People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 133: meteorite fall

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

West of Horqin Island, on the test ship.

Barry is taking people everywhere to check to see the state of the warship after a long naval battle, while several people from the Science Department are using various instruments to check the naval guns.

In short, everyone was very busy, so I just found a chair out of nowhere to sit on the deck and drink tea, which was very comfortable.

"Mr. Smile, there are a large number of pirates approaching, the number is close to 300!"

At this moment, a sailor from the observation deck suddenly saw something with a telescope, and immediately shouted towards the deck below.

Hearing this, he stood up with a smile and looked hundreds of meters away. Sure enough, nearly 300 pirates were rushing towards here.

"Mr. Smile, do you want us to help?"

At this time, Barry and Bipley also came over and asked with a smile.

Although they are boatmen, each of them is not weak. For ordinary pirates, it is not a problem for them to fight dozens of them.

Of course, with the exception of Barry at the moment, this guy is now a twelve-year-old child, I\'m afraid he can\'t beat one...

Without answering, Yi Xiao slowly took out a cane knife from his cane, and then waved it suddenly into the air, and suddenly...

Well, there is nothing for a while, although it looks very strong, but after waving it out of thin air, with a smile, the knife is returned to the cane.

"Everyone, keep busy, these tasks must be completed before the major general returns, otherwise it will affect the sailing!"

Turning around, as if nothing had happened, he said to Barry and the others with a smile.

"Ah, by the way, the pirates over there please take care of the aftermath!"

After suddenly remembering something, he smiled again to the dozen or so left-behind sailors who were already concentrated on the deck, and then went back to his previous seat to drink tea.

This scene made everyone look at each other in dismay, not understanding what was going on.

At this moment, a sailor looked up at the sky with a look of horror on his face, and when others noticed the state of the sailor, they couldn\'t help but raise their heads.

It\'s fine if you don\'t look up, but when you look up, it\'s outrageous.

A meteorite is being wrapped in flames, dragging a trail of black smoke, and it just falls from the sky.


Is this a meteorite?

Suddenly everyone was shocked, and then they were a little scared.

Don\'t joke, this is allowed, even if it is a small meteorite, this fall will at least affect the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters. If it is larger, the entire island is estimated to be gone.

But now I just want to escape, I\'m afraid it\'s too late...

"What are you panicking about!"

Suddenly, Vaughan, the captain of the remaining marines, suddenly shouted.

Others don\'t know what\'s going on, but he knows it. When Li Yan and Yi Xiao went to an uninhabited island for a discussion half a month ago, he was the one who led a group of sailors in charge of driving the warship.

Although he did not follow the two to the island, nor did he see the details of the battle between the two, he did see a meteorite falling from the sky and falling towards the island.

Although at that time, Li Yan suddenly slashed from the island with flying slashes, and the meteorite was cut into pieces.

But the scene of the meteorite falling from the sky still makes him deeply remember.

For a long time, he thought it was an accidental incident, until he saw the inexplicable swing of the knife just now, and the meteorite that fell at the moment, Vaughn still didn\'t understand.

This thing is just a joke.

No wonder the Major General has always treated Mr. Smile with courtesy, it turns out to be the case!

The ability to pull down meteorites from the sky at will, this ability is so terrifying...

"Don\'t mess around. After the meteorite falls, all the sailors will bring enough handcuffs and go with me to take the pirates!"

"Captain, that\'s about 300 people. Is it better for us to rely on warships to shoot at long distances to stop the enemy?"

"It doesn\'t matter, when the meteorite fell, the pirates over there basically couldn\'t breathe, and even if they did, they would definitely be seriously injured!"


"Nonsense, or what do you think Mr. Smile pulled a meteorite from the sky for?"


Suddenly, all the sailors were stunned.

Don\'t say they were dumbfounded, the boatmen and scientists still on the deck at the moment were equally dumbfounded.

What is that sailor talking about, this meteorite was pulled down from the sky by Mr. Laugh?

Involuntarily, everyone turned their heads slowly like a robot, and looked at the person who was drinking tea leisurely not far away, with a harmless smile on their faces.


Is Mr. Smile such a terrifying existence?


On the deck of the warship, when everyone was petrified...

more than 500 meters away.

"Quick, the warship can already be seen, the little ones rush for me!"

"That\'s great, there seem to be about 20 people on the deck, and half of them don\'t look like sailors!"

"What are you doing, anyway, kill them, kill everyone, and leave Horqin Island immediately!"

"That\'s right, as long as this deal is made, each of us can share at least one billion Baileys, hahahahaha!"


The ten pirate captains each brought their pirates, laughing loudly, while waving their weapons and running towards the warship.

However, in the pirate team, Kapo, who was also running wildly, suddenly felt bad for a while, as if something was wrong, some pressure came from above him, and he looked up subconsciously. at a glance.

Looking at this, I almost scared him to death...

A meteorite was facing their position at the moment, and it fell straight down.

"All flash!"

He didn\'t have time to react too much, he just threw himself on the ground and shouted at his maximum volume.

However, even before these four words were finished, the meteorite had already fallen, like justice descended from the sky.


The huge impact directly overturned all the pirates. As for those pirates who were just on the landing point, I was afraid that even the bones could not be found.

This is also because the meteorite is only about 2 meters in size, and the gravity control of a smile has put some restrictions on its falling speed. Otherwise, this meteorite alone can blow up the entire island.

If you really want to talk about the power to destroy the world, in fact, Whitebeard is not enough to see in front of a smile.

The reason why the meteorite pulled down by Yixiao in the original book fell so slowly is because Yixiao controlled it. Otherwise, as long as a larger meteorite fell, even if it fell into the sea, it would be enough to destroy the world, okay?

More than 500 meters away from the warship, the smoke was completely shrouded in smoke at this moment, and it was impossible to see the situation.

However, even if you can\'t see clearly, you can roughly guess the fate of those pirates.

On the deck of the warship, all those who witnessed this scene swallowed their saliva, unable to make a sound for a while.

It was not until a full minute later that the voice of a sailor was heard.


"Is there still life?"