Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1584

In this way, long Yutian, who lives a lonely life, will be constantly entangled in his new love and old love when he dreams back at midnight.

I doubt when my faithful love for Qian Duoduo is so vulnerable.

"You are wrong. If she is still alive, she must hope you can put down your burden and cheer up again."

A clear voice came from behind long Yutian. Long Yutian's shoulder trembled slightly. When he turned around, he saw Qian Duoduo appeared behind him.

"Why are you here?"

The long Yu day astringent sad manner, restores a cold arrogant appearance.

Even if he likes the woman in front of him, he doesn't allow her to disturb his wife's peace easily.

Therefore, the tone of his speech is slightly cold.

"You said last time that I was very similar to your wife, so I came to have a look when I was curious!"

Don't look at Qian Duoduo's random and natural answers. In fact, the greedy villains in our Duoer's heart have already scratched the sky.

Nima, natural crystal, you have wood ~

you have become a handful of ashes, and you need such a luxury local tyrant!

"It's over. You can go." Long Yutian did not hesitate under the order.

Tang Tang Er Shao, even in front of this woman, is cynical, evil spirit light pick, he will never allow anyone to see his infatuated decadent side.

"Hey, I'm concerned about you!" Qian Duoduo tilted his head and thought to himself: as before, stinky people are dying, and I don't know how good people are.

"No need!" Long Yutian answered more decisively and added: "go back and care about long Muchen!"

The first sentence is quite cold. How can the last sentence be full of sour?

That tone seems to say, you are not my woman, why care about me?

Qian Duoduo shrugged. Oh, she saw the tombstone. She didn't have a spare chest pain. She pasted her hot ass on other people's cold face.

She turned to go, but just raised her foot, long Yutian's voice came from behind her: "what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean?" I can't figure out what to do.

"That's what you said just now. If she lives, she must hope that I can put down my burden." Long Yutian's expression became very quiet. He looked at Qian Duoduo's face which was very similar to his wife and said, "how do you know what she thinks?"

Qian Duoduo is stunned by the sudden question from long Yutian.

Why can't she say that she is the dead money?

No, I can't. If I don't scare long Yutian to death, I will be killed by him.

Qian Duoduo's dark eyes, dexterously turned twice, and immediately gave full play to his ability.

"Well, isn't that what you said? Your wife and I are very similar from head to toe, from the inside to the outside. Maybe there is a great relationship between us ~"

"last night, she gave me a dream. She said that she wanted me to comfort you. Don't let you worry about it all the time. Otherwise, I would have a baby and climb the mountain so painstakingly I don't have to practice my legs and feet. "

"I'm not so kind."

With that, Qian Duoduo went down to his head and drew circles on the ground to hide his guilty heart.

(PS: end of update today)

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