People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 127: Horqin Naval Battle (Part 2)

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (


Looking at the pirate ship that was torn to pieces a hundred meters away, Garfield also had the intention of retreating.

At a distance of five kilometers, you can have such a hit rate, then after getting closer...

No, you can\'t fight against this navy at sea, there is no chance at all on the sea!

Only by going to Horqin Island, after attracting the navy to land, they will be surrounded and killed on the island.

After all, such a big island, with a diameter of more than 30 kilometers, as long as you hide in the middle, then these cannons will not threaten you.

And even if that kind of naval gun can really hit that far, Garfield really doesn\'t believe it, how accurate can it hit more than ten kilometers?

After making up his mind, Garfield immediately called out to Chief of Staff Haibo.

"Captain, I\'m here!"

"Inform the navigator to immediately turn the ship back to Horqin Island, and at the same time let Abel and Lecque come to the deck. During the return journey, the four of us intercepted the naval shells together!"

"Captain, if you withdraw to Horqin Island now, wouldn\'t it mean that you are trapped on the island, and you have to withdraw, why not just stay away from this sea area?"

Tilt his head, Kapo asked in confusion.

"Are you stupid, because you are still the chief of staff on my ship..."

"Don\'t you see that the warship has no sails, and know what that means?"

"It means that this warship uses the same new power system as the gun, and this power is absolutely faster than the sail power, otherwise there is no need to design it like this!"

"So, whether it\'s escaping from the sea or rushing up to catch a battle, it\'s almost impossible!"

Looking at his staff, Kapo, who is also a supernova, said angrily.

In the case that the ship is slower than the other party, that warship can definitely hang you at a certain distance, only he can hit you, but you can\'t hit him.

And running away is the same, people can even let you run for an hour first, and then chase after all the pirates here, okay?

Therefore, the only way is to get to Horqin Island, and then use the natural environment to hide itself and attract the navy to the island to solve it!

After Garfield\'s reminder, Kapo also reacted, and immediately ran to find the navigator.

After a while, the four pirates with a bounty of over 100 million stood on the deck together, and the entire pirate ship also began to turn around.

This scene made all the other pirate groups look stupid.

This group of people is planning for everyone to bite the bullet and rush up together, forcing a battle with each other.

But as a result, these pirates have just started to rush, and the blood wolf pirates who are the backbone have escaped?

Is this too dog?

However, just when they were stunned, the dominant row of artillery shells fell, and suddenly the entire fleet was turned upside down, full of chaos.

At the same time, Li Yan\'s test ship.

"Major General, the ship of the Blood Wolf Pirates has turned around, and the direction should be to flee to Horqin Island!"

"Don\'t worry, kill the other pirates first!"

"Understood, Major General!"

Nodding his head, Usopp responded loudly on the observation deck, then continued to observe the pirate fleet ahead with his binoculars, and communicated the artillery parameters to each artillery position one by one.

Round after round, shelling from several kilometers away, coupled with the escape of the Blood Wolf Pirates.


The remaining pirates collapsed and fled.

Some escaped to Horqin Island with the Blood Wolf Pirates, and some escaped to the open sea.

If you change to other warships, you may have no choice but to choose who to chase after.

But here are not the standard warships of the navy, but new warships with new power systems and ultra-long-range naval guns.

"The warship is heading directly to Horqin Island. As for the seven pirate ships that escaped to the sea, Usopp, before arriving at Horqin Island, solve them all for me. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, Major General!"

Without any hesitation, Usopp answered directly.

If you want to escape from your own range, you have to escape for at least 10 kilometers, and during this time, it is enough for Usopp to shoot more than 100 guns. . . .

Are you afraid you can\'t kill the seven of you?

"Navigator, deploy the propulsion wheel, adjust the route, and target Horqin Island!"

"Yes, Major General!"

boom boom boom boom...

Amid the constant shelling, the test ship began to move and headed towards Horqin Island.

And this scene was also seen by those pirates, especially the ship of the Blood Wolf Pirates.

"Captain, you\'re right, they really prioritize attacking those pirate groups that have fled to the sea."

Seeing that another pirate ship was sunk, Garp also said with lingering fears.

"Normal operation, if I had such a ship, such a weapon, would do the same!"

"But that\'s fine. With them attracting firepower, we can safely escape back to Horqin Island. After we get to the island, it\'s not certain who will kill the deer!"

"By the way, before arriving at Horqin Island, don\'t take it lightly and be ready to intercept the shells at any time!"

Everyone: "Don\'t worry, Captain!"


After half an hour.

The seven pirate ships that escaped to the sea did not escape the hunting and killing of warships, and all sank to the bottom of the sea.

As for those pirates who didn\'t die and fell into the water, Li Yan has no interest in saving them, maybe...

After cleaning up the pirates on the island, if they haven\'t become the belly of some marine creatures, Li Yan may send someone to capture them and bring them back to the Eighteen Branches held in Haitian prisons.

But if you can\'t make it to that time, then you can only hope that you can be a good person in your next life!

However, after all, there was no time to kill a few more on the sea, and the pirate group that fled to Horqin Island was taken by them all to escape to the island!

Looking at Horqin Island, which is getting closer and closer, hundreds of sailors have gathered on the front deck.

Most of what Li Yan brought this time were elite sea soldiers, and a small number of ordinary random sea soldiers, with relatively strong strength and talent. Among them, even the weakest had more than 30 Dao points. Some Strong can even reach 100 or so.

As for Luffy or Bucky, it is not difficult for them to clean up hundreds of millions of pirates with bounties today, and Nuoqi Gao is a strategic weapon.

Before you know it, the combat power of the Eighteen Branch is already close to that of the G1 or G5 branch of the New World.

The reason why there is still a gap now is mainly because the combat power of the lieutenant general level is still a little less. At present, only Li Yan and Nuoqigao can truly be comparable to the lieutenant general of the headquarters.

Of course, it is only comparable to an ordinary lieutenant general, not an elite lieutenant general, nor a general candidate like Taotu.

Another ten minutes passed.

The warship finally docked not far from the shore.

"Mr. Yixiao, this warship can\'t have any accidents. I will trouble you to guard it after I go ashore!"

"Major General Li Yan, rest assured, with the old man here, no one can beat the idea of ​​this warship!"

He nodded and said confidently with a smile.

"Li Yan, who is that blind man, who is very strong?"

After boarding the boat, Taotu immediately came to Li Yan\'s side and asked in confusion.

"Well, very strong, I can probably beat ten of you!"
