Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1899

"My young master's suit is custom-made from Italy. It's hand-made and very expensive. You just want to draw a line with me by throwing away a few hundred yuan? Good idea

Feng Mengmeng was also annoyed. He changed his old wilting manner and puffed his cheeks angrily: "what do you want? Say a price and I'll compensate you!"

Long Yutian is not in a hurry to answer the question. Instead, he skips her petite body and goes to work. He takes a list and throws it to Feng Mengmeng.

Feng Mengmeng looked down and saw that it was the brand size and steel seal of the suit - the most important thing was the suffocating price!

Holding out her finger, she counted the numbers on it one by one as if she were inserting coals of fire.

just as she was white, long Yutian's voice rang out: "don't count it. It's 238000 in all. I'll give you a 90% discount for once, and you'll give me 235000 620 That's it! "

Feng Mengmeng grinds at long Yutian.

Long Yutian, an evil sycophant, especially coquettishly straightened his hair and added in a kind of gracious tone: "don't look at my young master with such grateful eyes. My young master always does good deeds without reputation, punishes evil and praises good, respects women. Don't fall in love with me because of my little favor to you. My young master is not so wonderful Taste, like you this face paralysis astringent apple

Feng Mengmeng felt that his chest was blocked and he wanted to hit his cheap and coquettish face with his fist several times.

However, when she saw the list in her hand, she was completely conquered, biting her teeth and exhaling.

Long Yutian looked at the woman in front of him. When the expression of the colorful ice powder changed, he just said that it was the depression of the dog.

Desser leaned on his desk and said softly, "how about cash or LACA? Or by example? "

Feng Mengmeng glared at him fiercely, not only not angry, but also gave him a simple smile: "swipe the card -"

that smile made long Yutian stunned. It seemed that he saw a white water lotus reflecting its brilliance in the sunshine.

But how could this woman have so much money? Two hundred and thirty thousand, not twenty-three. Quick!

If she hadn't sent someone to inquire about her and knew that her family was not well-off, that her parents were in their hometown, and that she was going to school alone, she would have thought that she was the daughter of a rich family just now!

Just when he was a little suspicious, Feng Mengmeng once again spat out a few words: "dragon two little, next to the bank, you can rob it!"

Looking at her disdainful eyes full of provocative taste, long Yutian is in a good mood giggle.

"It's against the law to rob / bank / bank, but it's also against the law to break my dragon Yutian's things and play tricks on them."

Feng Mengmeng threw a big white eye in the past -- a legal blind! You think you're an ATM!

Who knows, long Yutian added that his tone was even worse and arrogant than before: "but my young master kindly reminds you that if you break my young master's law, you will have more eyes than robbing a bank. If you sit in a cell, you will just suffer a little. But you know, stepping on my mine, my young master will make you - incomparable, marketable, and spiritless ~"

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