Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1648

He must let her grow up carefree and create a powerful peaceful and prosperous age for her.

Only when he is strong enough to stand up to all living beings can he protect his little rong'er for a whole life.

Just like, fourteenth uncle, protecting Qian Duoduo, let her turn the world upside down, just after the trouble, take her to the arm, say: don't worry, I!

This is a man, give a woman, the best love.

When rong'er returned to Tianrong hall, she waited until the second watch, but long Yutian had not come back. She asked the palace maid to ask Fu Zi, but she heard that the emperor would discuss the war with several generals all night, and let the little princess have a rest first.

Rong'er is a good child. Of course, she knows it's very important. She can't harass her father willfully.

So, she alone, holding the cat sent by long Yutian - her little cousin, papaya, whistling together!

"Papaya, you see how happy you are. You are covered with hair, and you are not afraid of cold. Just pity those soldiers at the border, and they have to wait for cotton armour. If they were like us, covered with hair, how happy they would be!"

Mao? Hairy all over? So you're not afraid of the cold?

Xiaoronger's brain hole opened quickly, and immediately called the maid: "you go now and call the head of the house of internal affairs. By the way, let the imperial dining room get some duck feathers and chicken feathers."

The maids looked at each other. They didn't know that the princess didn't sleep in the middle of the night, so they were asked to pluck the duck's feathers?

However, they looked at the princess in such a hurry and did not dare to ask more. Oh, they went separately.

A quarter of an hour later, Lao Jiang, the head of the house of internal affairs, knelt down in front of him with two baskets of duck feathers.

"Princess, you call the slave to come this evening. What can I do for you?" Manager Jiang looked at a basket of duck feathers and forced himself to sneeze.

Little rong'er stood barefoot on the bed and began to command like a little adult: "Mr. Jiang, you're going to tell me to make a piece of cotton armour for me overnight. The cotton in the cotton armour will be replaced by these two baskets of duck feathers. Do you want to do it according to my father's instructions? Remember, it must be done before dawn!"

Looking at the two baskets of duck feathers, which are light and soft, Mr. Jiang wants to make cotton armour?

This little princess will not be silly and naive to think that those duck feathers that are usually thrown together to burn can replace cotton, right?

Or, if the emperor doesn't accompany her tonight, she'll be itching all over and playing with the people in their house?

However, these complaints, Jiang Gonggong still dare not spit out in front of the princess, still smile like a chrysanthemum, patting the chest to ensure that before dawn, will certainly do a good job of cotton armour!

The whole night, the imperial study was holding a candle to talk at night, and Tianrong palace was also very busy. Chicken feathers and duck feathers were flying all over the sky.

All the eunuchs and maids in the palace were rumored that the emperor worked hard for the state affairs. Only when she didn't go to have a rest with the little princess today, the little princess began to be willful. She tossed the imperial dining room and the house of internal affairs all night, and chased n ducks all over the palace.

Early in the morning, Fuzi ordered people to send breakfast to the imperial study. Because several generals were unable to leave the palace all night, Fuzi prepared a very rich breakfast.

"Lucky son, why did you give me duck in the morning?" Long Yutian pointed to a table of meals!

Braised duck neck, steamed duck claw, stewed duck with ginseng! , the fastest update of the webnovel!