Peerless Soldier King In Three Realms

Chapter 197

Kuai Yue replied, "there are three things to do in this trip to the north."

Zhang xiudao said: "I'd like to hear it in detail!"

Kuai Yue replied: "the first thing is that Liu Biao was afraid of Zhang's strength and worried that Zhang would go south to attack Xiangyang when he learned that Zhang was fighting Cao Cao

"Although I tried my best to persuade Zhang Taishou that he would not go south to attack Xiangyang, Liu Biao was not at ease and asked me to go north to test whether you would go south in the name of celebrating Huang Yueying's pregnancy and congratulating Zhang Taishou."

Kuai Yue didn't hide it.

He spoke directly about Liu Biao's intention.

Zhang Xiu laughed and said, "Liu Biao is too suspicious."

Kuai Yue said: "before, when Zhang went south to Xiangyang to marry Huang Yueying, he stabilized Liu Biao and made him feel at ease. It's just that Zhang Taishou's victory has won a great victory. Therefore, Liu Biao is afraid of your strength. "

Zhang Xiu said: "when Mr. Yidu returned to Xiangyang, he told Liu Biao that I would not attack Xiangyang. According to the established plan, I will go north to Guanzhong. "

Kuai Yue said, "I understand!"

Zhang Xiu asked, "what's the second thing?"

Kuai Yue said: "during the time when Zhang Taishou went north, the Kuai family produced a number of armor and weapons. This time I went north and took weapons and armour to Yuyang County by caravan. I gave them all to Xu Shu. "

Zhang Xiu was very happy and said, "the great kindness of the Kuai family, Zhang Xiu is very grateful."

Kuai Yue said, "you are welcome."

Zhang Xiu said again, "what's the third thing?"

Kuai Yue took out a letter from his sleeve, handed it to the desk in front of Zhang Xiu, and said, "this is the talent that my brother sent his family members to search for for for the Empress Dowager Zhang when he was idle at home."

"All of these people are talented, or they have ambition, or they live in seclusion."

"My brother said that if Zhang Taishou wanted to break through his foundation, he had to have enough talents. That's why he arranged people to inquire and found these talents. Everyone's situation is clearly recorded, and everyone's residential address is also recorded in detail. "

Kuai Yue said: "if Zhang Taishou had time, he would meet these people earlier and strive to collect all the talents."

Zhang Xiu opened the letter.

At the top of the list is Huang Zhong.

In the letters written by Kuai Liang, Huang Zhong worked under the command of Han Xuan, the prefect of Changsha, and was not reused.

Kuai Liang ranked Huang Zhong first, not only because of his excellent martial arts and archery, but also because of his good ability to lead troops. It's a pity that Han Xuan and Liu Biao have the same problems. They like to use scholars as generals. Huang Zhong, who was born in Wufu, has never been able to be reused.

In the second place is Liu ba.

Liu Ba is a native of Lingling County, Jingzhou, and comes from an official family. Liu Yao, Liu BA's grandfather, was once the prefect of Cangwu County in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and his father, Liu Xiang, was also the prefect of Jiangxia county.

When Liu BA was young, he was famous in Jingzhou.

After Liu Biao came to Jingzhou, he learned that Liu BA was talented, so he expropriated Liu Ba many times and elected Liu Ba as maocai.

Unfortunately, Liu Ba is still not an official.

Liu Ba looks down on Liu Biao. He thinks that Liu Biao looks polite and virtuous on the surface, but in fact he is narrow-minded and can't employ people, so he doesn't agree with Liu Biao no matter how he recruits.

Liu Ba is good at financial management and internal affairs. Moreover, Liu Ba is very proficient in law.

This is an all rounder in domestic affairs.

Although Liu BA was not good at marching and fighting, he was proficient in internal affairs, which was the talent Zhang Xiu needed.

Now Liu Ba lives in seclusion in Xiangyang.

Kuai Liang inquired about Liu BA's residence and listed it for Zhang Xiu, so that Zhang Xiu could visit her.

Behind Huang Zhong and Liu Ba, there are many talents.

They are all scholars of Jingzhou.

And they are all talented, but there is no such person as an official career.

After reading it carefully, Zhang Xiu's eyes were full of praise. Kuai Liang's information is valuable and timely. Zhang Xiu governs Nanyang County. With the expansion of strength, talents are not enough.

With Kuai Liang's letter, he can recruit talents again.

It can be said that it is timely rain.

Zhang Xiu closed the letter and said gratefully, "Mr. Yidu, this letter from Mr. zirou, for me, can be described as sending charcoal in the snow, a long drought and a rainy day. When you get back to Kuai's house, thank Mr. zirou for me. "

Kuai Yue said, "my Lord, I'm wrong."

He also knew the weight of Kuai Liang's letters, but he and the Kuai family could not be proud. Now the Kuai family is hidden in the dark, and can only do something like this for Zhang Xiu.

As soon as Kuai Liang's words changed, he urgently needed to say: "if Taishou Zhang has won a great victory and wants to go north to attack Guanzhong, why did he go to Luyang county? Is this place near Yanzhou? "

Zhang Xiu said with a light smile: "the reason why we went to Luyang county first is to reconcile with Cao Cao."


Kuai Yue had a puzzled look on his face and asked: "Cao Cao takes the initiative to seek peace. What about the conditions?"After hearing that, Kuai Yue felt happy for Zhang Xiu and said with emotion, "it will be much more convenient for the governor to have the position of Zhennan general."

"Although 3000 horses are important, it is more important to marry Cao Cao."

"When the governor marries Huang Yueying, he has to marry Cao Cao's daughter. That is to make friends at both ends and bet at both ends. No matter what the governor does, Liu Biao is bound to be afraid of him. "

"After the marriage with Cao Cao, Liu Biao was more afraid of adults, but he did not dare to act rashly. Because once he acts rashly and forces adults to stand on Cao Cao's side, Liu Biao will be even more dangerous. "

Kuai Yue said: "this time, Zhang Taishou has gained a lot again. Congratulations, congratulations."

Zhang Xiu smiles, also quite proud.

This battle has indeed yielded a lot.

As soon as the words change, Zhang Xiu urgently needs to say: "after I accept Cao Cao's war horse, if I have enough time, I will go south first and recruit all the talents mentioned by Mr. zirou. Then, he went north to attack the central and Western Liang army. "

Kuai Yue said, "is it time?"

"Enough time."

Zhang Xiu nods and answers, saying Jia Xu's arrangement so that Kuai Yue can know.

After hearing this, Kuai Yue agreed.

However, he did not delay much time, and Zhang Xiu said something about Jingzhou, so he left the barracks and went south first.


At this time, a soldier quickly entered the camp and reported: "my Lord, Cao Jun has arrived at the border. In addition, all the 3000 horses sent by Cao Cao and Cao Jie, Cao Cao's daughter, arrived. "


Zhang xiudao said, "go and see Cheng Yu."

He got up, walked out of the camp and took his soldiers to the border.

Cheng Yu has arrived, he waited for a short time, saw Zhang Xiu came, immediately rode forward, arched his hand and said: "Zhang Taishou, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhang xiudao: "hard work, Zhongde Gong."

When Zhang Xiu spoke, his loud voice came into a carriage two Zhang behind Cheng Yu. The people in this carriage were Cao Jie and the maid beside him.

When Cao Jie heard the sound, he thought it was good.

It's brilliant and full of confidence.

It's a nice voice.

Cao Jie had thought about Zhang Xiu's appearance before. When she heard the sound, she looked forward to it. She quietly lifted the door curtain of the carriage and looked forward.

Her eyes fell on the border.

Without any hesitation, Cao Jie saw Zhang Xiu in a white robe, a long crown on his head, a sword hanging on his waist, a dignified and dignified man.

For no reason, her face turned red.

A touch of light red, rising from the cheek, eyes more than a touch of joy.

Zhang Xiu is so handsome.

He is tall and handsome

This is the word that Cao Jie thought of.

The servant girl has been with Cao Jie since childhood. She is familiar with Cao Jie's temperament. When she sees Cao Jie's manner, she knows that there is something wrong. She also quickly lifted the curtain and looked at it quietly.

In a flash, the servant girl opened her eyes and said excitedly, "girl, someone said that my uncle is a vulgar person. It's not easy. It's absolutely natural and unrestrained. It's a perfect match for a girl. "

When Cao Jie came back to himself, his heart kept beating at the thought of Zhang Xiu's appearance. In particular, on her way to Nanyang County, she heard that Zhang Xiu could write poems.

Before that, she had heard that Zhang Xiu wrote poems, which she thought was vulgar and elegant.

After all, it's Wufu.

It's strange that Wufu writes poems.

Now, I don't think so at all. I think Zhang Xiu is worthy of the name.

Cao Jie and the maid hide in the carriage and appreciate Zhang Xiu's face.

And the most front Cheng Yu, he and Zhang Xiu talk, but feel a pressure. Because every time he talks with Zhang Xiu, he doesn't feel the childishness of the other party. He feels that Zhang Xiu is like an old fox who has gone through many vicissitudes.

Cheng Yu didn't beat around the Bush, but opened his door to the mountain and said: "the imperial edict, the imperial edict, the 3000 war horses and the Lord's daughter have arrived. You can bring Cao Chun and others. "

"Of course!"

Zhang Xiu waved her hand and said, "come here, bring people here."

When the order was given, soldiers detained Cao Chun, Cao Anmin and Yu Jin. Three people's injuries, now have recovered a lot, after all, Zhang Xiu arranged a doctor's treatment, can't let three people lack arms and legs.