People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 107: Forgery of rank is a felony

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

East China Sea, Glen Islands, main island.

"Hmph, trash!"

Seeing Ajin, who was carried back by several pirates, covered in blood, Crick just kicked him several meters away.

The hatred in his heart, one large warship plus six medium-sized warships, it\'s gone.

Originally, according to Crick\'s plan, after another 1 or 2 years, 50 warships were gathered, and a super fleet was formed to enter the great route.

But now?

I lost 7 ships at once, and I am afraid that my plan will have to be postponed for at least another year.

What made him even more angry was that the pirates under his command said that the other party was just a warship. Isn\'t this a waste?

However, although he was very angry, Crick was very interested in the naval warship reported by his subordinates that could accurately shell three kilometers away.

"Balu, bring two squads, and after those navies come ashore, kill them all for me!"

"Ediman, you bring my Guards and a squad, and take their warships while the navy is at war with Baru!"

"Remember, it was taken intact!"

Speaking of this, there was a touch of heat in Crick\'s eyes.

For him, personal strength is all bullshit, only the number of people, only the weapons are everything.

If the things reported just now by his subordinates are not false, then as long as he takes down this naval warship, it seems that he does not feel much loss for the loss of 7 warships.

As an expert in hot weapons, he knew all too well what precise artillery fire from three kilometers away meant.

"Yes, Admiral Crick!"

The two people who took the order immediately summoned the manpower to set off.

In the Creek Pirates, the number of each team is 300. At present, there are ten ordinary teams and one guard team, with a total number of more than 3,000 people.

However, in the naval battle just now, there were about 500 people who died or fell into the water too late to be rescued, which is equivalent to the reimbursement of nearly two teams, which is not too big at any time.

But after all, it is a pirate group of more than 3,300 people. Even if they lose these, there are still nearly 3,000 people, and their strength is still not to be underestimated.

Can\'t beat the naval battle, can\'t it be beaten on land?

This is Crick\'s logic.

In the original book, 50 warships were directly cut down by Hawkeye and 49 were cut off at sea. As a result, after arriving at Bharati, this guy immediately felt that he could do it again. Don\'t be afraid at all, and then continue to provoke Hawkeye.

To put it simply, this is a guy with no eyesight and a strong belief in hot weapons, thinking that as long as the weapon is in hand, he can crush anyone.

As everyone knows, even Li Yan, who has a gun that is more than a hundred years ahead of this era, dare not say this!


Just as the Creek Pirates were gathering their manpower and preparing to kill the navy that landed for a while, the warship where Smoker was at finally docked on the main island of the Glen Islands.

"Larnas, the warship will be handed over to you, and I will take people ashore to slay other pirates!"

"Colonel Smog, don\'t worry, no one can come up here!"

Nodding, Larns said.

This is not because he is too inflated, but when he docked, he had already chosen an empty coast.

In other words, no matter which pirate wants to attack a warship, it must first cross an open area of ​​several hundred meters.

And these hundreds of meters, they not only have to face the sniper of the Corona Type 18 of the seamen on the ship, but also the attack of the naval artillery.

A few hundred meters away, tsk tsk...

It’s ok to fight one, let alone these ordinary pirates, even if Crick came by himself, he would definitely not be able to please him.

Seeing Larns say this, Smog didn\'t teach him not to be arrogant, but nodded in agreement.

After all, it is from the elite training camp of the navy. It is not only about personal strength, but also the battle command. The warship is docked here, and he naturally knows how difficult it is for the Creek Pirates to attack.

Without saying more, he set off towards the island with ten sailors from Rogge Town and fifty elite sailors given by Li Yan.

"Colonel, can we really have 60 of us?"

The little secretary, Dasqi, followed behind Smoker, holding a sword that was almost as long as her height, and asked with some fear.

That\'s the Creek Pirates, with more than 3,000 people...

At sea, it can be suppressed with the help of new naval guns, but when it goes ashore, it is fifty times the actual strength difference!

Not to mention Dasqi, the other Rogue town sea soldiers who followed Smog to the 18th branch, and this time with him, are also afraid!

"Trash, look at the sea soldiers of the Eighteenth Branch!"

Seeing this group of marines under him, and then looking at the fifty marines in the Eighteen Branches, Smaller immediately cursed angrily.

His subordinates were shivering one by one, while Li Yan\'s subordinate soldiers had a calm expression, showing no sign of fear at all.

This difference is really...

Desperately big!

Fortunately, Li Yan said that in the future, all the seamen of the East China Sea Branch will take turns to train in the Eighteenth Branch for three months. Thinking of this, Smog\'s mood is also much better.

You know, in the past half month of the Eighteenth Branch, every time he saw those sea soldiers under Li Yan, he was so greedy that his saliva was about to fall.

Too elite, isn\'t it?

Even more elite than the marines of the headquarters!

Imagine, after a few months and half a year, when he has all these elite marines under his command, Smog is so excited!

What back to headquarters...

I don\'t care Donghai is fine!

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine with me!"

Nuo Qigao, who appeared here at an unknown time, patted Dusqi on the shoulder lightly and said with a smile.

Speaking of which, Nuoqigao and Dasqi have gotten to know each other quite well in the past two weeks.

After all, the navy soldiers who came with these branch leaders lived in the 18th branch during this period of time, and Dasqi was the only female navy soldier in it. In addition, her confused personality and the fact that she was 21 years old, The appearance of a minor also made Nuo Qigao take care of her as a younger sister.


Nuoqigao is two years younger than Dusky.

However, it is better to return home. Dusqi said to Nuoqigao that she will be fine if she is there, and she still has no confidence, but at this time, she noticed something that she hadn\'t noticed for half a month.

Noki\'s high shoulders...

It turned out to be the rank of brigadier general?

From this, we can see how confused this girl is. It took half a month to find out.


"Quick, quickly take down the rank of brigadier general. Forgery of naval rank is a serious crime!"


Seeing the anxiety on Dusky\'s face, everyone including Smog covered their foreheads for a while speechless.

Even Nuoqigao himself opened his mouth, not knowing what to say...

How come such a wonderful woman appeared in his own branch.

Shame, shame too!

At this moment, Smoker really wants to dig a hole in the ground and get in...

"What are you talking about, Commodore Nuoqi Gao is the direct disciple of Admiral Kizaru, a serious Marine Commodore!"
