Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1561

Weiss is secretly happy that he has offended Mr. long. Now you Dafen family are suffering.

Especially when they knew that long Muchen was the "bodyguard" they had invited, he was very excited and cool.

When he thought of Malte. Dafen died miserably, and immediately replied, "don't worry, Mr. long. On the night of the 30th, I guess someone in the Dafen family will hide and watch the battle."

Long Muchen leaned on the sofa and squinted at him. His sharp eyes, like a strong perspective, almost didn't see through a hole for Duke Weiss.

After a while, he spoke slowly: "very good, in this case, I don't want to go one more time. It's easy to solve this problem at one time."

With that, long Muchen got up from the sofa and walked toward the door. Weiss accompanied him with a smile and followed him. He was very happy because of long Muchen's "one-time solution".

When he thought that this matter so smoothly with his plan, with longmuchen hand, frustrated the Dafen family's spirit.

Long Mu Chen suddenly stopped a pace, he turns to look at Wei Si, the smile of lip side, some cold.

"Duke Weiss is a master of power playing. He's a very quiet man who kills people with a knife."

Wes's heart thumped. Did he see through it!

Long Muchen chuckled, but the dark light in her eyes was more and more profound: "however, in the face of duo'er and the child, I'll forgive you this time. If you take me as a gun officer next time, I'll let you and Martel. Duffin, company on the way to huangquan

Duke Weiss watched long Muchen slam the door. He didn't take a breath until his steps disappeared in his ears. His limbs collapsed to the ground.

After booking the air ticket, long Muchen immediately went back to his bedroom and reported the news with his wife.

"Dor, shall we go back to Shanghai on the first? When I get home, I'll leave everything in the company to he Bo, and then I'll stay at home with you to raise the baby. "

Heaven and earth are not as big as his daughter-in-law. Long Muchen's world is always full of money.

"Well, I've been in D country for more than half a month, and I miss my mother too ~"

QIAN Duoduo is comfortably lying on the sofa, looking at SpongeBob, with his head resting on long Muchen's leg and nodding.

The most important thing is that she is so afraid of the cold. These days, she is living in the manor, and she is bored to death.

Two years after the couple discussed the date of going back, the door of the bedroom was knocked.

"Sister dor, I heard from Duke Weiss that you will leave in two days?" Feng Mengmeng originally came to find money. Now when she saw that long Muchen was also in the bedroom, she stood at the door and did not dare to come in.

"Meng Meng, you are coming. Come in quickly. I have something to tell you." Qian Duoduo waved to Feng Mengmeng. She still likes this little sister very much.

Feng Mengmeng hesitated for a while, quietly took a look at long Muchen, found that the man was lowering his head to peel orange for his wife, and didn't pay much attention to her, so she walked to the sofa.

Just want to sit to Qian Duoduo's side, long Mu Chen miso of raise head, a sharp vision swept to shoot to come over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!