Path of the Dual Cultivation

24 Encounter at the Restauran

Adhira and Sahil appeared in the same room, where teleportation formation was. Both of them were panting heavily and looked at each other and smiled. After resting 10 minutes on the ground both of them walked out of the room.

The headmaster was still sitting on his chair while reading something. When he saw both of them are back, he asked in surprise: "Why you return so early, I thought you would train for some time in the goblin world but only half-day passed. Which means you spend 5 days in the goblin world.

When he was talking, he glances at the Adhira who was standing beside Sahil. And he was able to tell in just one glance that she had lost her virginity but didn't say anything. He knew Sahil has great talent in just single glance, that's why he didn't try to make anything difficult for him.

Sahil interrupted his train of thoughts "We have a situation, goblins already have pledged their allegiance to the Asura race."

The headmaster wasn't able to react first, but when he was able to process, what he had heard; he instantly stood up.

"What did you say, how can that be! We have signed a peace treaty for forty years, and we still have twenty years for a contract to expire." the headmaster said with an agitated voice.

"It's just a normal contract, not a sprit contract or life death contract which can not be broken. You are headmaster so your understanding of the situation is better than me, I don't have enough power so, I will excuse myself," Sahil said and walked out of the headmaster's cabin, while still holding hands with Adhira.

The headmaster was still standing in the same place frowning and thinking, after some-time, he thought of something and disappeared from his room as well.


"let's have dinner," Sahil asked and walked towards the canteen without waiting for her reply.

Sahil entered goblin world before noon. now, it is already 9:00 pm. Both of them entered the canteen and took the window seat. After that, he called the waiter and ordered some Indian dishes for himself and Adhira.

They had just started eating when someone entered the restaurant and called out arrogantly.

"Waiter prepare a window seat for us. Our young master is from the Aurora family, so you must provide us with great food" the guy ordered arrogantly and didn't even try to lower his voice.

Sahil who was eating his food frowned after hearing this voice, he looked up and saw a familiar face. He remembers when he awoke his white grade system Raj didn't show up from that day and he also forgot about his so-called best friend. But now in front of him, his friend was speaking in such an arrogant tone he never saw before.

A waiter walked out instantly and said in a nervous voice" Sorry sir, but we don't have any window seat left"

"Hmmph! isn't it simple, just throw away someone from the seat and we will have it for ourself" David who was standing at the front said with an arrogant tone and after that, he searched through everyone in the restaurant. When his eyes passed Sahil's table he curled his lips and murmured something in Raj's ears.

Raj turned towards Sahil and hesitated for a bit, but then walked towards his table and said with a smile but anyone can hear the disdain in his voice "Sahil, long time no see, I didn't think you will be here as well"

Sahil who was eating his dinner frowned when he heard his voice and replied indifferently "I don't like to beat around the bush, so be straight and say what you want"

Raj who was standing turn cold instantly and said in a cold voice "Young master David is taking this table, you can go somewhere else"

After saying that he tried to grab Sahil by his wrist. Sahil dodged him, after that he strangled Raj and threw him out of the window.

David who was standing saw what happened, and became angry instantly when his lackey was thrown out of the window by the trash with a white grade system.

He came in front of the Sahil and said with an arrogant voice "If you apologise and kowtow then I might consider forgiving you, otherwise you and anyone related to you have to pay a hefty price for your disrespect"

After that, he turned towards Adhira and asked like a gentleman "Aren't you miss Adhira from our school, what are you doing sitting with this buffoon. After I throw him away you can sit with us..." he wasn't able to finish when he felt a blur in front of his eyes and realised that his neck has been grabbed by Adhira.

"Next time try to be less arrogant" after saying that she threw him out of the window as well.

David and Raj didn't know about Sahil because they didn't participate in the competition and entered the Academy through the backdoor. If they knew that he was the champion of this year, even if they have a hundred times the guts they won't dare to antagonise him.

After seeing that their boss has been thrown out of the window all the lackeys of David didn't wait and run away and Sahil didn't even spare a single glance to them.

Everyone in the restaurant was trying to guess the identity of Sahil when someone cried in shock.

"I know who he is, he is the champion of this years college entrance tournament!"

"Yes, he is Sahil Alva who defeated Manoj Singh."

"If he is Sahil Alva then that beauty must be Adhira Roy, the daughter of the headmaster"

"Oh my God, someone dares to antagonise him. He must be courting death you know Mr.Singh has to retreat when he clashed with him"

Everyone was shocked when they realise who they were and the heated conversation started. Many exaggerated stories about his fight against Manoj started to spread from one person to another.

Sahil and Adhira didn't pay any attention to those people and finished their dinner. After eating Sahil paid their bill and walked out.

"What now, after going what will you do?" Adhira asked him curiously.

"I will travel and improve my strength and after that win the world tournament."

Sahil instantly explained his plan for the future.

"Ok, I will go with you, so where are you planning to go" Adhira's Curiosity picked instantly and asked with her shining eyes.

"You will know when we reached there," Sahil said with his smiling face.

Adhira pouted but didn't probe any further. After that Sahil parted his ways with Adhira and walked towards the cab.