Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 1551

"Cut, don't eat... So delicious things, I'm afraid you'll rob me!"

However, although the words say so, Qian Duoduo ate two mouthfuls, still put down chopsticks, waiting for long Muchen to come back.

Who calls them husband and wife? We should share happiness together!

You see, how kind, how virtuous, how. overbearing!

Taking advantage of long Muchen's "refuge" in the bathroom, Qian Duoduo asks the waiter to buy the order first. As soon as he is ready to get up and go to the toilet to get him, he hears a mechanical conversation coming from the dining table behind him.

"Which university did you graduate from? Where do you work? " It's a middle-aged woman's voice, in pure English.

"I. I just graduated, and I'm still looking for a job." Girl's voice, with a touch of shyness, light, very nice.

"Do you know how to do housework, cook and take care of men? My son has been spoiled since he was a child. He was raised in the palm of his hand, and he can't suffer any injustice. " The middle-aged woman's voice rang again, with incomparable arrogance in her tone.

"I can only cook Chinese food." The little girl lowered her head.

From their conversation, Qian Duoduo recognized that the table behind him was on a blind date.

Her curiosity is heavy originally, erect ear, listen to eight trigrams at the same time, wait for long Mu Chen to come back at the same time.

When the middle-aged woman heard this, she sighed. In her expression, she was already very dissatisfied.

"No job? What about your family's financial conditions? "

This is the most important and realistic issue of blind date today.

"My parents are in Shanghai, China. They are old employees of state-owned enterprises, but they are approaching retirement age." The girl said, looking at the person across the frown, she quickly added: "but you can rest assured that my parents are retired pension people."

The implication is that my parents will not be your burden.

The little girl thought that such an answer would satisfy the other party. However, after hearing this, the middle-aged woman stood up from her chair and scolded a man beside the little girl.

"George, we've known each other for a long time. We trust you so much that we promise you to come and sit down. You should use this kind of woman to prevaricate my son. You know, we're Dafen's relatives. We're half aristocrats. It's insulting for you to find this kind of woman to have a blind date with my son!"

The middle-aged man named George, seeing that the woman was angry, quickly stood up and said, "don't be angry, Mrs. Duffin. Please listen to my explanation --"

"don't explain!"

George's words were general. A man beside Mrs. George interrupted.

He was wearing an expensive suit and a pair of gold glasses. Besides the suit, he was wearing a black mink coat. He looked like a man.

However, it was not as good as barking: "I'm Marty. Dafen is also a side branch of the royal family. Sitting here listening to you common people nagging for a long time is enough to give you face. This kind of women, who want to have no background, talent and appearance, but also want to climb up to our nobility? George, I think you're crazy about money, aren't you

As soon as the Chinese girl heard this, she was immediately aggrieved and asked, "Martel, even if you don't like me, it's my business. What's the relationship with my uncle? How can you insult us like this?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!