Path of the Dual Cultivation

38 Too Weak, But Too Arrogan

As time passed, many people gathered at the entrance of the cave. There were many people at the early stage of the emperor realm, some of them were at the late-stage of the emperor realm. There was no one at the peak-stage of the emperor realm, people at that realm are considered a legendary character. Those who are at the sage realm no one has seen one before. There are rumours that humans have some sage realm as well but those are just some myths, no one knows the credibility of the rumours.

After waiting for half an hour, one man walked towards the cave and entered it. He had just entered when a blood-curdling scream resounded inside the cave and one hand and the head came flying out of the cave drowned in blood.

Some weak-hearted people weren't able to see the bloody scene and screamed as well and some even puked

Everyone was afraid to, even the emperor realm cultivators didn't want to enter the cave alone.

After waiting for some time, the group of emperor realm experts decided to form a party of all the emperor realms present here.

One of the emperor realm experts walked towards Sahil and invited him with the haughty tone as well "I know you are at least at the early stage of the emperor realm, I will let you join our group just don't cause any unnecessary trouble for us."

He was sounding as if he was doing some kind of most benevolence act or he has given his most treasured thing and now telling him to say thank you. After that, he turned around and started to walk towards the group of other members of the party.

"When I said I will join this crappy party of yours. you think you are the boss here. You are just an early stage emperor realm cultivator but you have the guts to order me around, how NAIVE!" Sahil was really angry by at the hottie behaviour of this fucking sidekick. He decided to vent his anger first. They will sure fight each other sooner or later because of the egg, so he decided to prepone their fight a little and fuck these arrogant people.

The man who had just started to walk was in a shock. he didn't expect someone to be this blunt and dare to insult him.

"How dare you boy, you have the to insult ME!"

Sahil who was standing a few meters away from him moved and attacked with his claw. The man wasn't able to react in time and got caught in his claw. Sahil didn't kill him but he entered the soul world of the man and stared at his spirit, which looks quite majestic.

In front of him was a huge bow flying and sharp bow qi was surrounding it. He was first surprised but after that, his expression became excited. He always wanted a weapon to fight, Lust had said that he will get the weapon skills of the divine dragon when he awakens more skills from his cultivation art, but that was too far away. she said he will get it at the minor god level. it is going to take him forever to reach god realm. he didn't want to wait that long and this bow legacy will be perfect for him due to of his god's eyes.

Sahil didn't wait and attacked the bow with his claws, and in response, many arrows came from the bow and shot towards his dragon claw as well.

He activated his devouring skill and devour every single arrow, which was shot at the Sahil but his claw continued to proceed and landed on the bow.


"Ahhh!' heart-wrenching cry came out of the bow and resounded throughout the soul world.

Sahil didn't take long to devoured it whole and new cultivation art appeared inside his head. He didn't get any information about the legacy to whom this legacy belongs, he didn't linger on it and disappeared from the soul world of the man.

He removed his claw from the man's head, who was standing still at the same place like a statue. After half a minute later, he was able to collect himself and shouted stammeringly.

" Y_you took my system? Give me my system back! Give it to me!" He lost his composure when he realised that his system wasn't present inside his soul world.

"Heh! you want your spirit back, then you can go to hell and reunite with it" Sahil replied nonchalantly and waved his hand. The man instantly started to freeze, in just half a minutes of time, he became ice statue "Too weak but too arrogant, if you can't back your words by your strength then you better die."

Sahil killed the man and murmured. those people, who were standing at his side instantly created some distance him and them, fear can be seen on their faces.

The emperor realm cultivators as well were surprised and hidden fear can be felt from them. they themselves can't kill that man this easily, even they formed a group of three or four, they have to exchange some moves with him.

Sahil didn't pay much attention to them, he walked towards the cave with the beauties. first, no one tries to stop him but when he reached the door of the cave, the group of emperor realm cultivators came in front of him.

"Boy, that beast egg isn't something, you can possess. I am a member of the human alliance, I think you should have heard of it. You help us to get that beast, I will give you the membership of the organisation without any procedures." The man was at the late-stage of the emperor realm and he seemed to be the leader of the group of the emperor realm cultivators.

After people heard, he was from the human alliance, some fear and respect appeared on their faces and heated discussion started between the people.

"Whoa! I never thought I will be able to see someone from the human alliance. it is the most powerful organisation of humans formed by the alliance of different countries"

"Human alliance can stand against the Asura alliance and can fight with it head-on"

Sahil was surprised by the discussion and new that this human alliance is really troublesome but is he going to give up on something, which can help his women grow strong, FAT CHANCE!, he thought inside his head.

Sahil looked at the man, who was standing with an arrogant expression. The rejection never crossed his mind, he didn't know that he is trying to enter the den of a dragon if the dragon got angry, he will lose his life in seconds.

Sahil didn't give a damn about the man and the alliance, he replied bluntly "Sorry, never heard of it before, I don't want to join any crappy alliance, whatever the name you said"

Ladies who were at his side let out chuckle after his words. Everyone present at the scene was shocked and had their eyes wide open.

The man opened his mouth a few times but wasn't able to speak anything then angry expression appeared on his face and said with a menacing face "Brat, do you know, what are you doing? you will regret your decision today and that beast will come to our organisation one way or another" then he turned and looked at the women at his side and licked his lips.

Sahil had no intention of killing anyone anymore, instantly released killing intent when he heard his words and saw his gaze. His women were his soft spot if someone tries to harm them, he won't have a happy ending no matter who he is.

Sahil came in front of the man in a flash and held his neck by his right hand.

"I said previously if you want to threaten someone, you have to show your strength, words are useless but brain-dead people like you don't understand that simple logic."

The man struggled in his hand but he didn't let him escape from his grasp and activated his devouring skill.

All the energy inside the man started to leave his body slowly and entered into Sahil's body, the man screamed, struggled and begged but Sahil really became a ruthless demon lord at this moment and didn't hear his any pleading.

He took only one minute to devour him and the man totally mummified. The people had horrified expression on their faces, no one dares to let out the single noise at this time, So, Sahil won't misunderstand it as disrespect towards him.

After he devoured the man completely, he looked towards the people especially those emperor real cultivators and said: "If you still have any problem being me taking that beast, you can come, show me if you have the strength to take the thing I desire."

Sahil was acting very domineeringly at this moment. As he looked towards the people, they instantly lowered their heads in fear and didn't dare to look at his women with disrespect anymore like the mummy, who was lying on the ground for being disrespectful.

After that, he turned towards the cave and started moving before saying towards his women "Let's go, I really want to know, what can hold so many emperor realm cultivators this long and even kill someone, who entered this cave."

Sahil didn't look at the people present and directly entered the cave with his women at his side.