Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1614

After that, tuobakuo quickly turned around and saluted longyutianwei, "don't be angry, uncle. My father drank a few more cups at the dinner party, but he didn't mean it!"

Tuo basheng hates that son of a bitch. As he gets older, he turns his elbow to teach himself a lesson. He has a daughter-in-law who forgets his mother's things!

It seems that the first thing he did when he came back to Nanzhao state was to have another son with Yuyao. He decided to throw him to shengchen state and become a redundant man!

However, little Tuoba's next move really made Tuoba Sheng want to throw him out.

Because Tuoba Kuo pulled xiaorong'er's sleeve after he had "taught his father a lesson" and said, "sister rong'er, I've already avenged you. Don't be angry, OK?"

Poof - Tuo Ba Sheng's heart, seriously twisted!

In fact, xiaorong'er is a kind-hearted girl. As soon as she looks at Tuoba Kuo's sincere apology to herself, she is arrogant, so she has some affectation.

So, hesitated for a moment, or coy said: "well, then I'll forgive you!"

Tuoba Kuo laughs, and the two little guys are back together again.

"Kuo'er, you take rong'er's younger sister to play for a while. My mother's concubine has something to discuss with emperor shengchen." Yu Yao looked at the time almost, then gave Tuoba Kuo a look.

Tuoba Kuo was so talented that he immediately understood the intention of his mother's concubine. He squatted on the ground, waved all the toys and took xiaorong'er to play in the yard happily.

After the two children left, Yuyao pointed at their back and sighed deeply: "look at them, they're playing very well. They're childhood friends. They have no guess."

Long Yutian's face suddenly became bad: "what does Yu Guifei mean? If you have anything to say, I don't have much time to play riddles with you. "

Yuyao was not angry either. She showed her style of shouting and smiling gracefully: "in fact, with the emperor's wisdom, you can definitely see that kuo'er likes Princess Tianrong very much."

"If shengchen state and Nanzhao state can get rid of the past and make rong'er the Crown Princess of Nanzhao state, it will not only enhance the friendship between the two countries, but also help the two children, won't it be the best of both worlds?"

Long Yutian chuckled and said, "do you mean to let me be the apple of my eye as the political victim of reconciliation?"

Yuyao responds to her blunder and explains: "I don't mean that --"

who knows, when her voice is declining, long Yutian stands up from the soft couch.

The candle light shines on his handsome and extraordinary side face, with perfect lines and a kind of suppressed anger.

"I don't care what you mean, I can tell you decisively now that there is no way for Tuoba Kuo to marry Tianrong!"

In this world, except for his long Yutian, no one can make half an idea of his kitten!

Long Yutian thought about it and added: "today, I'll take it as if I haven't heard of it. If I think about Tianrong's idea next time, don't blame me for not thinking about the old love and turning my face mercilessly!"

After that, long Yutian waved his sleeve and turned out of Tianrong palace, leaving a dull face of Yuyao.

In the courtyard of Tianrong palace, tuobakuo and xiaorong'er are squatting on the ground playing with toys. , the fastest update of the webnovel!