Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1617

Sure enough, after hearing this, long Yutian was like a ignited dynamite, and suddenly became manic.

He took a jade Ruyi beside him and smashed it on the antique vase beside him.

With strong anger and internal power, the antique vase was smashed to pieces in an instant, making a deafening sound.

Xiaorong'er is very scared. She shrinks and gets up to run. But before she gets out of bed, she is caught by long Yutian.

"Very good. I wanted to get married when I was young. Since you are so shameless and don't know how to be reserved, what else do I care about you?"

Before xiaorong'er could react, he was pressed by long Yutian in his arms. Then he felt his lips and pressed them on his lips.

She stares, terrified, though she doesn't know what the meaning of "being forced to kiss" is.

But -

such a father became so terrible, especially his strength was full of the smell of punishment, and he was so overbearing and angry that he almost bit her lips!

In fact, long Yutian is also angry. How can he not know that rong'er is only five years old?

It's just that, as soon as I get out of my head, I use this kind of obscene / trivial way to declare my ownership of ronger, and print my own unique mark on her lips.

If you want to say "kiss hard", it's nothing. It's just a punishment of biting her twice. It's not a child molestation, is it?

"Oh, emperor, what's the matter with you?"

The huge noise startled Fu Zi, who was standing at the gate to watch the night. For fear that the emperor's dragon body would be hurt, he quickly opened the door and rushed in.

Who knows, as soon as he opened the door, he saw the scene in front of him, which made him dull in the same place.

The emperor pressed Princess ronger in his arms and bowed her head - Keke, Princess ronger was struggling - what kind of rhythm is this?

In fukuko's impression, the emperor held Princess ronger in his hand. The "filial" look was more obedient than his parents.

Why is "domestic violence" implemented at this time? Do you want to bite her instead of beating her?

Fu Zi was stunned for a long time when he saw this scene. He didn't know whether to go up to clean up the broken vase or turn around and run. As if he didn't see anything, he just stood at the door and watched the live broadcast.

Just when he was at a loss, long Yutian suddenly turned his head and looked like a leopard. He picked up a jade pendant and smashed it.

"Get out of here. If anyone dares to come in, I'll take your head!"

Fu Zi was so scared that he covered his face and went out.

He did not forget to bring the door, hiding in the corner to breathe, in order to ease his panic.

Nima, it's terrible. There's wood and there's wood!

Although he is already a "defective product", he knows something about men and women.

Now come to think about it, just now, the emperor was obviously to the little princess -

no wonder the emperor was so interested in all the concubines in the harem, but he only took the princess to sleep every day.

Originally, he thought it was the emperor's deep love, but he didn't expect it, but he had a unique insight!

Tut Tut, I have a deep feeling for my daughter who I raised myself. What a soul!

My Lord, Princess ronger is only five years old! Are you sure you can eat it? Are you sure your taste is right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!