Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1599

Xiao rong'er asked the girl in green, but she didn't know how to answer.

Long Yutian rubbed ronger's head with satisfaction. The sentence "destroy our feelings" made him feel comfortable.

"My family dor once said that although the small three culture is all over the world, it is not good to be a small three! Besides, there are many little girls in my family. They can't wait for my father to warm their bedclothes once a month. What a pity

Xiao rong'er, with tears in her eyes, looks innocent and pitiful, and her voice is full of milk, which makes her a group of onlookers.

The girl in Green's face was stiff and twitching. Although she was young, she was a difficult master.

However, listen to her these words meaning, this childe's family, married a lot of room aunt, so say, still a big family?

The girl in Green's idea of being close to a rich man came into being in an instant.

"It's natural for a man to have three wives and four concubines, not to mention such a noble man? "

yo, looking at the shy girl, in fact, her heart is so rough. She looks like a teenager when she is young, but she is going to be a little girl?

I just don't know if she can stand the call of xiaorong'er?

Xiao ronger bit his chubby fingers, tilted his head, and said, "but you are no longer a wife and concubine. If you enter the door, you will be in my latrine! "

" the most important thing is that my mother is very fierce. If you are not afraid of breaking your hands and feet and suffering from the general torture of purgatory, you can go after my father! "

xiaorong'er shrugs and looks like" I wish you peace and take care of yourself. ".

The onlookers around were amused by the innocent and lovely words of the little girl.

One of the middle-aged men sneered: "Hey, I said the girl in green, you're dead. The little girl obviously doesn't like to see you. What's more, the young man has never opened his eyes to see you. Why don't you ask for it like this? "

" if you like to be the second wife, you can marry me. There are only three people in my family, ha ha! "

the middle-aged man grins coarsely, revealing two big yellowish incisors.

The woman in Green's face suddenly turned red. Xiaorong'er's words had embarrassed her. With the man's ridicule, she immediately left with shame.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, xiaorong'er stretched out two small claws and put out a scissors hand poss.

"Well, you have a small nose and a small face, and you want to pester my father, too much! "Xiao rong'er turned his head and asked for credit with a happy face:" Dad, Dad, I helped you successfully dig a wild flower. Rong'er is not fierce! "

" good boy!? "Long Yutian rubs her hair as a reward. When he thinks that little things are just a little bit, he knows how to be jealous when he grows up!

But -

"Rong Er, who is your mother? Is it fierce? a female tiger? "In the mind of long Yutian, the image of a yellow and black cat, Zhang Ya's ignorant cat, emerges.

"Yes, yes, isn't dor a tiger? As soon as I was naughty, she would pull my ears. Dad, she's pulling down ronger's ears! "Xiao rong'er pinches his small earlobe and shows it to long Yutian pitifully.

PS: come back from the dinner party and keep updating. There have been many meetings in the past two days , the fastest update of the webnovel!