Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1577

"Fourteen, don't you?"

Long Mu Chen smoked to smoke corner of mouth, mother-in-law adult's words, is empress dowager Yi Zhi, how can he resist Zhi not to respect?

Quickly nodded, followed her words back to: "yes, DOR said, this is called fetal education!"

As a matter of fact, our fourteenth master thinks so. Though, he doesn't like the baby in dor's stomach very much.

But, how to say, it's also the seed that he painstakingly conceived / bred. In this world, except him, no one is allowed to touch a small potato!

However, according to this situation, I'm not as optimistic as I planned!

Qian's mother is very satisfied with long Muchen's attitude. After praising him, she turns around and asks Qian Duoduo: "duo'er, have you named your baby?"

Qian Duoduo shook his head: "Mom, the baby is still small. Besides, I don't know whether it's a man or a woman. How can I name it?"

Money mother thigh a pat, quickly from the cupboard out of the pen and paper: "anyway, it's ok now, let's give the baby a name."

Qian Duoduo thinks my mother's words are reasonable. After all, they are going to return to shengchen kingdom in a short time. The power of Yulei sword is limited, and it can't carry three people. When they return to Shanghai next time, they don't know when it will be.

After all, my mother is the baby's grandmother, so in order to make my mother happy and have no regrets, Qian Duoduo of course has to satisfy my mother's wish.

Long Muchen sits on one side and looks at all the emotions in Qian Duoduo's eyes. He loves his daughter-in-law, but he doesn't dare to pick them out, which only increases the sadness of the mother and daughter.

So, without saying a word, I also joined in the ranks of naming little potatoes. "

," he said. "I think the child's life is called little potato. It has many earthy flavors. The most important thing is that we are used to calling him little potato

Long Mu Chen nods: "I have no opinion, you like good, just, if your belly is a female doll, call small potato, is not some awkward ah?"

The money mother also cut in: "yes, DOR, if you have two babies in your stomach, one is potato, what's the name of the other?"

Two babies - Qian Duoduo looked down at his flat abdomen, looked up at long Muchen and blinked: "fourteen, two babies? Do you think it's possible? "

Long Muchen leans on the sofa leisurely and complacently: "it's impossible. I'm full of confidence in my fighting power. You see, I've worked so hard in the past month to grow potatoes, but I've worked so hard day and night --"

before long Muchen finished his boasting, Qian Duoduo took a piece of bread with him , blocking his mouth.

Then, eyes unnaturally looked around the money mother, blushed like cooked shrimp.

Long Muchen curls his mouth, takes out the bread, and reaches out his hand to hold money. However, the little girl seems to be in a rage. She just won't let him bang. He shrinks back in embarrassment and leans his head to his mother-in-law's side to please him.

"Mom, what do you think is a better nickname for a girl?"

Qian's mother turned her pen and thought about it carefully. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers: "it's called potato chips!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!