Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1633

The room that long Mu Chen arranges personally for mother-in-law is in the East Chamber of the palace.

In addition to his and Dor's new house courtyard, it is the largest and most luxurious one.

There is only a small garden between the two courtyards, which is convenient for dor and my mother to run back and forth.

After doing these things well, long Muchen was going to order the dining room to prepare lunch, but Qian Duoduo didn't want to eat at home. He had to take him to the palace to clean up ah San's imperial dining room.

Long Muchen thinks it's the same. After two days back, it's time to go into the palace to see the emperor and care about the state affairs of shengchen state.

However, on the way to the palace, long Muchen found that the troops stationed in the capital seemed to change slightly. The most abnormal thing was that when he entered the palace, it was almost noon, and long Yutian had not gone to court yet?!

Long Muchen faintly feels that something is strange, so he lets duo'er have a rest in the imperial garden, and goes to find out the news by himself.

After Qian Duoduo had potatoes, his physical strength was not as good as before. After jumping up and down a few times, he felt tired.

She found a pavilion to sit down, and told the palace maids of the royal garden to prepare some snacks for her and feed her potatoes. When she was just ready to eat, a soft voice suddenly rang.

"Dor - you're back!"

Looking for a voice, Qian Duoduo saw a little pink man, with two chubby claws, running towards her.

She seems to be only four or five years old. She is wearing a small pink floral skirt with white fluorescent thread embroidered on her sleeve. She has delicate facial features, a sweet voice, a smile from Li Wo, and two tiger teeth. She is really cute.

Xiaorong'er had always looked like a doll, which was very attractive. In addition, Qian Duoduo is now pregnant and has a big maternal nature, so as soon as she reaches out her hand, she holds her in her arms.

Xiaorong'er rubbed her face on her leg and raised her head. Her light blue eyes were red and full of grievances: "duo'er, you have disappeared for a long time. I thought you didn't want me anymore!"

Qian Duoduo took xiaorong'er in front of her and took a look at her arms and legs. After confirming that she had never seen the baby, she asked gently, "little baby, how do you know I'm duo'er? And listening to your voice, it seems that you have known me for a long time?"

Xiao Rong er's big eyes revolved round and round, pointing to his face and poking: "Duo Er, I am papaya, I am papaya!"

She was afraid that duo'er couldn't understand, so she squatted on the ground and made a dig with her two short legs: "duo'er, don't you know me? Uncle Tianji gave me to you, and you gave me to your father, little yellow cat, papaya

Qian Duoduo looks surprised. She can't compare the little thing in front of her eyes with the Chaenomeles. However, the only thing that is the same between a cat and a person is that they all have beautiful pale blue eyes.

"You, how can you be like this?"

After experiencing such things as crossing, lonely soul and hell, Qian Duoduo was just slightly surprised for a moment.

She is more strange, is how the papaya can become a person, she left this period of time, missed what wonderful play?

Xiao rong'er is biting her fat little finger and blinking at Qian Duoduo. Her cute little appearance is almost -

(PS: end of 7) , the fastest update of the webnovel!