People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 103: naval independence

Fujitora smiled, one of the few in the original book, a high-ranking navy officer that Li Yan could look up to.

Contrary to Akainu\'s style, for Yi Xiao, he believes that protecting civilians is more important than catching pirates.

In some respects, Fujitora\'s view of justice is very close to Li Yan, and everything starts from the common people.

More importantly, in the original book, Fujitora said that the purpose of his joining the navy was to abolish the deformed system of Shichibukai, and what Li Yan is doing now is also for this purpose.

Without the organization of Shichibukai, there would be no way for Weibull to enter the Shichibukai, which led to Zefa leaving the navy to create the NEO navy and a series of things that followed.

Therefore, Fujitora\'s goals are also highly consistent with Li Yan\'s early goals.

Therefore, Li Yan decided to attack directly instead of beating around the bush.

You must know, this guy\'s knowledge is top-notch, any lies or careful thoughts are very easy to be seen through by him, and in the end it will backfire.

"Mr. Smile, welcome to the Eighteenth Branch of the East China Sea Navy!"

"Do you know the old man?"

Obviously, Yixiao was very surprised by Li Yan calling out his name directly. After all, he was still very low-key at this time, and he was not showing anything. In the eyes of outsiders, he was like a blind man who likes to gamble, a thoroughly ordinary person.

It stands to reason that the recently famous navy should have never heard of him.

"No, but I\'ve heard of Mr. Smile, and I even planned to find and invite Mr. Smile, but it\'s really difficult to invite Mr. Smile who has the power of a general with my current strength."

This is not Li Yan\'s nonsense. It was in his plan to take a smile, but it is obviously very difficult for a person with the most major generals of the headquarters to go to take a person with the strength of a general to his subordinates. isn\'t it?

So Li Yan originally planned to look for a smile after the East China Sea was cleaned up and his strength reached a certain level, but he didn\'t expect a strong man to attract an opportunity and send him directly to his door.

Now that they\'re all here, Li Yan has to try it anyway.

After listening to Li Yan\'s answer, he smiled and said nothing.

Although he can\'t see things with his eyes, the top-level seeing and hearing look is always helping a smile to explore everything around him, and keeps telling himself that the new generation of major generals in the navy in front of him is not lying.

It\'s just that there are only a few people who know that they have the power of a general, and these people should not disclose their information at will, so how did Li Yan know?


"The major general is joking, the old man is just a gambler."

"Mr. Smile is just joking. Even if you are a gambler, you are a gambler with a lot of superhuman fruits, and you can even match the strength of a navy admiral, right?"

"Well, I didn\'t expect that the Navy has already checked the old man so clearly, so it doesn\'t seem to make much sense to continue denying it!"

Even if you know what fruit you hold, what\'s the point of denying it.

While complaining in his heart, Yi Xiao became more curious about Li Yan.

"Mr. Smile may have some misunderstandings. The navy doesn\'t know of your existence. To be precise, only I know!"

Hearing this, he smiled for a while.

Speaking of which, I came here because I heard about the new Governor of the East China Sea by chance, especially in what I heard, the words "No Thieves in the East China Sea", even more so. He was very curious about Li Yan.

Therefore, Yi Xiao came here to see what kind of person this major general was.

As for where did you hear it, and what did you hear about it, it is naturally a masterpiece of a certain system, otherwise how can you teach the strong to attract opportunities?

As the system once told Li Yan, it does not and cannot directly change people\'s will, but it can have a certain impact on people or things through some events or some accidents, and the final result of this influence, That\'s none of its business.

It\'s like rewarding Li Yan\'s sea soldiers, find some suitable people, and let them see some small advertisements by chance, but after coming to Li Yan\'s side, the future loyalty depends on Li Yan himself. .

After the actual contact and dialogue, he smiled and found that the major general was far from being as simple as he thought, and he even knew himself very well, even knowing the fruits he held.

This is very strange.

"Mr. Yixiao, I know that you have purer justice in your heart than most navies, and I also know that you hate the Qiwuhai system, and I plan to completely end this deformed system within two years. I wonder if you are willing to help me? "

Li Yan said it very directly, very directly.

But this is even more puzzled when he hears it with a smile.

I really hate the Shichibukai system, and I once thought about joining the navy, then changing the navy from within or even canceling the system.

But the problem is, I haven\'t told anyone about my idea, I should only know it...

"Major General Li Yan, can you tell this old man why you know this?"

"If I say I can see the future, will Mr. Smile believe it?"

"If it was before this conversation, I definitely didn\'t believe it, but now the old man seems to believe it a little bit. After all, there are some things that no one else can know except the old man himself, but the old man is very curious, has his wish come true?"

"It can be said that it has been realized, or it can be said that it has not been realized!"

"How to say?"

After hearing the question from a smile, Li Yan said.

"If you just abolish the Qiwuhai system, four years later, when Mr. Yixiao becomes an admiral, he will indeed achieve However, this is only a symptom rather than a cure, and it does not solve the key to the problem. As long as there is a need, This system can be restored at any time, or even a worse system, as long as..."

"Let Mary Joa continue to rule!"

"So, Mr. Smile\'s starting point is wrong!"

Shaking his head, Li Yan also sighed slightly.

The system of Qiwuhai, to put it bluntly, is only the bandit raised by Mary Joa. Roger has made it into trouble, so as a last resort, a Qiwuhai will be created to continue to maintain the great route. The so-called three Great camp balance.

In this way, Mary Joa can continue to play the trick of raising her own self-respect without worrying that this robber will become a problem.

This is also why, in the original book, the five old stars said that the balance of the three camps is the basis for maintaining the stability of the world, and the most fundamental reason.

Therefore, Qiwuhai has never been the key.

As long as Marijoya is still ruling the world, the pirates will never be completely exterminated, and things like Shichibukai will be sacrificed again whenever they need it, and even worse other systems.

"Of course, it doesn\'t mean that Mr. Yi Xiao\'s efforts to ban Qiwuhai are wrong, but that this should not be the ultimate goal, at most it can only be regarded as the first small goal, and the vision needs to be more long-term."

"So, what is Major General Li Yan\'s goal?"

After pondering for a while, after thinking about the meaning of Li Yan\'s words, he asked with a smile.

"It\'s very simple. It\'s divided into three stages. The first stage is the independence of the navy, and the banning of Qiwuhai..."

"It\'s just the first small goal in this stage!"