Path of the Dual Cultivation

38 I don't Respect Clowns

Sahil looked towards the man and narrowed his eyes before smilingly said to the man, who was standing with a haughty face "If you have the strength, please do give me some advice. I am very eager to test the strength of the big shot of the human alliance"

The man was rather surprised by his reply. he knew that Sahil was able to see his strength from his previous reply and his expression as well turned serious. Anyone who was able to see the level of his strength wouldn't be anybody but he didn't know who the man in front of him really was?

"Who are you boy? I have never heard about someone like you before?" The man asked serious as well as a curious expression.

"Aiya, what a pity, you didn't come here to introduce yourself or else I might have told you something about me as well" Sahil sighed first but then spoke in a sarcastic tone.

Everyone who was present at the scene immediately burst into a peal of laughter after hearing his sarcastic manner, but the man from human alliance doesn't seem to have very pleasant expression by hearing his reply but instead, his face turned ugly on the spot.

He looked towards the crowd then again turned towards Sahil. He spoke with a menacing voice and everyone at the scene as well shut their mouths up, as his voice resounded "You seem to be quite an arrogant boy but you need to be humble and respectful in front of some people otherwise, you won't have a good ending."

"Are you talking about yourself by referring that as 'someone' but why would I respect some clown-like you?" Sahil didn't hold anything back in insulting the man and furious expression appeared on the face of man, after hearing his reply.

The man from the human alliance wasn't able to hold his anger anymore and attacked Sahil with his punch.


Sahil as well didn't hold back anything and attacked the man with his own punch but didn't use his ultimate move dragon claw. After their punch collided, the sound of it resounded in the quiet lightning forest. Sahil was still standing in the same place but the man from the human alliance got pushed three steps back.

After stabilising himself, the man from the human alliance looked at the Sahil with a shocked expression. He knew that he didn't use his best move but he did use all of his strength in that simple move and even then he wasn't able to match the boy in front of him and his condition was much worse from inside than from outside. That means only one thing, this boy is stronger than me but how is that possible, he is just the boy. How many sage realm cultivators are there in the world, much less someone this young, who looked not more than seventeen. He thought inside his head and felt suffocated by the development of this weird situation.

"If you are this strong, why you are not joining the human alliance? Anyone like you will have quite a high position in the alliance, even if you aren't at the top there?" The man inquired him but in reality, it was an invitation from him to join the human alliance and everyone present also knew this thing as well but no one voiced it out loudly.

"Heh, are you inviting me to join that shitty organisation of yours but I am sorry, I don't have any intention to become shitty like you, so I am sor..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence when the attack came flying towards him and this one was even more strong than the previous one, Sahil knew that his opponent was using his most powerful technique, so he also attacked with his dragon claw.



As their fists crashed into each other, the voice of something breaking can be heard and everyone turned towards Sahil. they try to discover if there was any pain from getting his bones broken but there was only his usual smile, the hearts of the people became fast and as they turned towards the man from the human alliance their faces changed colour.



The scream of the man resounded as they look at him, the hand of the man was already hanging at the right side of him without any strength while drowned in blood, and the blood was also continuously flowing from his mouth. He wasn't able to stand in his place for long and plummeted on the ground with 'thud' sound and became unconscious.

Sahil didn't give a damn about the people, who were present, he walked towards the man. After reaching, he placed his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes, subsequently waiting for five minutes Sahil took his hands out of the man and sighed. He found something interesting when he entered the soul world of the man. There wasn't any legacy or spirit present there, which means only one thing. He has already devoured it but that was impossible because the spirit will never let the cultivator become more powerful than it, which means there was some other external source is involved in this, like Lust in case of Sahil.

After that, he didn't wait long and again place his hand on the head of the man then activated his devouring skill and seeing such a dreadful scene taking place in front of their eyes. The people present felt their surroundings turned more chilli all of a sudden. The body of the man tries to struggle but Sahil was ready for this to happen and didn't let the man escape from his grasp, after five minutes he became mummified.

Sahil took his hand back out of the head of the man and there was a small white ball, like a marble lying on his palm. When he devoured the man he didn't absorb his energy but instead, he turned all the energy into the small pill and this was that small pill.

He took out Afifa from his sleeve and put the pill inside her mouth. She devoured it without any hesitation and some excitement as well can be felt from her. After taking the pill she again hidden in his sleeve.

"I hope it will let her reach at least the earth realm." Sahil murmured and looked at the crowd, the people in the crowd instantly took a few steps back in panic. He didn't care about these people and turned towards his women, who were already looking at him with gentle expression.

He stood up and walked towards the group when he reached beside them, he asked them with a gentle smile which looks completely different from his Asura avatar a few minutes ago "So, where should we go now, I don't have any particular place in mind?"

Sahil had just spoken when he was interrupted by one of the beauties "You seem to forget something, so let me remind you, what you are forgetting. You have a promise to fulfil, don't you?"

Noor looked towards him with a seductive smile, it wasn't often you see her in this type of embodiment and the people present there were all captivated by her beauty for a second but didn't dare to act arrogantly and lower their heads in disappointment while cursed at the luck of this celestial like handsome bastard.

"Oh, yes I seem to have forgotten my promise, sorry for my unethical behaviour my gorgeous beauty, now you can tell me, what you want?" Sahil looked at her with a smile and asked.

"Let's find a place and we will talk about there, what I want with my sisters." Noor looked at him and smiled mysteriously. His interest as well picked and wanted to know, what these three women wanted to do?