Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1998

Mengmeng feels very puzzled up to now!

When the chairman's wife heard long Yutian's interruption, she was slightly stunned for two seconds, then turned her eyes at long Yutian's eyes in the rearview mirror.

In the tone, with a faint bias and blame: "it seems that you don't bully Mengmeng less these days when I'm not here. Long Yutian, I warn you, Mengmeng is only 22 years old now and still growing up. You should take good care of her and fatten up again, otherwise it will delay the next generation, and I'll never finish with you!"

Er - the next generation? The grasshopper seems to be jumping, which makes Feng Mengmeng a little silly. He hasn't responded for a while.

When she recovered, she covered her mouth and looked at Mrs. Long for a long time with a very sad look.

Has the old lady extended her contract to the next generation of the dragon family?!

Not only to serve her son, but also to take care of her grandson?

Feng Mengmeng felt that his future was dark!

But long Yutian, when he heard this, shook his hand with the steering wheel.

In the heart, unexpectedly involuntarily because of the Dragon Mother's words, and produce faint expectations.

"Cough - Mom and Dad, it's more than eleven now. What would you like to eat at noon?" Long Yutian coughed two times, cleverly changed the topic.

He is in understanding but mother's character, if she continues to say, maybe even what time of pregnancy, fetal education training can instill in Feng Mengmeng!

Sure enough, the Dragon Mother's attention was successfully diverted by her son.

Just now, she only wanted to communicate with Mengmeng, and she didn't feel hungry. Now, after long Yutian reminded her that she hadn't eaten for a long time.

"Your father and I haven't been back to Shanghai for a long time, and we don't know where the food is suitable." After a pause, the dragon mother turned and looked at Feng Mengmeng: "Mengmeng, what do you want to eat?"

"Ah? ——”Feng Mengmeng didn't expect that the wife of the chairman would consult her. She was flattered: "well, whatever. I'm not picky!"

Long Yutian made a false alarm for fear that Feng Mengmeng would happily say: boss, let's go to eat pizza hut!

But then again, if it wasn't for Feng Mengmeng's shyness, she would certainly adore her boss's mind reading skills. It's so clever!

While driving, long Yutian selects some of the most distinctive theme restaurants in Shanghai for them to choose from.

"Seafood buffet?"

"Don't eat!" Feng Mengmeng shook his head and claws and added: "I'm allergic these days."

"What would you like to eat?" Long Yutian asked patiently.

"Whatever --" answered Meng Meng.

"How about western food?"

"I don't want to eat -"

"how about Thai food?"

"I don't like curry!"

"Feng Mengmeng!" Long Yutian took a deep breath and roared through the rearview mirror.

As a result, other people didn't feel that they were very creative at all. On the contrary, they looked up and blinked innocently. They said, "what's the matter?"

Long Yutian, who was so cute, forgot to get angry and pressed his chest tightly. In a good tone, he asked, "what do you want to eat?"

Feng Mengmeng frowned, his eyes narrowed, and he was still impatient: "I said whatever!"

Then - long Yutian is completely speechless. He turns around and looks at the woman on the back seat with her cheeks bulging. He snorts, turns his head and is silent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!