Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1619

Until now, he is still not willing to scold her!

Long Yutian hums and laughs, full of strong irony and self mockery, calm without waves, full of the strongest waves.

He looked at the little thing curled up into a ball and said coldly: "good, good, Qian rong'er, since you hate me so much and want to escape from the palace all the time, then you can leave. Now get out of the palace for me and never come back!"

Xiao rong'er, after hearing this, lifted his quilt, raised his eyelids and took a look at long Yutian.

However -

long Yutian no longer looks at her, but shouts out of the door: "Fu Zi, get in!"

He turned his head and pointed to the little things on the bed, word by word, indifference to the extreme: "you now send her to me out of the palace, send her back to the Chen palace, from then on, she is no longer the princess Tianrong, no longer my daughter, I and she, break up

Xiaorong'er was just aggrieved just now. Tongyanwuji just said those words. If she really wanted to leave, would she still play in the quilt?

However, she did not expect that the result of her willfulness would be long Yutian's "end of kindness, end of righteousness, end of a sword!"

Still want to drive her out of the palace, drive back to Chen Wang Fu?

The feeling that she was about to be abandoned really scared Xiao Rong er. She looked at Fu Zi with red eyes.

Although Fuzi was bullied by the little princess, he was still very distressed for the lovely little guy. Besides, he knew that the emperor was angry and said angry words.

If he really sent Princess ronger out of the palace, and when the emperor's anger subsided, he thought of the princess. It's not his own misfortune to get hurt?

Thinking of this, Fuzi summoned up courage and cautiously advised: "emperor, you calm down, the princess is still young, don't be sensible, you don't have the same opinion with her!"

however, before he finished his words, long Yutian grabbed Fuzi's collar and threw him to the edge of the bed like a runny nose.

"What a loyal slave, dare you disobey my will? Since you like to plead for her so much, you can get out of the palace with her

Fu Zi went to the market and knelt down to kowtow: "I'm damned. I'm going to send the little princess out of the palace. No, I'm going to send rong'er out of the palace!"

Fu Zi turns around and sighs at the silly Xiao rong'er. He doesn't know what kind of wind the emperor is taking. He even gets up with a child.

"Miss rong'er, please. I've tried my best!"

Xiao Rong Er didn't say a word, lowered his head, sobbed a few times, and began to wipe his tears.

After a long time, she went to long Yutian barefoot and made a hoarse voice,

"father, Rong Er is wrong. Don't be angry. Don't drive Rong Er away."

Long Yutian closed his eyes, waved his sleeve and pushed aside rong'er: "Fu Zi, take her away to me!"

He felt that he was so tired that he didn't want to see rong'er's worried face again!

Fu Zi felt that long Yutian was the angry tiger at this time, and whether Xiao ronger wanted to or not, he picked her up and took her out of the bedroom.

"Father emperor - Wuwu - rong'er is wrong. Don't drive rong'er away, wuwuwu -"

Xiao rong'er is held on his shoulder by Fu Zi, and his two short claws are constantly scratching in mid air. I hope long Yutian can soften his heart and take her back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!