Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1606

If tuobakuo can take such a lovely baby home as a little princess, she will surely hold it in her hand as a daughter.

"Long Yutian, is this your daughter?"

Tuo Ba Sheng's eyes keep turning back and forth between Xiao rong'er and long Yutian.

This little girl has a pair of eyes as charming as long Yutian, one is dark green, the other is light blue.

Tuoba Sheng snorted and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that you would have such a big daughter. At the beginning, duo'er had the vision and chose long Muchen. Otherwise, wouldn't duo'er be a stepmother?"

Up to now, Tuo Ba Sheng's heart is a little sour, thinking that duo'er used to be the princess of long Yutian, he is not happy.

Especially when he saw that long Yutian loved the little girl so much, he couldn't help holding injustice for duo'er.

Perhaps, this is the eternal love buried in the bottom of my heart. Even if I can't get it, I hope everything about her is perfect.

"Dad, who is this strange corn? Why does Mao always look at me?"

Xiaorong'er's face is nestled in long Yutian's neck. Tuoba Sheng's eyes are so deep and complex that she can't help being timid.

Long Yutian gently touched ronger's head, but swept Tuoba Sheng with a sharp look.

Damn it, if it wasn't for the fact that he was the monarch of Nanzhao, he would have slapped Tuoba Sheng.

If it wasn't for Tuoba Sheng's insistence on him and his fourteenth uncle, he would have taken duo'er to Nanzhao.

Uncle 14 took so many chances to save the beauty. He and Dor share weal and woe, and love each other?

At the beginning, Tuoba Sheng broke his feelings with duo'er. The most hateful thing is that he still scares his baby rong'er?

What's more, her short legged son, who is not as long as his own leg, dares to love his family beyond his capacity and wants to marry her as the crown princess?

If he could bear it, he would not be ah San!

(some song: saner, you are so shameless! You're an uncle. How can you compare with little fresh meat? What do you mean

Holding Rong er's small face, long Yutian said softly, "Rong Er, dad told you that this strange corn used to be the enemy of your Regent uncle. He once shut duo er up in Nanzhao Kingdom and threatened the Regent. So, when we see them in the future, we have to stay away, especially his son, who is rich. We won't play with him in the future, you know Is that right? Otherwise, DOR will not be happy when she knows! "

Rong'er seemed to understand, but he nodded his head obediently: "Oh, as long as Dad and duo'er don't like it, I don't care about them!"

"Hello, long Yutian, how can you extend the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation to the next generation? You are just taking revenge for yourself!"

Tuoba Sheng's angry eyes were almost set on fire.

He is from the past. Of course, he can see that his son has an extraordinary interest in xiaorong'er.

Long Yutian squinted at the two big and the one small, and snorted: I'm just taking revenge, how can I do that? You bite me?

Tuoba Kuo saw that his father and future father-in-law were at each other's throats. He was so worried that he quickly grabbed Yuyao standing on one side and begged for help.

Yu Yao clapped Tuo Ba Kuo's hand and went to Long Yu Tian's body. She said, "Mr. long, we're here to visit you, but I didn't expect to see you here. Why don't we go back all the way later?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!