Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1803

Tut tut - why didn't I think of such a representative name at the beginning? I let Laosi pick up a big bargain and take advantage of his daughter-in-law's tofu from the name!

Not happy, not happy!

"Let's go. We've said all that we should and shouldn't say. Let the third man be quiet. I have another important matter about the hundred year peace between shengchen and Rongguang. I want to discuss it with you."

Longmuchen decisive slap on longyintian's shoulder, that ferocious palm strength, almost didn't crush old four's shoulder.

"Uncle 14, why are you so serious? What's the matter? Can't you say it in front of the third brother?"

Long Muchen grabs the old four's arm and drags the chicken out. "Change your name and brainwash you by the way!"

However, when they were just about to leave the imperial study, a little eunuch ran in in a hurry and knelt on the ground as soon as they entered the door.

"Tell the emperor, the news just came from the Regent's palace, saying that the little princess has left the palace, and asked the maidservant in the palace to leave a letter for you!"

Long Yutian heard the news, the whole person was excited, almost did not jump up.

He picked up a cape and put it on his shoulder. Then he rushed to the door. He almost fell to the ground without faltering.

When passing by the eunuch, he snatched the envelope and threw it to Lao Si: "read it to me quickly."

Long Yintian looks at the third brother's burning eyebrows. It's funny and helpless.

He said that he had to give some stimulation, otherwise he couldn't see his heart clearly after all.

This is not, as soon as I heard the news that rong'er had run away from home, I was anxious to lose my daughter.

Longyin heaven heart dark cool, deliberately very bad, slowly open the envelope.

"Hurry up. Those who take care of their children at home have become sissy. Do you believe that I will send you to Panyu to guard the border?" As long Yutian rushes out, he urges long Yintian to follow him closely.

Long Yin weather that gnash teeth ah, secretly scolded a: you poison, you ruthless, have seed you don't have baby!

But the action on the hand, but quick opened the envelope.

He bowed his head and thought of coming. However, when he saw the words above, he was stimulated!

"Third brother, are you sure this is the heart written by Rong er? Instead of scratching with a cat's paw? "

He thought that the tadpole character of duo'er had reached its peak, but he didn't expect that Xiao rong'er was even more different. He was really Qian Duoduo's adopted daughter!

Long Yutian looked at Laosi and vomited: "illiterate!"

Then he grabbed Rong er's letter and read it as he walked.

However, just after watching it for less than five seconds, long Yutian suddenly clenched the envelope like a disturbed lion. With a whoosh, he disappeared at the door of the imperial study with his lightness skill.

Looking at the strange disappearance of the third brother, long Yintian completely ignored the emperor's cold image and didn't even prepare for the carriage. He picked up the "ghost amulet" on the ground and handed it to long Muchen.

"Fourteenth uncle, you come to see your family's Xiao rong'er. What's the trick that can make the third brother so lost?"

Ah, he is illiterate. In these days, if he doesn't learn a language of animals, he really doesn't know how to get along with his future sister-in-law! , the fastest update of the webnovel!