Peerless Soldier King In Three Realms

Chapter 199

Cheng Yu sees Cao Chun's three people in normal health, and is also relieved. He looked at Cao Anmin carefully again. After all, Cao Anmin was the most seriously injured. He was completely relieved when he saw that Cao Anmin had no problem.

Cheng Yu said: "Zhang Taishou is a believer. I admire him. Now that both of us are here, let's start to carry out the agreement. How about starting with you and releasing Cao Anmin first? "

Cheng Yu put forward the conditions.

He was afraid of giving it to the horses and people, but in the end, Zhang Xiu repented, and he would lose a lot.

Cheng Yu is worried, so is Zhang Xiu.

It is impossible for him to release Cao Chun's three at one time.

Zhang Xiu's eyes turned, and immediately had a plan, saying: "since it is agreed, there is no breach of contract. Up to now, how come you're acting like a woman. "

"I propose a plan. You give me the imperial edict and I will release Cao Anmin."

"Then, you send another 3000 horses, and I will release Cao Chun after receiving them. Finally, you send Miss Cao over, and I'll release her. "

"What do you think?"

Zhang Xiu put forward the conditions.

He took Yu ban as the final finale, as a card. Even if Cheng Yu half way back, or Cao Cao has any plot, Zhang Xiu has hostages in the hands, also don't worry.

Cheng Yu carefully deliberated on Zhang Xiu's words, didn't feel there was any loophole, readily said: "Zhang Taishou's proposal, Laojiu agreed."

With a wave of his hand, the soldier came forward with an edict.

The soldier handed the emperor's edict to Zhang Xiu, which means that Zhang Xiu accepted the post of Zhennan general appointed by the imperial court.

This is one of the four Town generals.

The generals of the four towns are divided into Zhenbei, Zhennan, Zhenxi and Zhendong. They are all powerful officials, not miscellaneous generals. Liu Bei was also appointed as the general of Yuzhou and Zhendong by Cao Cao.

Zhang Xiu took a look at the imperial edict, which was sealed by the emperor.

That's what works.

Zhang Xiu took away the imperial edict, looked at Cao Anmin and said with a smile, "Cao Anmin, you have to thank for meeting a good Lord. Cao Cao is a good man. He is willing to pay such a high price in exchange for you. You are also a good person. I hope you will still be the first to be captured in the next war with Cao Cao. Ben will be here. You are welcome to be a guest from time to time. "

Cao Anmin's mouth twitches when he hears it. He won't be far away.

A guest is a prisoner.

What he wanted in his heart was to revenge and defeat Zhang Xiu. Cao Anmin took a look at Zhang Xiu, strode away, and soon came to stand behind Cheng Yu.

Cao Jie sat in the carriage and heard what Zhang Xiu had just said. He also chuckled and thought that Zhang Xiu's mouth was very tricky. Although she is Cao Cao's daughter, she is going to be Zhang Xiu's woman, which is equivalent to Zhang Jia's person.

If you marry a chicken, follow a dog.

She is Zhang Xiu's person.

She stood in the position of Zhang Xiu.

She finally understood Cao Ang's evaluation. Zhang Xiu's mouth was really sharp. What he said to Cao Anmin just now made Cao Anmin angry.

Cao Jie didn't speak and watched quietly.

Cheng Yu takes a look at Cao Anmin and waves again. His soldiers drive 3000 horses forward. The hissing of Zhan Ma Xiliu, mighty and powerful, soon all entered the garrison area of Zhang Xiu's soldiers.

Zhang Xiu nodded to Chen Dao.

Chen Dao and his men came forward to check the horses. Although most of the horses were castrated, and there were almost no mares, every horse was not bad.

Chen to check, and count the number, just came to Zhang Xiu side, toward Zhang Xiu nodded.

Zhang Xiu reciprocates and releases Cao Chun again.

He didn't say anything to Cao Chun because Cao Chun was different from Cao Anmin. Cao Chun is tough, stable and not easy to deal with. Before that, after Cao Chun was captured, Zhang Xiu wanted to stimulate Cao Chun, but Cao Chun responded one by one without anger.


When Cao Chun returned to the army, Cheng Yu was relieved.

Two people are back.

Cheng Yu didn't say much either. He turned and walked to the side of the carriage. He arched his hand and said, "girl, the former convenience is Nanyang County, and Zhang Xiu is on the border. You are the man of Zhang Xiu. "

After a pause, Cheng Yu continued: "before my lord left, he gave me two carts of dowries. There were money and precious jade articles in them. They went with the girl. When a girl comes to Nanyang County, she seldom returns to Xudu. I hope the girl can live in peace with Zhang Xiu. "

Cao Jie said, "thank you, Cheng Gong."

"Take care, girl!"

Cheng Yu bows and bows, his sleeves flick, and the soldiers drive to the area where Zhang Xiu is.

Soon, the carriage stopped not far from Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Xiu saw the carriage and went to Cao Jie's carriage. When Zhang Xiu was the first generation, he surrendered to Cao Cao and went to court after he arrived at Xudu. He once saw Cao Jie, the queen.At that time, Cao Jie was dignified and elegant, with empress bearing.

He has never seen Cao Jie today.

Zhang Xiu took out the long sword at his waist, but it didn't come out of its sheath. Holding the handle of the sword in his hand, he lifted up the curtain of the carriage with the scabbard and saw a happy and angry cheek.

It's Cao Jie.

Today's Cao Jie, with an indifferent look, looks into Zhang Xiu's eyes with a touch of curiosity.

She wants to know Zhang Xiu very much.

What kind of person is this?

Because Zhang Xiu is already his husband and the person she wants to accompany all her life.

When Zhang Xiu saw the appearance of Cao Jie, she knew that the visitor was really Cao Jie. Although today's Cao Jie is younger, his appearance has hardly changed. The key is that Cao Jie's quiet temperament has not changed at all.

Without saying much, Zhang Xiu took back the scabbard and put down the door curtain of the carriage.

"Let go!"

Zhang Xiu ordered again.

With this order, Yu Jin was no longer in custody. Yu Jin takes a deep breath, then leaves quickly and comes to Cheng Yu's side.

Cheng Yu replaced three people and completed the task of this trip.

He didn't leave immediately. He looked at Zhang Xiu and said, "General Zhang, now you are also Sikong's son-in-law. We, both sides, have turned the war into friendship, so we ask general Zhang to take care of himself. "

Zhang Xiu's eyes were sharp and her face was joking. She said: "after Zhongde Gong changed the prisoner back, his tone was different. With confidence, he spoke more strongly."

"But I'm afraid it's not appropriate to use the word" good for yourself "in my official. In fact, it's quite suitable for Cao Sikong. "

"I've always been a man who doesn't offend me or me."

"If Cao Sikong thinks the strength of Nanyang County is weak and wants to attack again, then I, Zhang Xiu, should fight."

"Welcome Cao Sikong to fight."

Zhang Xiu said forcefully: "Mr. Zhong De went back to tell Cao Sikong that we didn't enjoy the war very much. Next time Cao Sikong goes south, he hopes to have a good fight with him. "

Cheng Yu's eyes were cold, and he said, "if you are the prefect, I will tell you. Goodbye

He said no more and turned away.

Cao Chun, Cao Anmin, and Yu Jin all follow Cheng Yu and leave with him.

Zhang Xiu also led the troops to retreat.

The army returned to the barracks and stationed in the barracks.

The news that Zhang Xiu became a Zhennan General of the imperial court soon spread in the army. The soldiers talked about it one by one, and they were even more happy and proud of Zhang Xiu.

This is with you Rong Yan.

Chen Dao got 3000 horses and began to select elite soldiers from the army to expand the Langya camp.

The previous Langya camp, with only 1000 people, was weaker. Now that there are 3000 more horses in the army, the strength of his Langya battalion will be multiplied.

Zhang Xiu in the army account, arrange people to invite Cao Jie.

He is also curious about Cao Jie.

This is a well bred and wise woman. He saw Cao Jie in the camp, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "Miss Cao, when she married the general, did you feel aggrieved?"

In a word, it is to ask Cao Jie what he thinks. This is also to try Cao Jie and see what kind of attitude Cao Jie has towards Zhang Xiu.

After all, Cao Jie came from the Cao family.

Zhang Xiu is a martial artist.

In case, Cao Jie looks down on Zhang Xiu from the bottom of his heart. Then, Zhang Xiu's attitude towards Cao Jie will naturally be adjusted. How Zhang Xiu treats Cao Jie depends on Cao Jie's attitude towards Zhang Xiu.