Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

A Good Man Get A Good Rewards

“Speaking of that, I do have one thing that I want to trouble you with, but I don’t know if you can persevere . ”

Nan’er’s eyes lit up, his face immediately showing some excitement . “Please give me your instructions Miss . Don’t look at me because I’m small, but I have a lot of strength!” As he said that, he pulled up his sleeves, revealing a thin and small arm . Perhaps because he felt that he was not convincing, he immediately pulled down his sleeves and revealed an embarrassed smile . The dimples on his cheeks were faintly discernible .

Mu Yunyao, however, couldn’t stop herself from smiling, “Alright, come with me . ”

Nan’er hurriedly nodded and followed Mu Yunyao’s footsteps as she entered Jin Xiu Garden .

The moment he entered the garden and bypassed the Xiang Fei Bamboo forest that was blocking the entrance, he couldn’t help but cry out in alarm . Seeing Mu Yunyao looking at him, he hurriedly pinched the corner of his robe . “I’m sorry, Miss . Please forgive me, but this place is too beautiful . It’s just like the fairyland that Elder Sister Cai Qing talked . Those big brothers and sisters are like immortals . ” As he spoke, he stole a glance at the tea making place .

A small orphan girl that was rather courteous as she walked in and out, Mu Yunyao’s heart grew more and more curious about that Cai Qing . “It doesn’t matter . Are your etiquette rules from your Elder Sister Cai Qing?”

“Yes, Elder Sister Cai Qing said that one must know how to be courteous, and be polite . Living is interesting, and if it’s only to satisfy the appetite in your stomach, then you’re no different from a cat or a dog . ”

“Your sister is a wonderful person . ”

Nan’er was young, and his body was small, thin, and weak . Gradually, he couldn’t keep up with Mu Yunyao’s footsteps, but he didn’t make a sound . Even though his face had turned pale, he still tried his best to keep up .

After passing the Jiuqu Bridge, Mu Yunyao stopped in her tracks . “There are many waterfowl by the lake, and in order to not disturb the guests, we need to clean them frequently . If it were a child like you, we would need at least three or four people to do it . Besides, we need someone to clean and wipe the tea set . At least five or six people would need to clean it . We also need some people to tidy up the flowers and grass . What do you think you can do?”

Nan’er could not help but widen his eyes . “Miss, I can trim the flowers and clean the paths . Can you Let Elder Sister Cai Qing help wash the tea set?”

“You should know that cleaning the tea set is relatively easy . Why did you give it to Cai Qing instead of yourself? She’s obviously older than you, and she’s also stronger than you?”

““Little Brother Ah Mao has been injured . Elder Sister went to help people to wash clothes every day, and others often had bullied her . It’s so hard for her to take care of grandma and Li’er . I want her to feel more relaxed . ”

When Jin Lan heard this, she could not help but feel heartache . This child was too sensible .

Mu Yunyao didn’t say anything in response . Instead, she led him to a garden that hadn’t opened yet and pointed out a path . She said, “Go and tidy up this path first . Let me see how you’re doing . ”

“Alright, I’ll go now . ”

Jin Lan helped to get a broom, then followed Mu Yunyao to a pavilion at the side .

“Miss, you seem to like this Nan’er . ”

“One’s mind is pure, and it’s always easier to get along with . ”

Nan’er cleaned very carefully . He carefully pulled out the grass growing in the cracks of the bricks, and then cleaned the path . Even he arrange the flower beds on both sides carefully . There were many flowers and plants that he did not recognize, so he did not dare to touch them . He only picked out the yellow or damaged leaves .

Seeing that he was serious and busy, Mu Yunyao asked Jin Lan to bring over an embroidered cloth and thread to stitch a picture of beauty in the pavilion .

After nearly two hours, Nan’er finally walked over and saw that Mu Yunyao was busy, so he didn’t dare to disturb her . He could only carefully stand to the side, and even his breathing had become much lighter .

Seeing him like this, Mu Yunyao suddenly thought back to when she had first entered the Su family’s residence . She was so careful . She didn’t even dare to breathe loudly . Her heart couldn’t help but move, and her expression became much warmer: “You’ve cleaned it well?”

“Yes, Miss . I’ve cleaned it very carefully . ”

Looking from afar, Mu Yunyao discovered that the small path was abnormally clean . Even the flower beds on both sides of the pathways looked a lot neater: “Jin Lan, took him down to wash his hands and then come over here to eat something . ”

Although Nan’er was anxious to know if he could clean it, when he heard Mu Yunyao say that he could eat, his stomach let out two groans . In an instant, his face flushed red, and he helplessly pulled down by Jin Lan .

When Nan’er came back from washing his hands, there were already many exquisite snacks on the table which he had never seen before . The fragrance was tangy and mouth-watering .

Mu Yunyao pushed the plate towards him, “Sit down and eat . You just helped me clean up a path . I’ll treat you to eat some snacks . You don’t have to worry about not accepting the rewards . ”

Nan’er couldn’t help swallowing and rubbing his fingers helplessly . The dessert in front of him was so fragrant that even the plate containing the snacks was sparkling . He was afraid that if he touched it, he would break it . Such a beautiful dish like this, you can’t afford to sell yourself a plate .

Mu Yunyao saw that he didn’t move, so she took out two pieces of dessert and placed it in front of him, “Eat . ”

Nan’er swallowed his saliva faster, but raised his head and asked tentatively, “Miss, can I bring these two snacks back to Ah Mao and Elder Sister Cai Qing? Ah Mao’s body is covered in wounds, and his whole body is burning hot . He hasn’t been able to eat for a few days, and even my sister is unhappy all day . Perhaps, after eating such delicious snacks, they’ll be great . “

“You eat yours . I’ll let Jin Lan put some snacks for you when you leave . ”

“Really? Thank you, Miss!” Nan’er could not hold it in any longer and stuffed the dessert into his mouth . Even though he did his best to restrain himself, he was still a child, after all . He was so hungry that he could not care less about the rules and immediately wolfing it down .

Jin Lan, who was watching from the side, was worried . She poured him a cup of warm water and placed it beside his hand . “Eat slower . No one is going to fight with you for it . ”

Nan’er’s mouth had stuffed with snacks, but his eyes were red . His hands raised to his eyes . Then he rubbed his eyes and tried his best to swallow the dessert, “Thank you, Young Miss . I know that you only pity me, so I found an excuse to eat snacks for me . I only cleaned this path and even used a lot of time, so it’s not worth the money for such a delicious dessert . Miss, you are a good person, there will definitely be a good reward for you . ”

Seeing his appearance, Jin Lan couldn’t stop the pain in her heart .

Mu Yunyao slightly smiled, then raised her hand to push another plate of dessert over . “Talk after you’ve eaten your fill . ” It said that the children of impoverished families have to take charge early on in their own lives . They would experience hunger and struggle soon, and every step they took, filled with bitterness and pain . It’s hard to think of it as early as possible .

After eating two plates of dessert, Nan’er reluctantly stopped . It wasn’t that he didn’t want to eat, but his stomach really couldn’t eat anymore . “Thank you, Miss . ”

Looking at the empty plate, Nan’er feels at a loss again . Would the young lady blame him for eating too much and then become angry and not want him to work in the garden?

“Miss, I don’t usually eat much . I only need two pastries . If I eat two pastries, I won’t be hungry for the whole day!” It was all his fault for being greedy . Why didn’t he listen to his Elder Sister’s words and not be so gluttonous?