, who was still flying upwards, suddenly turned over and started diving directly towards Diamanti below.

"Damn it, even if the sword energy can be transformed into such a lifelike form, can you still turn around?"

Feeling the change above, Diamanti\'s eyes were rounded.

Although this looks like a bird with white flames burning all over its head, it is still a slash in essence, so why can it change direction and attack itself midway?

Diamanti couldn\'t figure it out, and couldn\'t understand it, so he had to motivate his armed domineering to the greatest extent, and pulled his cloak to wrap himself tighter and more airtight.

Suzaku swooped down from the sky and slammed into Diamanti\'s cloak from above. The two slashes slashed each other, and the double sword intent of destruction and death penetrated.

Even the ability to fly the fruit and the steel cloak after the double addition of the armed color and domineering were finally unbearable, and it suddenly turned into countless pieces.

However, although the cloak was broken, it also helped Diamanti offset most of the sword energy from the two slashes.

The black hands wrapped in the domineering arrogance of the armed color were raised to block the two slashes from different directions. The intense pain instantly filled, and Diamanti couldn\'t help but let out a scream.


However, this still failed to kill Diamanti. After all, the sword qi and sword intent contained in these two slashes had been consumed by most of the previous time when the cloak was broken. It is still huge, but it is not enough to kill a domineering master.

With all his strength, he finally bounced off the two slashes separately. Even his arms covered with armed colors already had sword marks, which looked very miserable.

At this time, Diamanti no longer dared to give Li Yan any chance to make moves.

After all, his cloak is gone, and if he repeats the trick like just now, most of him will really be unable to bear it.

When even used a few tricks.

He took out a few small salutes and sprayed countless pieces of paper flying towards the sky.

But if you think of these as ordinary pieces of paper, you would be wrong, they are all genuine thorn iron balls, but they are only given the ability to fly fruit by Diamanti.

"Death Stardust!"

With a low voice, the countless pieces of paper that were still floating in the air instantly returned to their original postures. It was an iron ball of uncountable sharp thorns, like an impermeable iron rain, from the sky. Fall to where Li Yan was.

"Flying Slash·Xuanwu!"

Another slash was swiped, and there was nothing special about the action, but the direction was facing the sky, as if trying to disperse these thorn iron **** with a slash.


The stunned mutation appeared again.

It was clearly a slash, but about three meters above Li Yan\'s head, it transformed into a huge beast, like a combination of a turtle and a snake, firmly protecting Li Yan below.

And those thorn iron **** directly turned into powder as soon as they touched Xuanwu, and they no longer had any lethality.

Diamanti was dumbfounded by this scene.

Your slash can transform into a firebird, and you can turn in the air, that\'s fine.

But why can it transform into a monster and hover in the air?

This is totally against common sense, right?

"Boy, don\'t think you can win this way, I\'ll let you taste what it\'s like to be attacked by both sides."

"Half-month funeral!"

Gritting his teeth, Diamanti shot again and tried his best. A slash was suddenly thrown against the ground, attacking Li Yan\'s defenseless front.

"Flying Slash·Blue Dragon!"

In response to Diamanti, Li Yan slashed again.

What this slash transformed into was the blue dragon, the head of the four mythical beasts, plundering towards Diamanti in a way as if swimming in water.

In the middle of the way, Banyue Funeral was defeated as soon as he touched it, and the next moment, the blue dragon with its claws and claws was already on Diamanti\'s body...

"Ah ah ah ah ah...."

The screams continued one after another, making everyone who heard it horrified.

A few seconds later, when the blue dragon transformed by the sword energy dissipated, and Diamanti\'s figure reappeared in front of everyone, he had already fallen to the ground, covered in wounds and blood.

This is also fortunate that Li Yan controlled the power, otherwise the blow just now would definitely kill him.

After all, this is the bait that Li Yan used to kill Doflamingo...

You can\'t just hang up like this!