Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1579

"Dor, the local tyrant is a must, but it also has to be high-end and high-grade, right? If you think about my grandson, he will be a great marshal who will be frightening and highly successful. How can you say that he should have a famous name?"

Qian Duoduo will not refute his mother's opinion: "what's your name?"

When the money mother said "gold and silver" to duo'er, she already thought of two very meaningful brother and sister names for the two babies.

Qian said, "if it's a boy, it's called long Zi Dan. If it's a girl, it's called long Zi Jin."

Qian Duoduo laughs twice: "Qingqing Zijin, leisurely my heart, I like it very much."

Long Muchen also nodded and praised: "the person with the highest mountain is named Dan, and I also like it."

The two men looked at each other and were very satisfied with the two names that the money mother came up with.

After the names of potatoes and chips are settled, the money mother quietly retreats, leaving this space for the sweet couple.

Qian Duoduo leaned against long Muchen's arm, and the little bird poked him in the chest with his finger: "fourteen, this time the baby's name is set like this, and then the next time, the baby will have to follow my family name ~"

after all, the mother raised her from childhood and suffered a lot.

Qian Duoduo's family name is his mother's, so he has to give it to Qian's family to leave a descendant.

"All right, it's up to you." Long Muchen answered without hesitation.

He doesn't pay much attention to the issue of succession. After all, there are old three and old four. They are not a problem.

Besides, two little things in dor's stomach, both surnamed long, are successors.

However, the thought of having another litter after the birth of this litter, the annoying kids, one after another competing with him for favor, he could not help but be jealous and sour.

"But dor, you promise me that after giving birth to the baby, you can leave them to the nursing mother. You can't hold them to sleep, and you can't breast milk them. You have to make good compensation for your husband!" Long Muchen's head is down in Qian Duoduo's arms and acts like a coquetry ~

ouch ~ his wife's small body is full of meat and greasy skin. It's so comfortable to hold her. Tut Tut, the water flows all over the ground, like a bite.

Qian Duoduo picked up a pillow and smashed it on long Muchen's face. He glanced at the coquettish long Muchen and pretended to be disgusted: "long 14, you are such a big man, and you still want to fight for food with your son. Do you want a face or not?"

Long Muchen, who was scolded, followed Qian Duoduo's buttocks innocently, lifted the quilt and climbed onto the bed. His hand was not honest and he stuck oil everywhere. The emphasis in his mouth was extremely cheap.

"But dor, you think, if you don't feed me enough, how can we have a baby? So, for the sake of your money family, you can only put aside the little potatoes and comfort your husband -- "

- duo'er segmentation line --

the next day, long Muchen woke up early, opened her eyes and frowned, as if she had encountered something indecisive.

He turned his head, picked up a cigarette on the table and took two deep breaths. In the smoke, his uncertain black eyes loomed.

Qian Duoduo wakes up in a daze and sees a puff of smoke floating in her nostrils. She reaches out and pokes long Muchen's arm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!