Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1901

Looking at Feng Mengmeng, he said to the lawyer, "Feng Mengmeng, two drops of urine on the mare, and lard on the mare."

If you explain your name like this, no matter how good-natured you are, you can't help but get angry ~

Feng Mengmeng spits out two or two parts of his coke. Just as he wants to run away, the man opposite makes a shameless "money" gesture to her.

In an instant, she poured a piece of ashes into her small fire.

"Yes, Feng, two drops of urine on the horse. Boss, it's so predictable. How do you know that I have two drops of someone's urine on my neck?"

Said, pulled two paper towel again, mercilessly wiped the skin that was approached by long Yutian just now.

Lazy to refute, does not mean that she has no temper, a woman up a poisonous tongue, absolutely can give full play to the cunning incisively and vividly.

Long Yutian's face is unprecedentedly ugly.

This woman who is not afraid of death dare to sneer that her saliva is urine and her mouth is chrysanthemum and flower?!

Even if he didn't want to admit that he was insulted by her!

Don't you know that the place where she is now is his territory of long Yutian?

One little finger, crush her every minute!

Dalin and the lawyer looked at each other, and no one knew what deeper meaning was hidden in the dialogue between Miss Feng and the boss.

However, looking at the two men's face to face, as if there was a deep blood feud between them, Darlene could not help shivering.

"Well, Lawyer Zhang, go on!"

As a kind reminder, Lawyer Zhang wiped his cold sweat and continued to fill in the contract.

"Gender -"

"do it yourself!" Feng Mengmeng gave him a look of "you idiot".

Lawyer Zhang couldn't help looking at her petite figure and the steamed bread on her chest. She was forced to write a "woman ~"

because she was forced to be helpless. Otherwise, how could a woman be as cruel as her?!

"All around!"

Feng Mengmeng is depressed. He fills in an entry form and signs an enterprise contract. What else is involved?

However, take a look at this day entertainment group, all of them are pretty men and beautiful women, even a clean aunt, all dressed up.

Can imagine, as their big boss, should be what kind of color ruffian!

"38, 38, 38 --"

although he was very reluctant to answer this question, Feng Mengmeng still pulled a string of numbers with a lot of energy.

As a result, I heard long Yutian smile in his spare time, tut tut sighed: "originally, you are the legendary, jiaduobao canned herbal tea!"

Feng Mengmeng is not willing to show his weakness, shrugging his shoulders: "I'm flattered. I can't compare with the Xiangpiao cup used by hundreds of millions of people!"

The whole contract was signed with a lot of words, until at last, forced by long Yutian's money, Feng Mengmeng wrote down his name.

Lawyer Zhang also reminded several points: "Miss Feng, now you are an employee of Tianyu group. You are the close secretary of the big boss. The contract says that during the working period, you should obey all the arrangements and instructions of the president unconditionally. You are not allowed to be late and leave early, you are not allowed to be absent without reason, and you are not allowed to refute any words of the president. In a word, please remember two points."

"First, the president is right; second, if the president is wrong, please refer to the first one!"

"Otherwise, your salary and year-end bonus this month will be deducted!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!