Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1952

Long Yu picked his eyes in the sky and shot them coldly. The two guests immediately covered their mouths and disappeared with their tails.

Feng Mengmeng's little face turned red in an instant and hid behind long Yutian subconsciously.

Long Yutian looked at her coy appearance, then grinned in a good mood, with a light and floating tone and a special beating.

"Why, I've been annoyed by my young master?"

Feng Mengmeng suddenly coughed, but was blocked by long Yutian's appearance as a rogue, and he was stunned.

He snorted, snatched the cocktail in long Yutian's hand and forked his waist heroically.

"Just drink it. It's twenty bottles of water - I can't be afraid of you!"

Finish saying, then Gu Du Gu Du two, looked up to pour down.

The crystal clear liquid of the champagne color drips on the slender and white neck along the corner of the lip.

Feng Mengmeng rubbed the wine bead on his lips with his clean and beautiful fingertips. He didn't notice that his casual action fell into long Yutian's eyes, which was so bewitching.

Feng Mengmeng never had a chance to attend such a banquet when he was growing up. For drinks, he could say that he didn't drink at all. However, he didn't expect that when he first came into contact with cocktails, they tasted so good.

All kinds of cocktails come and go, 20 bottles of cocktails are swept away by Feng Mengmeng alone.

The wine bottle fell awkwardly on the lawn, with her naughty feet rubbing, making a tinkling sound.

She was slightly drunk, and with the strength of wine, she was much more cheerful than usual.

"Boss - I was at the banquet just now, listening to those people talking about the South District project. Is that project very profitable? Otherwise, why do they all want the contract with red eyebrows and green eyes?"

Feng Mengmeng gave a hiccup, tilted his head and looked at the man around him with suspicion.

Long Yu day is tiny a Leng, this wench when to his company business so interested?

He hates a woman, with the purpose of close to him, in all his flattery, but contains a greedy heart.

Squint a look, the little girl cheeks scarlet, eyes with a slight ignorant, simple just curious, his look gradually eased down.

"It's just tens of billions of projects. It's just cooperation with the government that they are particularly interested in." Long Yutian's brush stroke is light.

Feng Mengmeng opened his mouth, tens of billions? How to get to the big boss's mouth, like saying, hundreds of Ming coins? That kind of disdain!?

It is shameful not to treat grandfather Mao with a lofty and respectful heart!

Feng Mengmeng holds his paw indignantly, and suddenly feels that God really lacks a sense of justice!

Forget it, she has a purpose to fight against injustice here. Who will marry this black sheep in the future, then she will cry!

Turning his mouth, Feng Mengmeng snorted: "such a big piece of fat, we all want, you actually took it as a chip, and made a bet with the countryside?"

"Well --" long Yutian answered faintly, and raised his lips with a strategical smile: "I can't bear to see the wolf. If my young master didn't take the project of the South District as bait, how could he think of playing the 500 million bet with my young master?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!