Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1601

If you sell it to Qinglou, you'll make a lot of money.

However, seeing that more and more people gathered around him, rong'er cried so much that he would not be suspected of something else, so he jumped out.

Always feel a little doll, intimidate her a few words, also good!

So, the thin man scolded again: "go home with your parents, or they will not want you. "

as soon as people around see that this man and woman really have the momentum of parents educating their children, they all think that xiaoronger will play a temper again, so they persuade him.

"Girl, go back with your parents quickly. You've made your mother cry! "

" yes, if you are not good, your father will be angry! "

xiaorong'er felt panicked when she saw these people saying these words, and no one helped him.

The man saw that the little thing was in his pocket and threatened in a low voice: "if you dare to be born again, I will break your leg! "

xiaoronger is a child after all. When she shrinks her head, she flattens her mouth.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero. He will save a cat's life first, and then he will be able to escape.

The thin and small man just reached out and wanted to catch Xiaorong er. Suddenly, behind him, there came a childish voice.

"Let go of the girl, or I will be rude to you! "

the voice sounded very powerful. The thin man turned his head in a panic, but behind him was only a four or five-year-old baby.

He was relieved, wrinkled and impatient, and exclaimed: "uncle, I discipline my daughter, what do you care? Let's play! "

the little boy took a look at xiaoronger. He seemed to be scared. He just shook his head, sniffed and sniffed. His face was dirty, like a little wild cat just climbing out of the garbage can.

He laughed with a puff, but only two seconds later, his face became serious, and the little man looked askance at him.

"Your daughter? Oh, are you blind? Can you give birth to such a watery baby just because you are a man with evil looks? "

" besides, if you want to abduct, you should use your brains. Looking at the beautiful silk on the doll's body, it must be the lady of the rich family. How can you afford it? "

Xiao rong'er runs to the young master with short legs, grabs his arm tightly, and raises his little finger:" little brother, you have a good eye, you have the truth! "

then, he raised his head and came back to life with full blood:" little brother is right, you are a personal dealer, there's nothing to say now! "

the thin and black man was speechless, but these words reminded him.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at rong'er and the little boy stealthily. Most of their clothes were rich and noble. The jade pendant hanging around his waist was very valuable.

If they were tied up together, and then coerced their families to take ransom, he would have no worries about food and clothing in his life!

"Ha ha, you're right. I'm a peddler, but if you want a hero to save beauty, I'll help you, and let you be my money maker with this doll! "

the thin man gave a sinister smile and raised his hand to grab two" little Yuanbao ". Unexpectedly, as soon as his hand was raised, a sword light flashed in the air and immediately cut off the thin man's finger.

(PS: I will go back to Shanghai tomorrow and resume the update) , the fastest update of the webnovel!