Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1590

Finally, he took out a painting from his pocket and gave it to he Bo.

As soon as he opened it, it turned out that the portrait was the painting of an ancient lady who was brought to D country by Duke Weiss a while ago. He had not had time to ask them how they got it back.

Hear long Mu Chen to use irresistible tone, command a way.

"This portrait is my wife, Qian Duoduo, and your ancestor, Princess Chen of shengchen kingdom. Therefore, you must keep it well in this ancestral hall. You must never show it or auction it again."

He Bo quickly promised: "no, absolutely not. I'll send someone to mount it tomorrow and offer incense day and night. I hope you will live a long life in shengchen Kingdom and live a good life forever."

"Er --" long Mu Chen very satisfied of ordered to nod, then also didn't say what more, hugged money to leave the chamber of secrets.

Until the car was driving on the way home, Qian Duoduo, who was sitting in the co driver's seat, was a little confused.

Long Muchen looks at a small flower that likes to chirp and doesn't say a word, so he turns around curiously and takes a look. The little woman around him is playing with iPad with her head down. She seems to be very serious.

"Dor, what are you looking at, so serious?"

Qian Duoduo raises his iPad and blocks long Muchen's face.

"14. I'm looking for reincarnation and reincarnation. I still don't understand why the young man I met three years ago gave me the Yulei sword and cheated me into the kingdom of shengchen, a modern and trendy little policeman."

Long Mu Chen stares at the iPad in front of him, can't help twitching the corner of his mouth, and says in utter silence: "Duo Er, can we take it down first? You're in my way. "

Qian Duoduo... Well, fortunately, it's evening, and there are few vehicles on the way home. Otherwise, she would be the initiator of a series of intrusions on some elevated road just now.

After taking the iPad, Qian Duoduo asked, "and how do you know that young master will come back? What if he burps? Aren't you a little old man who has done harm to others? "

"Duo'er, do you remember the stone of shengchen kingdom?"

Longmuchen turned to look at the money, night scared pupil, flashing glass like fluorescence.

Qian Duoduo nodded dully ~ ~ ouch, I never found that his family 14 is really 365 handsome!

Slinky - took a sip of saliva, money licked his lips.

Long Muchen was a little embarrassed by Qian Duoduo's burning eyes. He turned his head rigidly and watched the car with his eyes, nose and heart, for fear that her eyes would arouse his infinite reverie.

He coughed twice and went back to business with a confident tone.

"On the living stone, we absorbed the essence and blood of both of us. I once vowed that I would never separate from you forever - maybe the young master of the dragon family was reincarnated by a wisp of my spirit. After seeing you, I opened the memory of my previous life and brought you back to me with the Royal thunder sword."

For reincarnation, long Muchen is not so clear, can only think of this reasonable explanation.

Then he said with a smile: "however, that boy is really smart. I know that if you don't go back to shengchen country and meet me, there will be no glory of the dragon family in the 21st century."

PS: I'll go back to shengchen tomorrow! Recommend the great God text "Meng Fei invincible: grab an evil emperor to play" Xianyue)

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