Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1750

Rong'er looks at the way she's smoking. She's a little proud in her heart. She hums condescending and plans to turn around and leave.

Who knows, just take a step, behind Zhu Sisi but timely pull his wrist.

Rong'er frowned and wanted to get rid of him, but he heard Zhu Sisi's calm and cold voice.

"Don't you want to know who the three princesses are? Why is Yu so obsessed with her? "

The foot that Rong Er steps out, instant frame was in place.

He turned his head and looked at Zhu Sisi suspiciously.

In the palace these days, I overheard the maidservant talking about Zhu Sisi in private. Even when Fu Zi met her, she was respectful. She was curious several times. For example, when Fu Zi asked Zhu Sisi, Fu Zi's eyes flickered.

Now, she took the initiative to mention the three princesses, and called her father emperor "Yu.".

It seems that their relationship is really extraordinary?!

Zhu Sisi's mind is delicate and experienced the vicissitudes of the world. It's easy to find out the little girl's mind.

She tilted her mouth and sneered, "don't stare at me with such a surprised look. No one knows more about Yu than I do. If she hadn't stopped me, I might not have been Yu's wife, the queen of shengchen kingdom. How could I be in such a miserable situation? You would have yelled at me here, Sarcastic and humiliating? "

In fact, Zhu Sisi was still moved. After all, it was Qian Duoduo who saved her. But when she thought of the loss of long Yutian before, she felt that her soul was suffering in hell and could not be saved.

Can't restrain, so the resentment of money blossoming up.

Fluffy lips are shivering, small hands tightly into a fist, want to go up to tear Zhu Sisi that smelly mouth.

"Zhu Sisi, I warn you, I will accompany you to the end as you and I scold and fight, but you don't want to say a bad word about my mother behind my back. If I hear another word, I'll scratch your face. I do what I say!"

With that, rong'er made a ferocious attack on Zhu Sisi, and almost didn't blow up his tail!

Zhu Sisi looked at ronger's childish behavior and tried to protect her short. She was not angry, but chuckled.

"Mother? Xiaorong'er, should I be glad that you are too simple, or should I be sad that you are too naive? Look how intimate your mother is. Maybe your mother is still the culprit who prevents you from marrying Yu? "

Zhu Sisi's unkind smile makes Rong er's hair stand on end, and she is impatient.

"What do you mean? Zhu Sisi, don't pretend to be a ghost here. If you have something to say and fart, I have no time to dally with you and guess puzzles with you! "

As soon as Zhu Sisi smoked his mouth, the child really got the true biography of Qian Duoduo. He was not only difficult, but also rude.

She is so sincere and sincere that no one is more sincere than her. She is said to fart by this little boy.

Let it go, you have to be stun!

Zhu Sisi raised his head haughtily and looked at rong'er pitifully: "since you want to know so much, Zhu Sisi will tell you with great compassion -

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