Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1612

After hearing this, long Yutian just smiles, turns around and sweeps all the officials on the scene, and says: "if anyone is so keen on Hongniang's career in the future, I will send him to the moon!"

Ministers dropped their heads one by one. They knew that long Yutian didn't joke with them. Instead, he did what he said.

It seems that they have misjudged the holy meaning. The Emperor didn't want to marry the princess to the prince of Nanzhao at all.

But think about it. Tuo Ba Sheng, the emperor of Nanzhao state, was one of long Yutian's enemies. No matter how generous the emperor was, he could not be in laws with them?!

When the ministers figured this out, they all wiped a sweat on themselves.

When long Yutian returns to Tianrong palace with ronger, Fuzi is kneeling in the yard, holding a pile of rotten mud in his hand, shivering in the cold wind.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he tilted his head, wailed his face, and begged for mercy: "emperor, the slave has prayed for the little clay figurine for an hour. It is estimated that now it is reincarnated. If the slave knows his mistake, please forgive him!"

"Rong'er, let's not be angry, OK?" Long Yutian asked the little girl's advice first.

Xiao rong'er nodded. She was excited when she saw the flying man in the air just now. How could she remember the revenge!

When long Yutian saw that Xiao rong'er had forgotten Tuoba Kuo, he felt comfortable.

He patted Fu Zi on the shoulder and praised him: "you've done very well. I'll reward you so much!"

Fuzi has a runny nose and a tear. He looks up to heaven and sighs. Thank you for your kindness!

The emperor is really a wise king. He knows that he is loyal. He goes through fire and water for such a wise king!

In fact, poor lucky son didn't know that he had been mercilessly overcame by the unscrupulous emperor. He was red / naked / naked!

Long Yutian is in a good mood and leads rong'er into the palace. Before he gets hot, Tuoba Sheng follows him uninvited.

What did you say: "long Yutian, I'm also the king of Nanzhao. After a dinner, if you don't say hello, you'll slip away, and you don't pay attention to me?"

Long Yutian is very upset. Why didn't he find out before? Is Tuoba Sheng still a follower?

He took rong'er to the chair and glanced at Tuo Ba Sheng unhappily, as if to say: you know I didn't pay attention to you?!

Tuoba Sheng ignored his attitude and didn't get angry. He found a chair to sit down. Then he didn't treat himself as an outsider at all and handed an apple to Tuoba Kuo.

"Son, didn't you say there was a present for Princess Tianrong?"

Tuoba Kuo quickly picked up a big package, ran to ronger and threw all his customized toys on the ground.

After all, rong'er is a child. When she sees so many strange things, her eyes are bursting with pink bubbles. She jumps down from her chair and squats on the ground to play with tuobakuo.

Long Yutian reaches out his arm to hold rong'er up. However, rong'er pouts his bottom, raises a small hand, and pushes long Yutian in disgust, not letting him bang at all.

Long Yutian is embarrassed. He has a face like cat excrement and retracts his arm rigidly.

"Poof - ha ha!"

Tuo Ba Sheng burst out laughing impolitely at all. This little fluffy son is just like his heart!

(PS: there's another watch) , the fastest update of the webnovel!