Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1597

"Father, let's go out tonight, OK?"

Xiao rong'er droops his head and looks at long Yutian bored.

She is a cat. She should be naughty. Why does Mao always ask her to read, write and do well?

It's against the law of nature. It's unscientific!

Long Yutian criticized Zhu and took down a memorial. While watching, he went back: "rong'er, you are a princess. You can't go out of the palace to play and show yourself in public!"

Xiao rong'er pouted and said, "if you don't bring it, you can't bring it. Why do you take the name of princess to oppress me? It's a big deal that I'm going to drill a cat hole. What's the big deal!"

Cunning rabbit has three caves. It's xiaoshenmao, but there are cat holes all over the palace!

Long Yutian's fingertips stopped for a moment and turned to pick his eyebrows: "what do you say, cat hole? Have you ever sneaked out? "

"Muyou! It's absolutely impossible

Xiao rong'er holds up her brush and swears to the candle. However, looking at long Yutian's suspicious eyes staring at her, she grunts and lowers her head.

"Only when you're a cat, you can dig a hole and go out -"

long Yutian smiles from the corner of his lips. Little girl, you're still young if you want to cheat me!

"Lucky son!"

"Ah! The emperor's slave is here Fu Zi, who dozed off at the door, answered, but did not dare to go in easily.

"Pass on my will to fill all the holes in the corners of all the walls in the palace!"

Fuzi was so confused that he put on a memorial. How could he suddenly compete with those holes again.

"Emperor, do you want to prevent rats? Why don't you go to the house of internal affairs and get some rat poison? "

Fuzi felt that he was able to appreciate the Holy Spirit.

Results -

"get out! What nonsense

Long Yutian directly copied a memorial and hit it on the door. Even though it was separated by a solid wood door, he could feel long Yutian's anger.

He scared Fu Zi so much that he peed without saying a word.

Where is long Yutian's mouse defense? He is clearly defending this cunning cat demon!

Xiaorong'er saw that her father had ordered to seal her old nest. She sat on the Dragon chair angrily and pedaled wildly.

Stretching his short, fat leg, he kicked the inkstone and made a loud bang.

Long Yutian did not hear outside the window, and continued to read the memorial with his head down.

Xiaorong'er's pale blue eyes turned twice, picked up a brush on a table and threw it at the foot of long Yutian.

This time, long Yutian reflected. He raised his head and took a light look at the little thing that was suffering from the disease.

The little guy is clearly deliberately tossing out a little noise to attract long Yutian's attention, but now long Yutian looks at her, she puts up the spectrum, snorts, turns a little white eye, and then turns her buttocks and lies on the Dragon chair.

Braid disorderly shaking, obviously said: I am not happy!

Long Yu closed the last memorial book, got up and straightened his robe, then walked to the Dragon chair.

"Ronger? Angry? " He chuckled, reached for her little paw, and habitually wanted to hold her.

Xiao rong'er's buttocks moved in, slapped his hand with a paw, and rolled his eyelids. It seemed that he was saying, "ask me clearly!

Long Yutian is not in a hurry. He takes back his hand and looks at xiaorong'er's drawing in circles.

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