Peerless Soldier King In Three Realms

Chapter 209

The next day, early in the morning.

The early spring sun rises early.

Li Yan got up early in the morning, simply drank a bowl of porridge left over from last night, carried a basket on his back, took pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and said goodbye to his wife. Before he left, he also said where to go, so as to reassure his wife.

Li Yan limped out of the door.

Yesterday's injury was quite serious. He had a day's rest. His legs and feet were not sharp and his face was bruised.

He wanted to heal.

But with a wife and children at home, especially a son in his teens, it's time to grow up. He can't cultivate himself. Even if it's hard to set up a stall, he has to go out to earn money.

He is the pillar of the family.

If he doesn't go out, who will?

After Li Yan left early, Li prepared breakfast for his son, and then sent him out to play. Despite the hardship of his family, Li never lacked eggs and meat for his son. After all, the child is growing up.

Li was busy in the yard, sewing and mending. When she was at home alone, she also took over some jobs, which were sewing and mending, washing and subsidizing her family.

Half an hour after Li Yan left, a carriage came slowly towards Li Yan's door.

The people in the carriage were Zhang Xiu and Liu ba.

Deng Zhan is a driver.

Liu Ba said with a smile: "Lord, Li Yan lives in a remote place. He has a proud disposition and is unwilling to ask his friends for help even though the days are hard. I asked him to live in the bamboo sea for a while, but he refused. This man's temper is still a little stubborn. "

Zhang Xiu frowned and said, "so, Li Yan's situation is not very good."

"It's not just bad!"

Liu Ba shook his head and said, "it's very bad now. After he arrived in Xiangyang, Liu Biao didn't make any arrangements."

Zhang Xiu nods and talks about Li Yan with Liu ba. Gradually she gets to know Li Yan better.

Li Yan is a scholar.

So, it's not funded.

Even friends do.

He was also a little lonely and arrogant, so when he arrived in Xiangyang, he came to such a state. Zhang Xiu would never be like Li Yan. Since a friend, especially a friend, is willing to help, why refuse?

Accepting a friend's help is not necessarily a loss.

When you can live through the hardships and be prosperous, you still remember the past kindness. That's the real man.


The carriage stopped.

Deng Zhan took the lead to get out of the carriage, took down the low stool and put it next to the carriage. He bowed and said, "here we are, Lord!"

Zhang Xiu and Liu Ba got off the bus one after another.

Zhang Xiu looks at the house where Li Yan lives, shakes her head and goes up. When they came to the gate of the yard, they could see everything in the yard. At this time, Li was mending his clothes.

The light in the room is not good. Li's sewing is all done in the yard.

Liu Ba Tui opened the door and was the first to enter.

He knows Li.

In the same way, Li also knew Liu ba. As soon as he saw Liu Ba coming, he quickly put down his needle and thread, got up and straightened his wrinkled clothes, leaned over and said, "how did Mr. Liu come?"

Liu Ba said with a smile: "I'm here today to recommend a person to Zhengfang and to find something for him. What about other people? "

Zhengfang is Li Yan's word.

Li's eyes immediately fell on Zhang Xiu. She used to be with Li Yan. Although she is down now, she has seen some of the world. When she saw Zhang Xiu, she knew that she must be the leader.

Li said: "Mr. Liu, my husband went to pingkangfang and set up a stall to sell words."


Liu Ba Leng said: "when did Zhengfang start to set up a stall?"

Li's also some unnatural smile, truthfully said: "even a few days ago, the time is not long. If you can't pick up your hand, you can only do some writing and painting to subsidize your family. "

Liu Ba said, "that's OK. I'll find someone."

Li Shi way: "otherwise, Li childe and noble wait a moment, I go to call husband to come back."

"No need!"

Liu Ba shakes his head. He knows pingkangfang.

He nodded to Zhang Xiu and walked out of the house together.

Liu Ba reminded: "when you go to pingkangfang, you can take a hat to avoid being found. After all, Xiangyang City is full of people and eyes. If I recognize you, it's not good. "

"All right!"

Zhang Xiu nodded.

Liu Ba turns around and returns to find Li Shi, takes a bamboo hat to Zhang Xiu, and goes straight to pingkang square. In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhang Xiu and Liu Ba arrived not far from the place where Li lived.

This street is not very prosperous.

There are not many people coming and going.

It's the west of the city, after all.

When Zhang Xiu and Liu Ba arrived, they were surprised to see that Li Yan was knocked over again. There were five people who were beating Li Yan, knocking him to the ground and kicking him.Zhang Xiu doesn't know Li Yan.

But Liu Ba knew him. When he saw Li Yan who had fallen to the ground, he hurriedly said, "Lord, it's Li Yan who was beaten."

Zhang xiudao: "Deng Zhan, save people!"


After listening, Deng Zhan stepped into the street quickly. He took the sword from his waist and took it out with the scabbard. Only a few muffled sounds came out. Under the impact of the scabbard, all the five people who besieged Li Yan were knocked to the ground.

Then, Deng Zhan bent down and helped Li Yan to the ground.

At the moment, Li Yan's eyes split.

All over the body, there are scars.

His elegant cheek was full of bruises. Thanks to Li Yan's holding his head in both hands when he fell to the ground, his head would not be hurt.

Liu Ba went up in a hurry.

When he saw Li Yan's injury, he was heartbroken and said, "Zhengfang, something happened. Why don't you tell me? Do you regard me as your old friend

Li Yan gave a miserable smile.

His legs were trembling slightly, because just now, those people punched and kicked him in the thigh, which hurt his thigh and hurt him a lot.

Zhang Xiu's eyes swept and found that the person who had fallen to the ground was ready to escape. He had a sharp look in his eyes and yelled, "don't move. Whoever dares to leave, I'll kill anyone."

Sen Leng's murderous spirit diffused from Zhang Xiu's body.


The faces of the people who beat Li Yan changed greatly. They were all worried and did not dare to run away. Now they find that they can bully Li Yan at will, but they also have a background.

If I had known that, I shouldn't have dealt with Li Yan yesterday.

Zhang xiudao said, "Li Yan, what should we do with these people?"

Li Yan said, "let them go!"

Zhang Xiu was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Li Yan was beaten and didn't fight back.

Liu Ba couldn't see it any more. He yelled: "Zhengfang, they beat you and bullied you so much. You want them to leave? Your brain is not fooled. "

Li Yan sighed and said, "after all, they are all poor people. Bullying them, what can I get? It doesn't make sense. Even if I beat them hard, can I recover from my injury? No! Even if you kill them, it won't help. What's more, I set up a stall to rob them of their business and cut off their jobs and wealth. "

Zhang Xiu was surprised to hear Li Yan's words.

Li Yan has a good temper.

At this point, we should also pay attention to repaying the bad with the good. Maybe today's Li Yan is just like this. After all, Li Yan's time in officialdom is not very long, not to the point of thick face and black heart.

What Li Yan is experiencing now has a great impact on Li Yan himself.

He is very bitter, others are not bitter?

Consider yourself and others!

He thinks of his own situation and also of others.

It's good for Li Yan to have such a compassionate heart at such a time of depression. For many people, when they encounter suffering, they may change their mind and go to extremes completely.